Največja modna platforma v Sloveniji

Trendi: Popusti in znižanja na Nakit nad 50%

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  • VUCH Cleo - S: 16-17 cm
    „Romantična zapestnica Cleo gre z roko v roki z nežnostjo. In prav nežnost je tista, ki lahko popolnoma poudari vašo naravno lepoto.“ Zapestnica vsebuje: Roževec: Sprostiti morate negativna čustva. Želite odpreti svoje srce prijateljem, družini ali novi ljubezni. Torej je ta zapestnica prava za vas ob tej priložnosti. Kakovostne kroglice Roževec Izviren Vuch obesek Kroglice so nanizane na kakovostno elastiko Brez zapenjanja ŽENSKI NARAVNI KAMNI KRISTALI So okrog nas. Samo dvignite glavo in glejte v nebo. Ali pa se potopite pod gladino morja in oceanov... Barve. Ves svet se vrti okoli barv. In barve se vrtijo okoli zapestnic z očarljivimi kroglicami, ki vam bodo zapletle glavo. Na roko si nataknite eno zapestnico in se odpravite na potovanje v pisani svet sanj.
  • VUCH Cleo
    „Romantična zapestnica Cleo gre z roko v roki z nežnostjo. In prav nežnost je tista, ki lahko popolnoma poudari vašo naravno lepoto.“ Zapestnica vsebuje: Roževec: Sprostiti morate negativna čustva. Želite odpreti svoje srce prijateljem, družini ali novi ljubezni. Torej je ta zapestnica prava za vas ob tej priložnosti. Kakovostne kroglice Roževec Izviren Vuch obesek Kroglice so nanizane na kakovostno elastiko Brez zapenjanja ŽENSKI NARAVNI KAMNI KRISTALI So okrog nas. Samo dvignite glavo in glejte v nebo. Ali pa se potopite pod gladino morja in oceanov... Barve. Ves svet se vrti okoli barv. In barve se vrtijo okoli zapestnic z očarljivimi kroglicami, ki vam bodo zapletle glavo. Na roko si nataknite eno zapestnico in se odpravite na potovanje v pisani svet sanj.
  • VUCH Infinity Rose Gold Uhani
    „Pravijo, da ne morete obljubljati zvezd z neba, a imamo nekaj z nočnega neba za vas. Nežni uhani, ki so okrašeni s simbolom same lune, postali bodo najlepši dodatek za romantično srečanje pod zvezdami.“ Kirurško jeklo Bleščeč kamen Klasično zapenjanje Dolžina 4 cm NAKIT „ Ali veste, kdaj ima ženska dovolj nakita? Nikoli! Zato je pravi čas, da pogledamo VUCH nakit. Na vprašanje, zakaj en kos nakita ni dovolj, poznamo tudi odgovor. Minimalističen videz našega nakita omogoča neskončne možnosti kombiniranja. Kaj vam je torej padlo v oči? “
  • VUCH Silver Shoony
    V grški kulturi metulj simbolizira dušo in njeno nesmrtnost. Srebro je simbol romantike in upanja. No, predstavljamo vam vaše upanje na nesmrtnost v enem majhnem obesku. Kirurško jeklo Obesek z motivom metulja En majhen kristal Dimenzije 20 x 20 mm OBESKI  Dodatki v obliki verižic, zapestnic, prstanov in uhanov dajo vsaki ženski piko na i in lahko še tako skromen outfit spremenijo v edinstven videz. Velika prednost obeskov je, da so pogosto vsem na očeh, zato jih lahko vsak dan občuduje vsak. Še več, zlahka jih spremenite glede na svoje razpoloženje, obleko ali priložnost. V Vuchu smo izdelali več motivov, oblik in barv, zdaj pa je odvisno od vas, kateri vam bo padel v oči in bo krasil vaš vrat.
  • VUCH Gold Teenie
    Šest drobnih lističev obkroža vašo roko na fini zlati zapestnici. Prilega se vsakemu zapestju, saj ima pametno zapenjanje, ki ga lahko prilagodite po potrebi. Če iščete mehak in decenten dodatek, bo Gold Teenie prava izbira. Kirurško jeklo Zapestnica z listi Klasično zapenjanje Nastavljiva velikost 150 + 30 mm Nakit „Ali veste, kdaj ima ženska dovolj nakita? Nikoli! Zato je pravi čas, da pogledamo VUCH nakit. Na vprašanje, zakaj en kos nakita ni dovolj, vemo tudi odgovor. Minimalističen videz našega nakita omogoča neskončne možnosti kombiniranja. Kaj vam je torej padlo v oči?“
  • VUCH Ray - L: 18 - 19 cm
    Če bi bile Xena, Valkyrie in Joan prijateljice, bi bila to njihova prijateljska zapestnica. Elegantna črna zapestnica Ray je bojevnica za vse ženske, ki jih bo zagotovo zaščitila. In če pride do resničnega boja, vam ni treba skrbeti, kakovostna guma, v katero je oblečena, vas ne bo izdala. Zapestnica vsebuje: Lava Stone: Ali potrebujete zaščito pred fizičnimi in duševnimi vplivi okolice? Če je tako, vam bo ta kamen pomagal. Rodonit: Rodonit je kamen ljubezni, ki vas vrže v čustveno ravnovesje in vzbuja občutke sreče.      • Kakovostne kroglice Lava Stone in Rodonita      • logotip VUCH      • Kroglice so nanizane na kvalitetno elastiko      • Brez zapenjanja Ženski naravni kamni kristali So okrog nas. Samo dvignite glavo in glejte v nebo. Ali pa se potopite pod gladino morja in oceanov... Barve. Ves svet se vrti okoli barv. In barve se vrtijo okoli zapestnic z očarljivimi kroglicami, ki vam bodo zapletle glavo. Na roko si nataknite eno zapestnico in se odpravite na potovanje v pisani svet sanj.
