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Sončna očala za ženske

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  • VUCH Shelby
    ,,Sončna očala, ki privlačijo poglede? Pritegnite poglede iz svoje okolice z okroglimi sončnimi očali s črnimi okvirji, modrimi zrcalnimi stekli in napisom na ročkah "step out of the shade".“ Okrogel dizajn Očala so opremljena z zaščitno torbico in krpo 3, UV 400 Logo Vuch SONČNA OČALA  „Kaj gledate?" Če nosite nova očala VUCH, potem nismo presenečeni, da ste jih opazili. Nevarno zapeljiva očala z živalskim motivom, zabavna očala na pikice in neizogibna barvna očala pozirajo v vsem svojem sijaju. Pazite, okolica jih ne bo pustila z oči. Kaj pa vaše oči? Vaše oči bodo popolnoma presenečene."
  • VUCH Holly
    ,,Veste, kaj je super pri teh okroglih polariziranih sončnih očalih s črnimi okvirji in stekli? Ujemajo se z vsem in ustrezajo skoraj vsem. Resno! Sodijo v unisex dodatke, zato so narejeni tako za moške kot za ženske." Okrogel dizajn Očala so opremljena z zaščitno torbico in krpo 3, UV 400 Logo Vuch SONČNA OČALA  „Kaj gledate?" Če nosite nova očala VUCH, potem nismo presenečeni, da ste jih opazili. Nevarno zapeljiva očala z živalskim motivom, zabavna očala na pikice in neizogibna barvna očala pozirajo v vsem svojem sijaju. Pazite, okolica jih ne bo pustila z oči. Kaj pa vaše oči? Vaše oči bodo popolnoma presenečene."
  • VUCH Macy
    ,,Dokaz, da je modra res dobra, so okrogla unisex polarizirana sončna očala s črnimi okvirji in modrimi zrcalnimi stekli. Zakaj na svet gledati skozi modra očala? Izvedeli boste, ko si jih boste prvič nadeli." Okrogel dizajn Očala so opremljena z zaščitno torbico in krpo 3, UV 400 Logo Vuch SONČNA OČALA  „Kaj gledate?" Če nosite nova očala VUCH, potem nismo presenečeni, da ste jih opazili. Nevarno zapeljiva očala z živalskim motivom, zabavna očala na pikice in neizogibna barvna očala pozirajo v vsem svojem sijaju. Pazite, okolica jih ne bo pustila z oči. Kaj pa vaše oči? Vaše oči bodo popolnoma presenečene."
  • VUCH Tessa
    ,,Edinstvena v vseh podrobnostih. To so ženska sončna očala s prozornimi okvirji in roza stekli. Edinstvenost ni le barva, temveč tudi logotip VUCH in znak "step out of the shade" na ročkah." Okrogel dizajn Očala so opremljena z zaščitno torbico in krpo 3, UV 400 Logo Vuch SONČNA OČALA  „Kaj gledate?" Če nosite nova očala VUCH, potem nismo presenečeni, da ste jih opazili. Nevarno zapeljiva očala z živalskim motivom, zabavna očala na pikice in neizogibna barvna očala pozirajo v vsem svojem sijaju. Pazite, okolica jih ne bo pustila z oči. Kaj pa vaše oči? Vaše oči bodo popolnoma presenečene."
  • VUCH Sollary Black
    ,,Ali se strinjate, da bi morala biti elegantna sončna očala osnova vsakega outfita za sončen dan? Potem je dobro, da nekaj pogledate. Naša črna sončna očala bodo videti čudovito, ne glede na to, kaj vzamete s seboj!" Unisex Mat ročke CAT.3, UV 400 Logo Vuch  SONČNA OČALA  „Kaj gledate?" Če nosite nova očala VUCH, potem nismo presenečeni, da ste jih opazili. Nevarno zapeljiva očala z živalskim motivom, zabavna očala na pikice in neizogibna barvna očala pozirajo v vsem svojem sijaju. Pazite, okolica jih ne bo pustila z oči. Kaj pa vaše oči? Vaše oči bodo popolnoma presenečene."
  • VUCH Zaščitni etui Zala
    „Je rumena za vas sinonim za sonce, poletje in zabavo? V tem primeru boste zagotovo opazili živo rumen zaščitni etui Zala, katerega naloga je zaščititi vaša sončna očala, tako da so vedno kot nova in brez ene same praske.“ Zaščitni etui za očala Izvirno zapiranje Prijeten material Dimenzije 170 x 80 x 40 mm ZAŠČITNI ETUI "Idealen zaščitni etui za sončna očala. Prijeten material, ki v vaši torbici ne zavzame veliko prostora, vendar očala ščiti 100%."
  • VUCH Zaščitni etui Alva
    „Ona varujejo vas, vi njih! Ne dovolite, da se kaj zgodi z vašimi najljubšimi sončnimi očali, zaščitite jih pred poškodbami s pomočjo praktičnega in hkrati dizajnerska zaščitnega etuija Alva v elegantni črni barvi.“ Zaščitni etui za očala Izvirno zapiranje Prijeten material Dimenzije 170 x 80 x 40 mm ZAŠČITNI ETUI "Idealen zaščitni etui za sončna očala. Prijeten material, ki v vaši torbici ne zavzame veliko prostora, vendar očala ščiti 100%."
  • VUCH Zaščitni etui Shea
    „Čudovito je pogledati svet skozi rožnata sončna očala. Čudovito je tudi zaščititi očala s praktičnim dodatkom v obliki elegantnega zaščitnega etuija Shea. Lahko vam obljubimo, da se bodo vaša sončna očala zaljubila vanj.“ Zaščitni etui za očala Izvirno zapiranje Prijeten material Dimenzije 170 x 80 x 40 mm ZAŠČITNI ETUI "Idealen zaščitni etui za sončna očala. Prijeten material, ki v vaši torbici ne zavzame veliko prostora, vendar očala ščiti 100%."