  • VUCH Ray - XS: 15 - 16 cm
    Če bi bile Xena, Valkyrie in Joan prijateljice, bi bila to njihova prijateljska zapestnica. Elegantna črna zapestnica Ray je bojevnica za vse ženske, ki jih bo zagotovo zaščitila. In če pride do resničnega boja, vam ni treba skrbeti, kakovostna guma, v katero je oblečena, vas ne bo izdala. Zapestnica vsebuje: Lava Stone: Ali potrebujete zaščito pred fizičnimi in duševnimi vplivi okolice? Če je tako, vam bo ta kamen pomagal. Rodonit: Rodonit je kamen ljubezni, ki vas vrže v čustveno ravnovesje in vzbuja občutke sreče.      • Kakovostne kroglice Lava Stone in Rodonita      • logotip VUCH      • Kroglice so nanizane na kvalitetno elastiko      • Brez zapenjanja Ženski naravni kamni kristali So okrog nas. Samo dvignite glavo in glejte v nebo. Ali pa se potopite pod gladino morja in oceanov... Barve. Ves svet se vrti okoli barv. In barve se vrtijo okoli zapestnic z očarljivimi kroglicami, ki vam bodo zapletle glavo. Na roko si nataknite eno zapestnico in se odpravite na potovanje v pisani svet sanj.
  • VUCH Ray
    Če bi bile Xena, Valkyrie in Joan prijateljice, bi bila to njihova prijateljska zapestnica. Elegantna črna zapestnica Ray je bojevnica za vse ženske, ki jih bo zagotovo zaščitila. In če pride do resničnega boja, vam ni treba skrbeti, kakovostna guma, v katero je oblečena, vas ne bo izdala. Zapestnica vsebuje: Lava Stone: Ali potrebujete zaščito pred fizičnimi in duševnimi vplivi okolice? Če je tako, vam bo ta kamen pomagal. Rodonit: Rodonit je kamen ljubezni, ki vas vrže v čustveno ravnovesje in vzbuja občutke sreče.      • Kakovostne kroglice Lava Stone in Rodonita      • logotip VUCH      • Kroglice so nanizane na kvalitetno elastiko      • Brez zapenjanja Ženski naravni kamni kristali So okrog nas. Samo dvignite glavo in glejte v nebo. Ali pa se potopite pod gladino morja in oceanov... Barve. Ves svet se vrti okoli barv. In barve se vrtijo okoli zapestnic z očarljivimi kroglicami, ki vam bodo zapletle glavo. Na roko si nataknite eno zapestnico in se odpravite na potovanje v pisani svet sanj.
  • VUCH Ray - S: 16 - 17 cm
    Če bi bile Xena, Valkyrie in Joan prijateljice, bi bila to njihova prijateljska zapestnica. Elegantna črna zapestnica Ray je bojevnica za vse ženske, ki jih bo zagotovo zaščitila. In če pride do resničnega boja, vam ni treba skrbeti, kakovostna guma, v katero je oblečena, vas ne bo izdala. Zapestnica vsebuje: Lava Stone: Ali potrebujete zaščito pred fizičnimi in duševnimi vplivi okolice? Če je tako, vam bo ta kamen pomagal. Rodonit: Rodonit je kamen ljubezni, ki vas vrže v čustveno ravnovesje in vzbuja občutke sreče.      • Kakovostne kroglice Lava Stone in Rodonita      • logotip VUCH      • Kroglice so nanizane na kvalitetno elastiko      • Brez zapenjanja Ženski naravni kamni kristali So okrog nas. Samo dvignite glavo in glejte v nebo. Ali pa se potopite pod gladino morja in oceanov... Barve. Ves svet se vrti okoli barv. In barve se vrtijo okoli zapestnic z očarljivimi kroglicami, ki vam bodo zapletle glavo. Na roko si nataknite eno zapestnico in se odpravite na potovanje v pisani svet sanj.
  • VUCH Ray - M: 17 - 18 cm
    Če bi bile Xena, Valkyrie in Joan prijateljice, bi bila to njihova prijateljska zapestnica. Elegantna črna zapestnica Ray je bojevnica za vse ženske, ki jih bo zagotovo zaščitila. In če pride do resničnega boja, vam ni treba skrbeti, kakovostna guma, v katero je oblečena, vas ne bo izdala. Zapestnica vsebuje: Lava Stone: Ali potrebujete zaščito pred fizičnimi in duševnimi vplivi okolice? Če je tako, vam bo ta kamen pomagal. Rodonit: Rodonit je kamen ljubezni, ki vas vrže v čustveno ravnovesje in vzbuja občutke sreče.      • Kakovostne kroglice Lava Stone in Rodonita      • logotip VUCH      • Kroglice so nanizane na kvalitetno elastiko      • Brez zapenjanja Ženski naravni kamni kristali So okrog nas. Samo dvignite glavo in glejte v nebo. Ali pa se potopite pod gladino morja in oceanov... Barve. Ves svet se vrti okoli barv. In barve se vrtijo okoli zapestnic z očarljivimi kroglicami, ki vam bodo zapletle glavo. Na roko si nataknite eno zapestnico in se odpravite na potovanje v pisani svet sanj.
  • Pink bracelet Yups dbi0419. R72
    Bracelet on a strap with tassel pinkInteresting, delicate bracelet made of a double strap decorated with rhinestones. A spectacular decoration is a small tassel. The model has a silver latch fastener. It has the possibility of adjustment. It will be a perfect complement to many stylizations.Total length - 22 cm.
  • Beads VUCH Abra
    "They say I'm as mysterious as the night sky. However, I have a good heart and magical powers! I will protect you from all the fear and danger that lurks in the streets!"The bracelet includes:Onyx: Do you need strength, do you want to protect yourself from everything negative? Then onyx is perfect for you. In addition, this stone can preserve all the memories you will experience with it. Quality Onyx BeadsVuch bead with crystals The beads are strung on high-quality rubber Without fastening
  • Women's bracelet VUCH
    Women's bracelet by VUCH.<br />- Real silver<br />- Jewellery with cubic zirconia<br />- Classic closure<br />- Variable dimensions 150 + 30 mm
  • Beads VUCH Doaa
    "Your hands have a lot of work to do every day. Do you agree that they deserve a reward? Reward them with a beaded Doaa bracelet that will suit them and that will surely win your heart."The bracelet includes:Amethyst: Are you stressed, do you have any health problems, do you need to feel balanced again? Then this stone is perfect for you.Quality Amethyst beadsVUCH Silver Bead with Crystal  The beads are strung on high-quality rubber Without fastening
  • Zodiac Golden Ankle Capricorn
    The double-breasted footmuff is stylized with the zodiac pendant in old italics and is a separate piece of jewelry. The chain links used are produced in different sizes, while the general size offers a length of 22 cm and 25 cm. For finer adjustments, a 3 cm long extension chain has been added. The material used is iron and stainless steel.
  • TubeBlet roy/ora
    The hipster TubeBelt in cool colours convinces as a special wristband. Length: 22 cm
  • VUCH Emery Gold Bracelet
    We'll put our hand in the fire for this painted heart. Stainless steel will surprise you with its shine and you will fall in love with the original design of the heart.Stainless steelBracelet with a heart motifClassic closureVariable size 150 + 30
  • Owl keychain silver
    Women's keychains have become one of the most popular fashion accessories that not only add charm, but also express individual style. These charming ornaments attached to keys or handbags have become an almost essential element of many women's wardrobes. Nowadays, women's keychains are no longer just a practical item that makes it easier to find keys. They become real fashion accents that emphasize our personality and style. They are available in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and materials, allowing them to be customized to individual preferences. In addition, keychains have also become popular gifts. They are a great choice for birthdays, Valentine's Day, or any other occasion when you want to give someone a small yet personal gift. Women's keychains are small accessories that have great power to bring joy and style to our everyday lives. Regardless of our preferences and hobbies, we are sure to find a pendant that perfectly reflects our personality and adds a unique glow to our look.Material:Metal
  • Bracelet Yups dbi0456. R24
    Bracelet on a red string with a three-dimensional flowerAdjustable bracelet on a red string decorated with a three-dimensional gold flower.
  • Earrings Yups dbi0443. R00
    Earrings 3-pack stars, bowsSet of 3 pairs of earrings
  • VUCH Timea
    „Ljudje naj bi imeli le nekaj sekund časa, da navdušijo okolico. Tako je tudi z nakitom. Če ne morete umakniti pogleda z zapestnice s kroglicami Timea, je to jasen signal, da si jo privoščite.“ Zapestnica vsebuje: Labradorit: Poravna fizično in eterično sfero telesa in oboje poveže z duhovnim ciljem, h kateremu gre. Poveča stopnjo dosežene zavesti in utemelji duhovno energijo v telesu. Kakovostne kroglice Labradorit Vuch logo Kroglice so nanizane na kakovostno elastiko Brez zapenjanja ŽENSKI NARAVNI KAMNI KRISTALI So okrog nas. Samo dvignite glavo in glejte v nebo. Ali pa se potopite pod gladino morja in oceanov... Barve. Ves svet se vrti okoli barv. In barve se vrtijo okoli zapestnic z očarljivimi kroglicami, ki vam bodo zapletle glavo. Na roko si nataknite eno zapestnico in se odpravite na potovanje v pisani svet sanj.