  • VUCH Zaščitni etui Orah
    „Kaj lahko storite, da bodo vaša najljubša sončna očala videti kot nova? Zavijte jih v eleganten in praktičen mint zaščitni etui Orah.“ Zaščitni etui za očala Izvirno zapiranje Prijeten material Dimenzije 170 x 80 x 40 mm ZAŠČITNI ETUI "Idealen zaščitni etui za sončna očala. Prijeten material, ki v vaši torbici ne zavzame veliko prostora, vendar očala ščiti 100%."
  • VUCH Addis
    Poglejte mavrica! Tisti pisani lok, ki vsakemu nariše nasmeh na obrazu, toliko barv, ki povzročijo tisti edinstveni trenutek, ko jo zagledate. Vse to, zahvaljujoč mavričnim steklom, lahko doživite vsakič, ko si nadenete Addis. Okrogel dizajn Očala so opremljena z zaščitno torbico in krpo 3, UV 400 Logo Vuch SONČNA OČALA  „Kaj gledate?" Če nosite nova očala VUCH, potem nismo presenečeni, da ste jih opazili. Nevarno zapeljiva očala z živalskim motivom, zabavna očala na pikice in neizogibna barvna očala pozirajo v vsem svojem sijaju. Pazite, okolica jih ne bo pustila z oči. Kaj pa vaše oči? Vaše oči bodo popolnoma presenečene."
  • VUCH Juliane
    Ko sije sonce, si nadenite očala Julian, ki bodo zaščitila vaše oči. Med športom, na izletu ali ko sedete za volan, je ta eleganten dodatek popoln za vas. Modra očala 3, UV 400 Logo Vuch SONČNA OČALA  „Kaj gledate?" Če nosite nova očala VUCH, potem nismo presenečeni, da ste jih opazili. Nevarno zapeljiva očala z živalskim motivom, zabavna očala na pikice in neizogibna barvna očala pozirajo v vsem svojem sijaju. Pazite, okolica jih ne bo pustila z oči. Kaj pa vaše oči? Vaše oči bodo popolnoma presenečene."
  • VUCH Gotfred
    Polarizirana stekla očal Gotfred so jasna izbira za sončenje. Ko si jih enkrat nadenete, ne boste nikoli več želeli nositi drugih očal. Svet je skozi njih ostrejši, bolj izrazit, bolj barvit in svetlejši. Kakovostna polarizirana stekla CAT. 3, UV 400 Logo Vuch SONČNA OČALA „Kaj gledate?" Če nosite nova očala VUCH, potem nismo presenečeni, da ste jih opazili. Nevarno zapeljiva očala z živalskim motivom, zabavna očala na pikice in neizogibna barvna očala pozirajo v vsem svojem sijaju. Pazite, okolica jih ne bo pustila z oči. Kaj pa vaše oči? Vaše oči bodo popolnoma presenečene."
  • VUCH Hilarius
    Bambus se zelo lepo nosi, zato so očala Hilarius izdelana prav iz bambusovega lesa. Ta kul leseni dodatek ima še en velik bonus. Univerzalno obliko, ki se prilega vsaki glavi, ne glede na to ali ste ženska ali moški. Kakovostna polarizirana stekla Iz bambusovega lesa CAT. 3, UV 400 Logo Vuch SONČNA OČALA „Kaj gledate?" Če nosite nova očala VUCH, potem nismo presenečeni, da ste jih opazili. Nevarno zapeljiva očala z živalskim motivom, zabavna očala na pikice in neizogibna barvna očala pozirajo v vsem svojem sijaju. Pazite, okolica jih ne bo pustila z oči. Kaj pa vaše oči? Vaše oči bodo popolnoma presenečene."
  • VUCH Maurus
    Bambus je material prihodnosti. Hitro raste, je lahek in odporen na vodo. Zato ima naš Maurus okvir iz bambusa. Preprosto idealen naravni material za sončna očala, ki jih ne želite sneti niti med plavanjem. Unisex design Kakovostna polarizirana stekla Iz bambusovega lesa CAT. 3, UV 400 Logo Vuch SONČNA OČALA „Kaj gledate?" Če nosite nova očala VUCH, potem nismo presenečeni, da ste jih opazili. Nevarno zapeljiva očala z živalskim motivom, zabavna očala na pikice in neizogibna barvna očala pozirajo v vsem svojem sijaju. Pazite, okolica jih ne bo pustila z oči. Kaj pa vaše oči? Vaše oči bodo popolnoma presenečene."
  • VUCH Pontianus
    Okvirji iz bambusa se odlično podajo k zagorelemu obrazu. Ni pomembno, ali se odpravljate na vročo plažo, na pohod v gore ali v bar, kjer boste pili mrzle pijače. Nadenite si polarizirana očala Pontanius in postanite še bolj očarljivi. Unisex design Kakovostna polarizirana stekla Očala iz bambusovega lesa CAT. 3, UV 400 SONČNA OČALA „Kaj gledate?" Če nosite nova očala VUCH, potem nismo presenečeni, da ste jih opazili. Nevarno zapeljiva očala z živalskim motivom, zabavna očala na pikice in neizogibna barvna očala pozirajo v vsem svojem sijaju. Pazite, okolica jih ne bo pustila z oči. Kaj pa vaše oči? Vaše oči bodo popolnoma presenečene."
  • VUCH Trisha
    „Črni okvirji in črna stekla dajejo kovinskim polariziranim sončnim očalom pomemben odmerek elegance. In pike, ki krasijo sprednji del Trisha očal, jim dodajo dodaten pridih." Kvadraten oblika Majhen detajl na notranji strani ročk 3, UV 400 Logo Vuch SONČNA OČALA  „Kaj gledate?" Če nosite nova očala VUCH, potem nismo presenečeni, da ste jih opazili. Nevarno zapeljiva očala z živalskim motivom, zabavna očala na pikice in neizogibna barvna očala pozirajo v vsem svojem sijaju. Pazite, okolica jih ne bo pustila z oči. Kaj pa vaše oči? Vaše oči bodo popolnoma presenečene."