  • VUCH Timea - S: 16 - 17 cm
    „Ljudje naj bi imeli le nekaj sekund časa, da navdušijo okolico. Tako je tudi z nakitom. Če ne morete umakniti pogleda z zapestnice s kroglicami Timea, je to jasen signal, da si jo privoščite.“ Zapestnica vsebuje: Labradorit: Poravna fizično in eterično sfero telesa in oboje poveže z duhovnim ciljem, h kateremu gre. Poveča stopnjo dosežene zavesti in utemelji duhovno energijo v telesu. Kakovostne kroglice Labradorit Vuch logo Kroglice so nanizane na kakovostno elastiko Brez zapenjanja ŽENSKI NARAVNI KAMNI KRISTALI So okrog nas. Samo dvignite glavo in glejte v nebo. Ali pa se potopite pod gladino morja in oceanov... Barve. Ves svet se vrti okoli barv. In barve se vrtijo okoli zapestnic z očarljivimi kroglicami, ki vam bodo zapletle glavo. Na roko si nataknite eno zapestnico in se odpravite na potovanje v pisani svet sanj.
  • Women's ring Giorre
    Women's ring by Giorre.<br />- Heart ring, gold plated<br />- Heart size: 0,9 x 0,7 cm<br />- Size: adjustable, scope: 11-16
  • Verižica Giorre 33166
    Ogrlica s pištolo Beretta, pozlačena.<br /><br />Mere obeska: ~ 2,8 x 1,8 cm<br /><strong>Material</strong>: 100% srebro 925
  • Ženski uhani Giorre
    Asimetrični obročni uhani z biserom in križem, pozlačeni. Premer: ~2,5 cm
  • Ženska verižica Giorre
    Elegantna ženska ogrlica znamke Giorre.<br />- choker z belimi biseri Swarovski in srčkom<br />- pozlačeno<br />- velikost obeska: ~2,0 x 2,0 cm
  • Giorre Woman's Bracelet 21441
    Description:Flexible bracelet with white Swarovski pearls, charms base, platinum plated. Pearls diameter: 0,8 cm.
  • Earrings Giorre 36398
    Long chains earring gold plated.<br /><br />Size 12,5x 0,6 cm. Sterling silver 5,3 g<br /><strong>Material: </strong>100% Sterling silver 925
  • Giorre Woman's Ring 37289
    Description:Braided ring, XENIA x GIORRE, gold plated. Size: 2,5 x 2 cm (13 size). Sterling silver 5 g.
  • Giorre Woman's Necklace 35775
    Description: Number pendant – 0 with chain, platinum plated. Letter height: 1,9 cm.
  • Uhani Giorre 37294
    Okrogli obročasti uhani XENIA x GIORRE.<br /><br />- z zaponko<br />- platinasto<br />- srebro 3 g.<br /><br />Dimenzije: 1,8 x 0,7 cm<br /><strong>Material</strong>: 100% srebro 925
  • Plate necklace gold
    The Urban Classics necklace has thick and large chain links, as well as a center plate. The chain is 43 centimeters long and can be extended by five centimeters. It is made of iron.
  • Gold Diamond Bracelet
    The heavy bracelet combines the links of a supple chain with small glittering rhinestones. The material chosen is zinc, but gold-plated to give a more luxurious feel. An original bracelet with an authentic bling factor.
  • VUCH Kizia Gold Bracelet
    If it's a bracelet, let it sparkle properly. Do you have this philosophy too? Then you'll get along wonderfully with the Kizia bracelet. Steel in combination with cubic zirconia will suit your graceful hand, and whoever shakes it will not be able to resist amazement.Stainless steelBracelet decorated with a cubic zirconia flowerClassic closureVariable size
  • Bracelet VUCH Zotia Silver
    The olive branch has been a symbol of peace for centuries. And we're completely at peace with you decorating your wrist with it, because we're convinced that it will (un)really suit you. Stainless steel combined with cubic zirconia for extra sparkle.Stainless steelBracelet decorated with cubic zirconia petalsClassic closureVariable size
  • TRES AMIGOS WEAR Man's Bracelet Square
    Description:The flat links look good in both 18 karat yellow gold and platinum plated versions. The base material is nickel-free sterling silver. Each bracelet is decorated with a pendant bearing the Tres Amigos logo. The logo is placed on a pendant in the shape of a flat cube in black or cream color. It is a background that perfectly highlights the gold logo. Pendant: 1,5 x 1,5 cm, Chain: 0,5 cm braid.