  • VUCH Ochranné pouzdro Row
    Poznate večno iskanje očal, ko jih imate na čelu ali v izrezu majice? Potem se počutite kot butec, ko jih najdete. S tem etuijem je zmešnjave konec, vedno boste vedeli, kje jih najdete. Vaša očala bodo v tem primeru, kot v hotelu s petimi zvezdicami, prostorno, udobno in varno pred ostrimi predmeti, ki bi vam lahko opraskali leče. Zaščitni etui za očala Glavno zapenjanje na zadrgo Prijeten material Dimenzije 80 x 160 x 50 mm ZAŠČITNI ETUI "Idealen zaščitni etui za sončna očala. Prijeten material, ki v vaši torbici ne zavzame veliko prostora, vendar očala ščiti 100%."
  • VUCH Moogly
    Ste tudi vi utrujeni od tega, da si vsakič nadenete očala in ugotovite, kje
  • Spokey RAMB swimming okuliare, silver
    Bet on a healthy lifestyle and start the change with Spokey products! Water sports are mainly associated with the holiday and summer period, when we spend time by the water or at the swimming pool. Diving allows us to get to know the richness of the underwater world, develops curiosity in children and teaches new abilities. Swimming is a year-round sport that can be practiced outdoors and indoors.Swimming #veSpokeyStyluSwimming is a sport that greatly affects our health and fitness. Due to the fact that it strengthens the muscles around the spine, it is often recommended to people who have been diagnosed with a body defect. It also helps from joint and spine pain.For swimming, it is enough just to buy a swimsuit. However, for your own convenience, we also recommend considering buying a bathing cap that protects the hair from the negative effects of chlorine. Thanks to the glasses, we avoid contact of the eyes with water and we can keep our eyes open even under water.Spokey Ramb swimming goggles were made for recreational swimmers.Combining the latest technology and the best qualityThe glasses were made of high-quality and lightweight polycarbonate with an Anti-Fog layer that protects against fogging. The glass has a UV solar control filter, thanks to which it is possible to use it outdoors in the sun.Thanks to the soft, silicone seal , the glasses adhere maximally to the face, which prevents water from entering the glasses.The glasses are made of durable and user-friendly materials. They come in a case that protects them from scratches during storage and transportation.The glasses have a double silicone strap for optimal tension distribution. Thanks to the convenient and especially easy adjustment of the strap, the glasses can be easily adjusted to the circumference of the head.RECOMMENDATIONThe use of glasses protects sensitive eyes from contact with water and allows observation under water.They are indispensable for people who have contact lenses that must not come into contact with the water in the pool.To ensure a longer shelf life of the product, rinse the glasses after each use under running water.Parameters:Glass: PolycarbonateFilter: UVCoating: Anti-Fog layer (fog protection)silicone sealStrap: double silicone thin strap, length control option
  • Spokey ERISK Swimming okuliare, silver
    Bet on a healthy lifestyle and start the change with Spokey products! Water sports are mainly associated with the holiday and summer period, when we spend time by the water or at the swimming pool. Diving allows us to get to know the richness of the underwater world, develops curiosity in children and teaches new abilities. Swimming is a year-round sport that can be practiced outdoors and indoors.Swimming #veSpokeyStyluSwimming is a sport that greatly affects our health and fitness. Due to the fact that it strengthens the muscles around the spine, it is often recommended to people who have been diagnosed with a body defect. It also helps from joint and spine pain.For swimming, it is enough just to buy a swimsuit. However, for your own convenience, we also recommend considering buying a bathing cap that protects the hair from the negative effects of chlorine. Thanks to the glasses, we avoid contact of the eyes with water and we can keep our eyes open even under water.Spokey Erisk swimming goggles were made for recreational swimmers.Combining the latest technology and the best qualityThe glasses were made of high-quality and lightweight polycarbonate with an Anti-Fog layer that protects against fogging. The glass has a UV solar control filter, which makes it possible to use it outdoors in the sun. The mirror surface improves visibility and reduces the influence of water reflections.Thanks to the soft, silicone seal , the glasses adhere maximally to the face, which prevents water from entering the glasses.The glasses are made of durable and user-friendly materials. They come in a case that protects them from scratches during storage and transportation.The glasses have a double silicone strap for optimal tension distribution. Thanks to the convenient and especially easy adjustment of the strap and the interchangeable beam, the glasses can be easily adjusted to the circumference of the head.RECOMMENDATIONThe use of glasses protects sensitive eyes from contact with water and allows observation under water.They are indispensable for people who have contact lenses that must not come into contact with the water in the pool.To ensure a longer shelf life of the product, rinse the glasses after each use under running water.Parameters:Glass: Polycarbonatemirror surfaceFilter: UVCoating: Anti-Fog layer (fog protection)silicone sealcheekpiece: Siliconebeams: interchangeable, 3 sizes S, M, LStrap: double silicone thin strap, length control option
  • Spokey SPARKI Swimming okuliare, clear, mirror glass