  • White bracelet
    Bracelets have long been an essential element of fashion, adding charm and style to any outfit. Nowadays, bracelets are even more popular. In fashion, bracelets can be worn alone, creating a spectacular accent, or combined into sets that add character and expressiveness to our look. It is worth noting that bracelets are much more than just decoration. They can be worn as an expression of personal style, expressing our individuality and preferences. They can also be a symbolic gift to remind you of special moments and relationships that are important to us. Bracelets in fashion are not only jewelry, but also an expression of our personality, style, and the way we want to express ourselves. The bracelet is a great accessory to complement your style and add a unique glow.Material:Base Metal
  • Bracelet multicolored
    Bracelets have long been an essential element of fashion, adding charm and style to any outfit. Nowadays, bracelets are even more popular. In fashion, bracelets can be worn alone, creating a spectacular accent, or combined into sets that add character and expressiveness to our look. It is worth noting that bracelets are much more than just decoration. They can be worn as an expression of personal style, expressing our individuality and preferences. They can also be a symbolic gift to remind you of special moments and relationships that are important to us. Bracelets in fashion are not only jewelry, but also an expression of our personality, style, and the way we want to express ourselves. The bracelet is a great accessory to complement your style and add a unique glow.Material:Base Metal
  • Bee brooch white
    Women's brooch in the shape of a bee is a fashion accessory that adds style and character to any outfit. In recent years, we have seen an increase in interest in natural motifs in fashion and brooches in the shape of animals and plants are becoming increasingly popular. The bee-shaped brooch can be used to decorate an elegant dress, jacket or coat, but also to complement the glamour of everyday jeans and a T-shirt. Such an accessory will certainly attract attention and emphasize the individual style of the person wearing it. The brooches have a safety pin closure that can be easily attached to any clothing or accessory.Material:MetalDimensions:Height: 4 cmWidth: 5.5 cm
  • TRES AMIGOS WEAR Man's Bracelet Cord
    Description:The base of each bracelet is a jeweller's cord. It is decorated with elements made of sterling silver containing no nickel. It is plated with 18 karat gold or platinum. This allows you to choose the one that best suits your unique style. Dimensions of the bracelet: braid width: 0,7 cm.
  • Flower brooch 2 red
    Women's brooch in the shape of a flower is a beautiful and versatile accessory that has always been associated with femininity and softness. Floral motifs have always been popular in fashion and flower-shaped brooches add style and elegance to any outfit. A flower brooch can be used to decorate simple blouses, sweaters or dresses, as well as an addition to elegant dresses such as evening dresses or blazers. It is a classic accessory that never goes out of fashion and always adds charm to any outfit. The brooch has a pin clip that can be easily attached to any garment or accessory.Material:MetalDimensions:Height: 5.5 cmWidth: 5.5 cm
  • Brooch XZ459-191 Silver + Red
    The brooch, a small and delicate detail that has long been an essential element of jewelry, has recently become an extremely fashionable accent in the world of fashion. It's an extremely versatile and elegant accessory that can give each outfit a unique character. Today, brooches are not only an ornament, but also a way to express your style and personality. Brooches can be worn in many ways – on the collar of a shirt, on a coat, on a hat or even on a bag. They add charm and personality to every styling and at the same time are a small accent that does not overwhelm the whole. Whether you prefer a classic style or more avant-garde solutions, the brooch is the perfect addition to your wardrobe. It's a great opportunity to express yourself through fashion and add a personal touch to your outfit. Therefore, if you want to emphasize your style and add a touch of elegance to your wardrobe, reach for a brooch. This little accessory can make a really big difference and become your favorite piece in the fashion world. The brooch has a safety pin closure that can be easily attached to any clothing or accessory.Material:MetalDimensions:Height: 6 cmWidth: 5 cm
  • Brooch Bee A-2-21-9 red
    Women's brooch in the shape of a butterfly is a very fashionable and delicate accessory that will add charm and elegance to any styling. The butterfly is a symbol of transformation and transformation, and therefore the brooch in its shape can be an expression of individual style and personal development. The butterfly-shaped brooch is perfect as an addition to evening dresses, but also to everyday styling such as sweater cardigans or sundresses. It is a subtle accessory that will surely attract attention and underline the individual style of the wearer. The brooch has a safety pin closure that can be easily attached to any clothing or accessory.Material:Base metalDimensions:Height: 4.5 cmWidth: 4 cm
  • Earrings VUCH Resita
    Do you know the saying that someone is in love up to their ears? It was created on the basis of our Resita earrings. Well, maybe we exaggerated a little, but you and your ears are guaranteed to love these earrings. And it will be infinite love.Real silverJewellery with cubic zirconiaClassic closurePacked in gift box
  • Charming gold ankle
    This delicate ankle bag combines a thick curb chain with a filigree anchor chain, which is fitted with seven small circular medallions. The fashionable piece of jewellery is made of iron and zinc alloy and is available in two lengths: 22 cm or 25 cm, with a 3 cm long extension chain.
  • Pray Gold Ring Set
    The set includes three pieces of jewelry in different designs: a narrow ring, a slightly wider one, and a ring with a flat front "Pray". The ring set consists of an alloy of zinc and brass and is available in two different ring sizes: 57 S/M and 60 L/XL.