    SPOKEY SPARKI SWIMMING GOGGLES WITH TWO SILICONE STRAPSBet on a healthy lifestyle and start the change with Spokey products! Water sports are mainly associated with the holiday and summer period, when we spend time by the water or at the swimming pool. Diving allows us to get to know the richness of the underwater world, develops curiosity in children and teaches new abilities. Swimming is a year-round sport that can be practiced outdoors and indoors.Swimming #veSpokeyStyluSwimming is a sport that greatly affects our health and fitness. Due to the fact that it strengthens the muscles around the spine, it is often recommended to people who have been diagnosed with a body defect. It also helps from joint and spine pain.For swimming, it is enough just to buy a swimsuit. However, for your own convenience, we also recommend considering buying a bathing cap that protects the hair from the negative effects of chlorine. Thanks to the glasses, we avoid contact of the eyes with water and we can keep our eyes open even under water.The Spokey Sparki swimming goggles were made for recreational swimmers.Combining the latest technology and the best qualityThe mirror glass of the glasses was made of high-quality and lightweight polycarbonate with an Anti-Fog layer, protecting against fogging. The glass has a UV solar control filter, thanks to which it is possible to use it outdoors in the sun.Thanks to the soft, silicone seal , the glasses adhere maximally to the face, which prevents water from entering the glasses.The glasses are made of durable and user-friendly materials. They come in a case that protects them from scratches during storage and transportation.Spokey Sparki glasses are made to be easy to customize. That is why they have two silicone straps. Thanks to the convenient and especially easy adjustment of the strap and beam, the glasses can be easily adapted to the circumference of the head.RECOMMENDATIONThe use of glasses protects sensitive eyes from contact with water and allows observation under water.They are indispensable for people who have contact lenses that must not come into contact with the water in the pool.To ensure a longer shelf life of the product, rinse the glasses after each use under running water.Parameters:Glass: mirror, polycarbonateFilter: UVCoating: Anti-Fog layer (fog protection)silicone sealcheekpiece: Silicone3 beam sizesStrap: two silicone straps, length control option
  • Sunglasses July UC silver
    Elegant sunglasses with that certain fashion element – the teardrop-shaped glasses fit perfectly into the filigree metal frame, which passes over the nose in one neat movement to form a double bridge. The cool style is rounded off by the soft, straight metal sidewalls. The goggles are tinted and equipped with a UV filter of 400 category 3 sun protection.
  • Sunglasses Retro Funk UC grey leo/black
    Extravagant sunglasses – in shape and colour. They are characterized by spherical glasses with wide, low and straight temples. The design highlight is the consistent leopard pattern, which perfectly matches the color of the glasses. UV 400 and a category 3 filter offer uncompromising eye protection. Don't be wild.
  • Raja sunglasses with strap black/yellow
    As a striking accessory, these yellow-tinted sunglasses present themselves with a continuous dark frame. Pleasing features are a wide nose bridge and a straight top. The sunglasses include a case and a removable strap for wearing around the neck. The case cover is marked with the Urban Classics logo and offers a small drawstring fastening.
  • 113 Sunglasses UC brown leo/black
    Don't be a square, they said. Let them spend these fantastic sunglasses with their trendy shape, because they are just the thing! The glasses are not only characterized by an attractive angular shape, but are also tinted. On the dazzling plastic frame of the glasses, the temples have been slightly lowered. The powerful UV 400 filter offers reliable sun protection for the eyes.
  • Sunglasses December UC Gold
    Beautiful sunglasses for anyone with a sense of fashion. Their frameless tinted lenses are rectangular in shape and have UV 400 sun protection and a category 3 filter. The design is rounded off by extra-fine and thin metal temples that are low set and at the same time elegant bridge.
  • Spokey DOLPHIN Swimming rounds čierne
    Glass polycarbonate- silicone seals and double strip- adjustable plastic clips- UV filter- Anti-Fog surfaceBalnia: 144 pcs/carton
  • Brown Vans Dunville Women's Patterned Sunglasses - Women
    Model: DunvilleColor: brownPattern: animalType: solarGlass coloration: blackSpecification: UV400 sun protection Material: material 1 - 53% polycarbonate, 47% nickelmaterial 2 - 100% polycarbonateWash and maintenance: wipe with a dry cloth
  • Sunglasses Retro Funk UC Black/Grey
    Extravagant sunglasses – in shape and colour. They are characterized by spherical glasses with wide, low and straight temples. The design highlight is the consistent leopard pattern, which perfectly matches the color of the glasses. UV 400 and a category 3 filter offer uncompromising eye protection. Don't be wild.
  • Sunglasses Retro Funk UC brown leo/green
    Extravagant sunglasses – in shape and colour. They are characterized by spherical glasses with wide, low and straight temples. The design highlight is the consistent leopard pattern, which perfectly matches the color of the glasses. UV 400 and a category 3 filter offer uncompromising eye protection. Don't be wild.
  • 106 Sunglasses UC Black/Orange
    Sports sunglasses to support your plans. Rectangular glasses fit every eye and nose. The shade was perfectly matched to the color used and the pattern of the plastic frame. Medium-wide temples complete the style with a soothing touch. The goggles have been equipped with a category 3 UV 400 filter.
  • Sunglasses December UC Black
    Beautiful sunglasses for anyone with a sense of fashion. Their frameless tinted lenses are rectangular in shape and have UV 400 sun protection and a category 3 filter. The design is rounded off by extra-fine and thin metal temples that are low set and at the same time elegant bridge.
  • Cypress 3-Pack Sunglasses Black+Brown+Blue
    Because you can never have enough of Urban Classics sunglasses with a timeless design, these sunglasses are offered in a three-pack. Three different colour options make everyday styling easier. The circular lenses are housed in a circumferential, transparent frame with a curved topline. The frame is made of robust polycarbonate. The side panels are straight and narrow, and the lenses of the Urban Classics glasses are equipped with UV 400 protection.
  • Spokey GN TRIX Snorkel mask
    Snorkeling #veSpokeyStyluWithout specialized equipment, it can be difficult to admire the beauty of the underwater world and its magical flora and fauna. The masks were created specifically for lovers of underwater adventure! Thanks to them, snorkeling, a sport that consists of swimming on the surface of the water with a dipped face in the water and observing underwater life, will be even better!Even better visibility underwaterThe Spokey GN TRIX snorkelling mask is made of the highest quality materials that guarantee safety underwater and ensure long and satisfactory use. Its shape and cheekpieces are made of PVC, which easily and well adapts to the face. Large tempered glass increases the perspective and width of visibility under water.Spokey masks are made using the latest technologies. They are well sealed, which means that water will not get inside during diving. In the Spokey GN TRIX, the glass is made of tempered glass.Large glass guarantees very good visibilityFor complete convenience of use, it is advisable to follow the recommendations of specialists:It is important that the mask is ideally matched to the shape of the face. Therefore, first attach the mask to the face, and only then adjust its size with a controllable strap.To ensure a longer shelf life of the mask, rinse it thoroughly under running water after each use. After drying, store the mask in a cool place and protect from sunlight.And if you want your mask to still look like new after many uses, put it in lukewarm water and add lemon juice. Leave it in such prepared water for several hours. This will make the silicone, which may have changed its color in the meantime, look like new again!SPECIFIED:Recreational snorkelingParameters:Material: Tempered glass, Silicone, PVC, TPRsingle glass constructionstraps:length control option
  • Sunglasses Retro Funk UC brown leo/grey
    Extravagant sunglasses – in shape and colour. They are characterized by spherical glasses with wide, low and straight temples. The design highlight is the consistent leopard pattern, which perfectly matches the color of the glasses. UV 400 and a category 3 filter offer uncompromising eye protection. Don't be wild.
  • Sunglasses October UC Black/Yellow
    If you prefer contrasts to uniformity, these sunglasses will fit you well. They have a wide, dark plastic frame and fine straight metal temples. The rounded glass used is tinted in colour. In addition, they offer you reliable UV 400 sun protection and filter class 3.
  • Sunglasses October UC Black/Blue
    If you prefer contrasts to uniformity, these sunglasses will fit you well. They have a wide, dark plastic frame and fine straight metal temples. The rounded glass used is tinted in colour. In addition, they offer you reliable UV 400 sun protection and filter class 3.
  • Spokey TRIMP Swimming okuliare, pink glass
    Bet on a healthy lifestyle and start the change with Spokey products! Water sports are mainly associated with the holiday and summer period, when we spend time by the water or at the swimming pool. Diving allows us to get to know the richness of the underwater world, develops curiosity in children and teaches new abilities. Swimming is a year-round sport that can be practiced outdoors and indoors.Swimming #veSpokeyStyluSwimming is a sport that greatly affects our health and fitness. Due to the fact that it strengthens the muscles around the spine, it is often recommended to people who have been diagnosed with a body defect. It also helps from joint and spine pain.For swimming, it is enough just to buy a swimsuit. However, for your own convenience, we also recommend considering buying a bathing cap that protects the hair from the negative effects of chlorine. Thanks to the glasses, we avoid contact of the eyes with water and we can keep our eyes open even under water.Combining the latest technology and the best qualityThe glasses were made of high-quality and lightweight polycarbonate with an Anti-Fog layer that protects against fogging. The glass has a UV solar control filter, thanks to which it is possible to use it outdoors in the sun.Thanks to the soft, silicone seal , the glasses adhere maximally to the face, preventing water from entering the glasses.  Spokey Trimp glasses are made of durable and user-friendly materials. They come in a case that protects them from scratches during storage and transportation.The glasses have a double silicone strap for optimal tension distribution. Thanks to the convenient and especially easy adjustment of the strap, the glasses can be easily adjusted to the circumference of the head.RECOMMENDATIONThe use of glasses protects sensitive eyes from contact with water and allows observation under water.They are indispensable for people who have contact lenses that must not come into contact with the water in the pool.To ensure a longer shelf life of the product, rinse the glasses after each use under running water.Parameters:Glass: PolycarbonateFilter: UVCoating: Anti-Fog layer (fog protection)silicone sealcheekpiece: TPEStrap: double silicone thin strap, length control option
  • AQUA SPEED Kids's Full Face Diving Mask Spectra 2.0 Kid
    model: AQUA_SPEED_Full_Face_Diving_Mask_Spectra_2.0_Kid_Turquoise, color: 786448
  • GStwo groove shades amber
    The sunglasses "Groove Shades GStwo" from MSTRDS convinces with a classic design and hip colors. Choose your favorite combination to complete your cool style. The glasses are dark and have an SPF of 400.
  • Art Of Polo Woman's Sunglasses Ok14269
    model: Art_Of_Polo_Sunglasses_Ok14269_Black, color: 381037
  • Plavalna očala AQUA SPEED
    Plavalna očala AQUA SPEED Bora Blue<br />- Popolna za plavanje<br />- Nastavljiva dolžina
  • VUCH Orah goggle case
    "What can you do to keep your favorite sunglasses looking like new? Wrap them in a stylish and practical Orah protective case in mint colour."Protective case for glassesOriginal closingPleasant materialDimensions 170 x 80 x 40 mm
  • Ženska sončna očala VUCH
    Ženska sončna očala VUCH.<br />- Okrogla oblika CAT.3<br />- UV 400<br />- logotip Vuch
  • 113 Sunglasses UC Black/Black
    Don't be a square, they said. Let them spend these fantastic sunglasses with their trendy shape, because they are just the thing! The glasses are not only characterized by an attractive angular shape, but are also tinted. On the dazzling plastic frame of the glasses, the temples have been slightly lowered. The powerful UV 400 filter offers reliable sun protection for the eyes.
  • 101 Sunglasses UC brown leo/black
    Sunglasses with a striking look for all true sun lovers. The great goggles come with a wide bridge that connects the two glasses in a straight line and a square, wide plastic frame. The powerful look is rounded off by the wide, low-set sides. To ensure proper sun protection for their eyes, their tinted lenses have been equipped with a UV 400 category 3 filter.