  • Keychain Silver Teddy Bear
    Women's keychains have become one of the most popular fashion accessories that not only add charm, but also express individual style. These charming ornaments attached to keys or handbags have become an almost essential element of many women's wardrobes. Nowadays, women's keychains are no longer just a practical item that makes it easier to find keys. They become real fashion accents that emphasize our personality and style. They are available in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and materials, allowing them to be customized to individual preferences. In addition, keychains have also become popular gifts. They are a great choice for birthdays, Valentine's Day, or any other occasion when you want to give someone a small yet personal gift. Women's keychains are small accessories that have great power to bring joy and style to our everyday lives. Regardless of our preferences and hobbies, we are sure to find a pendant that perfectly reflects our personality and adds a unique glow to our look.Material:Metal
  • Women's bracelet Kesi
    Gorgeous women's bracelet by Kesi.<br />- made of stainless steel<br />- slip-on<br />- adjust to the width of your wrist<br />- decorated with rhinestones imitating rhinestones
  • VUCH Emery Gold Earrings
    You will enjoy these fresh hearts. It's as if someone just drew them especially for you. So put them in your ears and set out to spread love to the world. You'll see how many people appreciate this unobtrusive design.Stainless steelSmall nuggets with heartsSize 1 cmClassic stud closure
  • Brooch XZ459-247 apricot
    Women's brooch in the shape of a flower is a beautiful and versatile accessory that has always been associated with femininity and softness. Floral motifs have always been popular in fashion and flower-shaped brooches add style and elegance to any outfit. A flower brooch can be used to decorate simple blouses, sweaters or dresses, as well as an addition to elegant dresses such as evening dresses or blazers. It is a classic accessory that never goes out of fashion and always adds charm to any outfit. The brooch has a pin clip that can be easily attached to any garment or accessory.Material:Base metalDimensions:Height: 6 cmWidth: 5 cm
  • Flower brooch 2 green
    Women's brooch in the shape of a flower is a beautiful and versatile accessory that has always been associated with femininity and softness. Floral motifs have always been popular in fashion and flower-shaped brooches add style and elegance to any outfit. A flower brooch can be used to decorate simple blouses, sweaters or dresses, as well as an addition to elegant dresses such as evening dresses or blazers. It is a classic accessory that never goes out of fashion and always adds charm to any outfit. The brooch has a pin clip that can be easily attached to any garment or accessory.Material:MetalDimensions:Height: 5.5 cmWidth: 5.5 cm
  • Brooch XZ459-247 black
    Women's brooch in the shape of a flower is a beautiful and versatile accessory that has always been associated with femininity and softness. Floral motifs have always been popular in fashion and flower-shaped brooches add style and elegance to any outfit. A flower brooch can be used to decorate simple blouses, sweaters or dresses, as well as an addition to elegant dresses such as evening dresses or blazers. It is a classic accessory that never goes out of fashion and always adds charm to any outfit. The brooch has a pin clip that can be easily attached to any garment or accessory.Material:Base metalDimensions:Height: 6 cmWidth: 5 cm
  • Earrings with enamel butterfly black
    Earrings with enamel butterfly blackGold earrings with a butterfly. Enameled. Fastened with a stick.
  • Gold earrings Yups dbi0440. R06
    Earrings set of 7 pairs different gold patternsEarrings in various patterns, smooth, with rhinestones, enameled. With motifs of animals, fairy tale characters. Fastened with a stick.
  • Yellow bracelet Yups dktf0367. R06
    Bracelet narrow stripe with rhinestones yellowElegant bracelet on a narrow strap decorated with small rhinestones. The decorative element is an effective magnetic fastener.Total length - 18 cm.
  • VUCH Cleo - L: 18-19 cm
    „Romantična zapestnica Cleo gre z roko v roki z nežnostjo. In prav nežnost je tista, ki lahko popolnoma poudari vašo naravno lepoto.“ Zapestnica vsebuje: Roževec: Sprostiti morate negativna čustva. Želite odpreti svoje srce prijateljem, družini ali novi ljubezni. Torej je ta zapestnica prava za vas ob tej priložnosti. Kakovostne kroglice Roževec Izviren Vuch obesek Kroglice so nanizane na kakovostno elastiko Brez zapenjanja ŽENSKI NARAVNI KAMNI KRISTALI So okrog nas. Samo dvignite glavo in glejte v nebo. Ali pa se potopite pod gladino morja in oceanov... Barve. Ves svet se vrti okoli barv. In barve se vrtijo okoli zapestnic z očarljivimi kroglicami, ki vam bodo zapletle glavo. Na roko si nataknite eno zapestnico in se odpravite na potovanje v pisani svet sanj.
  • VUCH Cleo - M: 17-18 cm
    „Romantična zapestnica Cleo gre z roko v roki z nežnostjo. In prav nežnost je tista, ki lahko popolnoma poudari vašo naravno lepoto.“ Zapestnica vsebuje: Roževec: Sprostiti morate negativna čustva. Želite odpreti svoje srce prijateljem, družini ali novi ljubezni. Torej je ta zapestnica prava za vas ob tej priložnosti. Kakovostne kroglice Roževec Izviren Vuch obesek Kroglice so nanizane na kakovostno elastiko Brez zapenjanja ŽENSKI NARAVNI KAMNI KRISTALI So okrog nas. Samo dvignite glavo in glejte v nebo. Ali pa se potopite pod gladino morja in oceanov... Barve. Ves svet se vrti okoli barv. In barve se vrtijo okoli zapestnic z očarljivimi kroglicami, ki vam bodo zapletle glavo. Na roko si nataknite eno zapestnico in se odpravite na potovanje v pisani svet sanj.