  • 108 Sunglasses UC neonyellow/black
    This casual eyepiece model will bring joy and shine to your life. The trendy colour of the plastic frame perfectly matches the dark shade of the rounded glasses. The sunglasses are equipped with UV 400 category 3 sun protection. The straight temples skillfully round off a successful design.
  • Sunglasses Retro Funk UC Black/Green
    Extravagant sunglasses – in shape and colour. They are characterized by spherical glasses with wide, low and straight temples. The design highlight is the consistent leopard pattern, which perfectly matches the color of the glasses. UV 400 and a category 3 filter offer uncompromising eye protection. Don't be wild.
  • Sunglasses Mumbo Mirror UC Silver/Orange
    These aviation-style sunglasses show a very casual attitude. Their slim metal frame and soft, low-hanging sides, as well as a comfortable double bridge, guarantee an authentic look. Of course, you will also benefit from classic teardrop and extra-mirror aviator goggles tinted in perfectly adjusted colors. They also have UV 400 protection (filter category 3). Elegant glasses that perfectly complement your street wearing style.
  • 108 Sunglasses UC neonorange/black
    This casual eyepiece model will bring joy and shine to your life. The trendy colour of the plastic frame perfectly matches the dark shade of the rounded glasses. The sunglasses are equipped with UV 400 category 3 sun protection. The straight temples skillfully round off a successful design.
  • Sunglasses Mumbo Mirror UC silver/purple
    These aviation-style sunglasses show a very casual attitude. Their slim metal frame and soft, low-hanging sides, as well as a comfortable double bridge, guarantee an authentic look. Of course, you will also benefit from classic teardrop and extra-mirror aviator goggles tinted in perfectly adjusted colors. They also have UV 400 protection (filter category 3). Elegant glasses that perfectly complement your street wearing style.
  • Sunglasses Retro Funk UC brown leo/rosé
    Extravagant sunglasses – in shape and colour. They are characterized by spherical glasses with wide, low and straight temples. The design highlight is the consistent leopard pattern, which perfectly matches the color of the glasses. UV 400 and a category 3 filter offer uncompromising eye protection. Don't be wild.
  • 106 Sunglasses UC Black/Silver
    Sports sunglasses to support your plans. Rectangular glasses fit every eye and nose. The shade was perfectly matched to the color used and the pattern of the plastic frame. Medium-wide temples complete the style with a soothing touch. The goggles have been equipped with a category 3 UV 400 filter.
  • 101 Sunglasses UC grey leo/black
    Sunglasses with a striking look for all true sun lovers. The great goggles come with a wide bridge that connects the two glasses in a straight line and a square, wide plastic frame. The powerful look is rounded off by the wide, low-set sides. To ensure proper sun protection for their eyes, their tinted lenses have been equipped with a UV 400 category 3 filter.
  • 113 Sunglasses UC grey leo/black
    Don't be a square, they said. Let them spend these fantastic sunglasses with their trendy shape, because they are just the thing! The glasses are not only characterized by an attractive angular shape, but are also tinted. On the dazzling plastic frame of the glasses, the temples have been slightly lowered. The powerful UV 400 filter offers reliable sun protection for the eyes.
  • Sports glasses HUSKY Stave white
    Unisex sports sunglasses with dyed lenses that are suitable for year-round all-round use.
  • Women’s sunglasses Art of Polo ok19180
    Women's sunglasses<br />Material: 100% metal
  • Spokey BOMBI BOY Junior snorkelling set mask+snorkel
    Junior Snorkeling Set - Mask + Spokey BOMBI BOY SnorkelSnorkeling #veSpokeyStyluWithout specialized equipment, it can be difficult to admire the beauty of the underwater world and its magical flora and fauna. Snorkeling sets have been created specifically for lovers of underwater adventure! Thanks to them, snorkeling, a sport that consists of swimming on the surface of the water with a dipped face in the water and observing underwater life, will be even better!Mask provides even better visibilityJuniros mask Spokey BOMBI BOY is made of the highest quality materials that guarantee safety under water and ensure long and satisfactory use. Its shape adapts easily and well to the face. The large glass increases the perspective and width of visibility under water.Spokey masks are made using the latest technologies. They are well sealed, which means that water does not get inside during diving and the use of the mask is really safe!Snorkel allows comfortable breathing under waterThe Spokey BOMBI BOY snorkelling snorkelling snorkel is the best choice: it is made so that water does not get inside. This snorkel is the ideal choice for both beginners and advanced snorkelling enthusiasts. Designed for comfortable and easy breathing while snorkeling. In addition, it has a clip for attachment to the mask. The snorkel is made of the highest quality materials that ensure long and satisfactory use.The bold colors of the set will make every user visible, it will be visible even from a distanceFor complete convenience of use, it is advisable to follow the recommendations of specialists:It is important that the mask is ideally matched to the shape of the face. Therefore, first attach the mask to the face, and only then adjust its size with a controllable strap.To ensure a longer shelf life of the mask, rinse it thoroughly under running water after each use. After drying, store the mask in a cool place and protect from sunlight.And if you want your mask to still look like new after many uses, put it in lukewarm water and add lemon juice. Leave it in such prepared water for several hours. This will make the silicone, which may have changed its color in the meantime, look like new again!SPECIFIED:Recreational snorkeling, juniorParameters:mask:Glass & Frame: PCcheekpiece: PVCstrip: PVC, length controlsnorkel:mouthpiece: PVCTube: PVCclip (possibility to attach to the mask)
  • Spokey TAXO Children's swimming okuliary
    Bet on a healthy lifestyle and start the change with Spokey products! Water sports are mainly associated with the holiday period and summer, when we spend time by the water or at the swimming pool. Diving allows us to discover the richness of the underwater world, develops children's curiosity and teaches new abilities. Swimming is a year-round sport that can be practiced both outdoors and indoors.Swimming #veSpokeyStyluSwimming is a sport that greatly affects our health and fitness. Due to the fact that it strengthens the muscles around the spine, it is often recommended for people who have been diagnosed with a physical defect. It also helps with joint and spine pain.For swimming, you only need to buy a swimsuit. However, for your own comfort, we also recommend that you consider buying a bathing cap that protects your hair from the negative effects of chlorine. Thanks to glasses, we prevent eye contact with water and we can keep our eyes open even under water.Spokey Taxo swimming goggles were made for children and juniors who are starting with swimming.Combining the latest technology and the best qualityThe glasses were made of high-quality and lightweight polycarbonate with an Anti-Fog layer to protect against fogging. The lenses have a sun-proof UV filter, which makes it possible to use it outdoors in the sun.Thanks to the soft, silicone seal , the glasses adhere to the face to the maximum, which prevents water from entering the glasses.The glasses are made of durable and user-friendly materials. They come in a case that protects them from scratches during storage and transportation.Spokey Taxo are made for the smallest swimmers to make their water adventures even more interesting. Thanks to the convenient and especially easy adjustment of the silicone strap, the glasses can be easily adjusted to the circumference of the head. RECOMMENDATIONThe use of glasses protects sensitive eyes from contact with water and allows underwater observation.They are indispensable for people who wear contact lenses that must not come into contact with the water in the pool.To ensure longer shelf life of the product, rinse the glasses under running water after each use.Parameters:Glass: PolycarbonateFilter: UVCover: Anti-Fog coating (anti-fog protection)silicone gasketCheekpiece: SiliconeStrap: two silicone straps, adjustable length