  • VUCH Cleo - XS: 15-16 cm
    „Romantična zapestnica Cleo gre z roko v roki z nežnostjo. In prav nežnost je tista, ki lahko popolnoma poudari vašo naravno lepoto.“ Zapestnica vsebuje: Roževec: Sprostiti morate negativna čustva. Želite odpreti svoje srce prijateljem, družini ali novi ljubezni. Torej je ta zapestnica prava za vas ob tej priložnosti. Kakovostne kroglice Roževec Izviren Vuch obesek Kroglice so nanizane na kakovostno elastiko Brez zapenjanja ŽENSKI NARAVNI KAMNI KRISTALI So okrog nas. Samo dvignite glavo in glejte v nebo. Ali pa se potopite pod gladino morja in oceanov... Barve. Ves svet se vrti okoli barv. In barve se vrtijo okoli zapestnic z očarljivimi kroglicami, ki vam bodo zapletle glavo. Na roko si nataknite eno zapestnico in se odpravite na potovanje v pisani svet sanj.
  • VUCH Timea - L: 18 - 19 cm
    „Ljudje naj bi imeli le nekaj sekund časa, da navdušijo okolico. Tako je tudi z nakitom. Če ne morete umakniti pogleda z zapestnice s kroglicami Timea, je to jasen signal, da si jo privoščite.“ Zapestnica vsebuje: Labradorit: Poravna fizično in eterično sfero telesa in oboje poveže z duhovnim ciljem, h kateremu gre. Poveča stopnjo dosežene zavesti in utemelji duhovno energijo v telesu. Kakovostne kroglice Labradorit Vuch logo Kroglice so nanizane na kakovostno elastiko Brez zapenjanja ŽENSKI NARAVNI KAMNI KRISTALI So okrog nas. Samo dvignite glavo in glejte v nebo. Ali pa se potopite pod gladino morja in oceanov... Barve. Ves svet se vrti okoli barv. In barve se vrtijo okoli zapestnic z očarljivimi kroglicami, ki vam bodo zapletle glavo. Na roko si nataknite eno zapestnico in se odpravite na potovanje v pisani svet sanj.
  • Giorre Woman's Earrings 31716
    Description:Sterling silver gold plated earrings, devils with Swarovski crystals. Earrings size: 1,2 x 0,8 cm
  • Women's earrings Giorre
    Women's earrings by Giorre.<br />- sterling silver platinum plated earrings<br />- devils with Swarovski crystals<br />- earrings size: 1,2 x 0,8 cm
  • Giorre Woman's Necklace 33663
    Description:Sterling silver platinum plated necklace, Cleopatra. Pendant size: ~2,7 x 1,1 cm
  • Giorre Man's Necklace 33712
    Description:Sterling silver gold plated necklace, dagger. Pendant size: ~2,8 x 1,5 cm
  • Ženska verižica Giorre Giorre_Necklace_34163_Silver
    Choker, verižica DNA, platinasto. Debelina verižice: ~0,3 cm<br />Dolžina (cm): 35+5<br /><br />Material: 100% srebro 925
  • Giorre Woman's Necklace 34471
    Description:Sterling silver platinum plated necklace, origami heart. Pendant size: ~3,0 x 2,1 cm
  • Giorre Woman's Pendant 33886
    Description:Sterling silver gold plated charms – dagger. Charms size: ~3,8 x 1,5 cm
  • Women's earrings Giorre
    Women's earrings by Giorre.<br />- Squirrel earrings, platinum plated<br />- Animal dimension: 0,8 x 0,7 cm
  • Women's earrings Giorre
    Women's earrings by Giorre.<br />- Chain earrings<br />- 3 mm Swarovski zirconia, gold plated
  • Giorre Woman's Ring 24581
    Description:Giorre knuckle ring, gold plated. Size: adjustable, scope: 11-16.
  • Giorre Woman's Bracelet 25106
    Description:Tennis bracelt with balls, rhodium plated. Ball diameter: 3 mm. Bracelet circuit: ~5 -7 cm
  • Giorre Woman's Earring 24689
    Description:Leaf earring, platinum plated. Earring size:~ 2,5 x 0,8 cm
  • Giorre Woman's Earrings 31904
    Description:Serotonin earrings, gold plated. Dimensions: 4,5 x 1,3 cm
  • Giorre Woman's Necklace 34453H
    Description:Pearls choker with your letter H, gold plated. Letter height: ~1,5 cm
  • Giorre Woman's Necklace 34453O
    Description:Pearls choker with your letter O, gold plated. Letter height: ~1,5 cm
  • Giorre Woman's Earrings 32201
    Description:Round hoop earrings 8 cm, platinum plated. Dimensions: ~8,2 x 0,2 cmMaterial: 100% Sterling silver 925
  • Giorre Woman's Ring 24127
    Description:Rivoli ring with 2 stones, gold plated. Stone diameter: 1,2 cm. Size: adjustable, scope: 11-16.
  • Giorre Woman's Earring 33482
    Description:Chain earring 6mm black diamond, platinum plated. Size: ~8,0 x 0,6 x 0,80 cm
  • Giorre Woman's Earrings 37827
    Description:Round earrings with round natural neon pink jade stones, gold plated. Earring size: 0,3x3 cm. Sterling silver 5 gram.
  • Giorre Woman's Necklace 37809
    Description:Molecular necklace dopamin with natural dark green jade stones, gold plated. Pendant size: 1,9x3,4 cm. Sterling silver 3 gram.