  • AQUA SPEED Kids's Full Face Diving Mask Drift Pattern 01
    Description: Designed to admire the underwater world from the surface of the water and shallow depths. The modern DRIFT snorkeling mask is the best solution for people who want to enjoy its beauty, especially those for whom the traditional solution with a classic mask and a pipe is inconvenient or too complicated to use. The DRIFT mask guarantees a wide, 180° field of view, free air exchange without the need to hold the mouthpiece in your mouth and, thanks to the soft collar, convenience of use.
  • Spokey TENH Snorkeling mask
    Spokey TENH snorkeling mask with unique teardrop-shaped lenses – their shape increases the viewing angle both horizontally and vertically!Snorkeling #veSpokeyStyluWithout specialized equipment, it can be difficult to admire the beauty of the underwater world and its magical flora and fauna. The masks were created especially for lovers of underwater adventure! Thanks to them, snorkeling, a sport that consists of swimming on the surface of the water with your face immersed in the water and observing underwater life, will be even better!Even better underwater visibilityThe Spokey TENH snorkeling mask is made of the highest quality materials that guarantee underwater safety and ensure long and satisfactory use. Its shape and cheekpiece with strap are made of black silicone, which easily and well adapts to your face. Two glasses made of tempered TG glass increase horizontal and vertical perspective and the width of the view underwater. The black color of the mask ensures that the silicone does not turn yellow over timeSpokey masks are made using the latest technologies. They are well sealed, which means that water does not get inside during diving. In the Spokey TENH model , the glass is made of tempered TG glass, the PC frame and the cheekpiece with a strap of silicone. Thanks to the use of this combination of materials, the use of the mask is  really safe!Two large teardrop-shaped lenses enlarge the perspective of the viewFor complete convenience of use, it is advisable to follow the recommendations of specialists:It is important that the mask is ideally matched to the shape of the face. Therefore, first apply the mask to the face, and only then adjust its size with an adjustable strap.To ensure a longer shelf life of the mask, rinse it thoroughly under running water after each use. After drying, store the mask in a cool place and protect from sunlight.SPECIFIED:Recreational snorkelingParameters:Frame: PCglass: tempered TGCheekpiece and strap: black siliconeStrap: possibility of length adjustmentThe teardrop-shaped structure of the mask ensures a large viewing angle (both vertical and horizontal)
  • Spokey BOJKO Junior snorkeling set: mask, snorkel and plutvy, veľ. M (32/35)
    Junior Snorkeling Kit – Mask + Snorkel + Fins Spokey BOJKOSnorkeling #veSpokeyStyluWithout specialized equipment, it can be difficult to admire the beauty of the underwater world and its magical flora and fauna. Snorkeling sets have been created especially for lovers of underwater adventure! Thanks to them, snorkeling, a sport that consists of swimming on the surface of the water with your face immersed in the water and observing underwater life, will be even better!The mask provides even better visibilitySpokey BOJKO snorkeling mask is made of the highest quality materials that guarantee safety underwater and ensure long and satisfactory use. Its shape adapts easily and well to the face. Large glass increases the perspective and width of visibility underwater. Spokey masks are made using the latest technologies. They are well sealed, which means that water does not get in during diving and it is really safe to use the mask!Snorkel allows comfortable breathing underwaterThe Spokey BOYKO snorkel snorkel is the best choice: it is made so that water does not get inside. This snorkel is an ideal choice for both beginners and advanced snorkelers .  Designed for comfortable and easy breathing during snorkeling. In addition, it has a clip for attaching to the mask. The snorkel is made of the highest quality materials that ensure long and satisfactory use.Perfect diving technique thanks to finsSwimming with fins strengthens the leg muscles, improves speed and swimming technique. Thanks to the excellent construction of the Spokey BOJKO fins , you will avoid unnecessary water resistance in the water. They guarantee stability and comfort, plus correct technical deficiencies during snorkeling. They are a great choice for any snorkeling lover.The ability to adjust the fins allows you to adjust your foot size, providing comfort during swimming.For complete convenience of use, it is advisable to follow the recommendations of specialists:It is important that the mask is ideally matched to the shape of the face. Therefore, first apply the mask to the face, and only then adjust its size with an adjustable strap.To ensure a longer shelf life of the mask, rinse it thoroughly under running water after each use. After drying, store the mask in a cool place and protect from sunlight.And if you want your mask to still look like new after many uses, put it in lukewarm water and add lemon juice. Leave it in the water prepared in this way for several hours. Thanks to this, silicone, which may have changed its color in the meantime, will look like new again!SPECIFIED:Recreational snorkeling, juniorsParameters:mask:glass and frame: PCCheekpiece: PVCStrap: PVC, length adjustablesnorkel:Mouthpiece: PVCTube: PVCbuckle (possibility of attaching to the mask)fins:Material: PVCAdjustable size: 32–35
  • Glasses VUCH Brigida Blue
    Brigida sunglasses are a unique combination of design and functionality. The black frame in combination with the blue lens will be really effective on your nose. In addition, the round shape and cat-like half-frames are a great choice if you have a square or oval face shape.Round designBlue Mirror GlassCAT.3, UV 400 – I draw from other models
  • AQUA SPEED Unisex's Full Face Diving Mask Spectra 2.0 Pattern 2
    Description: Created for admiring the underwater world from the surface of the water and shallow depths. The modern DRIFT snorkelling mask is the best solution for those who want to admire its beauty, especially those who find the traditional solution with a classic mask and snorkel uncomfortable or too complicated to use. The DRIFT mask guarantees a wide 18O° field of vision, free air exchange without the need to hold the mouthpiece in the mouth and, thanks to the soft collar, comfortable use.
  • AQUA SPEED Unisex's Swimming Goggles Vortex Mirror&Case Pattern 51
    Description: VORTEX MIRROR are ultra-modern mirrored swimming goggles that fit perfectly to the face, for those who appreciate great design and top quality. The goggles have metallised, UV and impact resistant polycarbonate lenses. Their optical design, combined with Anti Fog coating, provide a panoramic field of vision to the front and sides and a reduction in glare. Another important feature of the goggles is the large, comfortable, one-piece soft TPE gasket made with ultraFUSE technology. The rear buckle adjusting the straps is equipped with the quickFIT system for an instant goggle adjustment. VORTEX MIRROR are swimming goggles recommended for long training sessions in the pool as well as open water swimming.
  • AQUA SPEED Unisex's Swimming Goggles Vortex Mirror&Case Pattern 79
    Description: VORTEX MIRROR are ultra-modern mirrored swimming goggles that fit perfectly to the face, for those who appreciate great design and top quality. The goggles have metallised, UV and impact resistant polycarbonate lenses. Their optical design, combined with Anti Fog coating, provide a panoramic field of vision to the front and sides and a reduction in glare. Another important feature of the goggles is the large, comfortable, one-piece soft TPE gasket made with ultraFUSE technology. The rear buckle adjusting the straps is equipped with the quickFIT system for an instant goggle adjustment. VORTEX MIRROR are swimming goggles recommended for long training sessions in the pool as well as open water swimming.
  • Glasses VUCH Tenby Black
    Have you always wanted glasses, but you just have sharp eyesight and no prescriptions? Tenby glasses will suit you and help you stay that way. This is because they have lenses that filter out harmful ultraviolet and blue-violet light and some of the blue light. Silver metal and black half-rims will suit both you and your more masculine half.Transparent slides that block some of the blue lightNon-prescription glassesThey will help you work on your mobile phone, computer and watch TV
  • AQUA SPEED Kids's Swimming Goggles Amari Pattern 45
    Description: AMARI single-lens goggles are designed for younger users. Their lenses are connected to each other by a flexible, durable nose bridge. The gaskets and double strap are made of high-quality silicone to guarantee comfortable use. Additionally, AMARI goggles use a convenient Easy Clip strap length adjustment system. Thanks to this, AMARI goggles will adjust to faces of different builds. The lenses of AMARI goggles are equipped with a UV filter and a non-fogging Anti-Fog coating. Designed for the age group of 2-5 years.

Nazadnje videno

Sončna očala za ženske - Sončna očala so mogoče najpomembnejši poletni modni dodatek, pa tudi čez celo leto. UV zaščita ni pomembna samo za kožo temveč tudi za oči. Sončna očala so tudi lahko z dioptrijo ali brez ter polarizirana. Kako izbrati dobra sončna očala? Za začetek pazite, da imajo sončna očala dobro UV zaščito. Izpostavljanje UV žarkom ima lahko neželene zdravstvene posledice. Poiščite sončna očala, ki imajo UVA od 99 % in UVB zaščito od vsaj 95 %. Prav tako je pri zaščiti od sonca pomembna velikost samih okvirjev. Preverite koliko lahko vidite okoli sončnih očal, če prepuščajo sonce od zgoraj ali ob straneh. Če boste sončna očala nosili za časa športnih ali podobnih dejavnosti pazite, da očala dobro pristajajo na nos in da se dobro držijo na vašem obrazu. Če jih boste nosili pri dejavnostih na vodi je obvezno, da so polarizirane, dale bodo večjo zaščito očem. Kar se tiče samega modela sončnih očal je najboljše, da jih izberete po obliki vašega obraza. Osebe z ovalnim obrazom lahko nosijo večino modelov, samo pazite, da širina očal ni večja od širine vašega obraza. Osebe z okroglim obrazom naj izberejo pravokotna očala, ker bodo koti prinesli ravnotežo obrazu. Za podolgovato obliko obraza so večji modeli sončnih očal, na primer retro modeli. Po izbiri modela lahko izberete tudi barvo stekel. Čeprav bodo različne barve stekel sončnih očal super način izražanja vašega modnega stila bodite pozorni, ker bi barva in kontrasti okolja lahko drugače izgledali, odvisno od barve stekel, ki jo izberete.


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