  • Giorre Woman's Necklace 378067
    Description:Molecular necklace dopamin with natural jade stones, gold plated. Pendant size: 2,6x3 cm. Sterling silver 3 gram.
  • Giorre Woman's Necklace 37811
    Description:Cross necklace with natural dark green jade stones, gold plated. Pendant size: 1,6x3 cm. Sterling silver 5 gram.
  • Giorre Woman's Bracelet 34236
    Description:Bracelet, hand made royal chain, gold plated. Chain thickness: ~0,5 cm
  • Women's bracelet Giorre
    Women's bracelet by Giorre.<br />- Bracelet charms base, with Swarovski white pearls, platinum plated<br />- Pearls diameter: ~0,6 cm
  • Giorre Woman's Bracelet 34811
    Description:Bracelet, charms base, platinum plated. Chain thickness: ~0,3 cm
  • Women's necklace Giorre
    Women's necklace by Giorre.<br />- Sterling silver platinum plated necklace, rectangle tube<br />- Pendant size: ~2,7 x 0,3 cm
  • Giorre Woman's Necklace 33664
    Description:Sterling silver gold plated necklace, Cleopatra. Pendant size: ~2,7 x 1,1 cm
  • Giorre Woman's Necklace 34807
    Description:Necklace charms base, platinum plated. Chain thickness: ~0,3 cm
  • Giorre Woman's Necklace 37844
    Description:Choker rectangular pendant with natural stones, gold plated. Pendant size: 0,6x1 cm/0,6x0,6 cm. Sterling silver 11 gram.
  • Ear rings Giorre
    Description: Round zirconia drop earrings, platinum plated. Size: diameter (zirconia): ~ 0,8 cm, length: ~ 2,5 cmMaterial: 100% Sterling silver 925
  • Women's necklace Giorre
    Women's necklace by Giorre.<br />- Necklace with Swarovski crystals, gold plated<br />- Size: 1,6 x 0,9 cm
  • Earrings Giorre
    Unisex earring by Giorre.<br />- earring 6 mm swarovski zirconia, platinum plated<br />- diameter (zirconia): ~ 0,6 cm
  • Women's earrings Giorre
    Women's earring sby Giorre.<br />- Rectangles earrings, platinum plated<br />- Size: 2,1 x 1,1 cm
  • Women's bracelet Giorre
    Women's  bracelet by Giorre.<br />- gold plated<br />- dimensions: ~0,5 x 1,7 cm
  • Women's necklace Giorre
    Women's necklace by Giorre.<br />- Sterling silver Mon Défi Necklace - Globe with plane, gold plated<br />- Pendant diameter: 1,7 cm, plane size: 1,2 x 1,3 cm
  • Gold necklace IY0046
    The necklace fits perfectly with both elegant and everyday style. An elegant accessory for any occasion, to dresses, sweaters and blouses.Parameters:Color: Gold.Material: Surgical steel.Overall length: 42.3 cmAdjustment length: 5cm
  • Ear rings Giorre
    Description: Sterling silver hoop earrings, gold plated. Earring diameter: 4 cm.
  • Giorre Woman's Necklace 32706
    Description:Sterling silver sun necklace, platinum plated. Pendant size: ~2,0 x 2,0 cm.

Nazadnje videno

Popusti 50%, Akcije, Razprodaje Nakit je ženskam mogoče najljubši modni dodatek. Nosimo ga, ker polepšuje modne kombinacije in daje kanček elegance in luksuza. Dober komad nakita bo dvignil vsako modno kombinacijo. Odvisno od priložnosti, izbiramo drugačne vrste in stile nakita, tako za poslovne prilike izbiramo bolj diskretne, a za vsakodnevna druženja in večerne zmenke bolj unikatne in posebne komade. Nakit je odličen način da izrazimo svoj osebni modni stil. Izbira vrst materialov, barv, dizajnov in stilov nakita je ogromen, lahko se poigramo z različnimi kombinacijami in izrazimo svoj stil in odstopamo od drugih. Pri nakitu je edino pomembno slediti pravilu - manj je več. Trik slavne Coco Chanel je bil, da se pred odhodom pogledate v ogledalo in odstranite en modni dodatek. Na ta način bodo komadi ki jih nosite, prišli do pravega izraza. Ogrlice, verižice, uhani, zapestnice, prstani, nakit za stopala, so samo neke od vrst nakita, ki jih lahko izbirate. Kadar temu dodamo vse možne materiale, zlate, srebrne, kovinske, biserne, steklene, pletiva in barve, izbira je zares pestra. Predlagamo, da nakit izbirate na dva načina. Z elegantnejšimi, klasičnimi, večnimi komadi kot so zlate in srebrne verižice in ogrlice, biserne zapestnice ali prstani z dragim kamenjem, vložite več. Takšne komade boste lahko nosili za skoraj vse priložnosti, zato naj bodo materiali in izdelava kvalitetni. Za trendi nakit ne zapravljajte preveč, ker se trendi menjajo. Rajši se vsako sezono sproščeno igrajte z različnimi stili in ne obremenjujte se s kvaliteto in dolgotrajnostjo nakita.


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