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Torbe in denarnice

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  • VUCH Neliss Brown
    Crossbody torbica, ki bo izpolnila tudi največja pričakovanja. To je naša Neliss Brown, ki ustreza vašim potrebam, če nosite v torbici vse življenje. Tukaj lahko svoje stvari organizirate tudi v več notranjih in zunanjih žepov. Notranji predali Ena največjih crossbody torbic Zapenjanje z zadrgo En stranski predal z zapenjanjem SENSE KOLEKCIJA  „Že vemo, da imate super moč! To je vaš sedmi čut, ki vam omogoča, da izsledite najbolj vroče modne kose. Trenutno vas je pripeljal do naših torbic iz kolekcije Sense. Če jih pogledate, boste potrdili, da vas notranja modna navigacija zagotovo ni razočarala, kajne?“
  • VUCH Pippa Violet
    Želite malo drugačne pike? Potem imamo za vas nekaj dodatnega v mini paketu. Odkrili jih boste zaradi subtilnih izrezov. In pozor - Pippa Violet je majhna, a priročna! Kovanci, bankovci, računi in celo fotografije. Ali ni to mogoče? No, prepričajte se sami. Zapenjanje z gumbom Ločen žep za kovance Predal za fotografije Prostoren žep za bankovce   MAJHNE DENARNICE Kar je majhno, je lepo in tudi praktično. Seznam teh funkcij je prilagojen za majhne denarnice. Vanje lahko spravite vse osnovne potrebščine, brez katerih preprosto ne morete zapustiti hiše. Poleg tega prihrani prostor v torbici. Udobno se bodo prilegale v vsako vašo torbico. Če ste torej odločeni, da morate imeti prav takšno denarnico, potem si oglejte našo veliko izbiro majhnih denarnic. So majhne a zelo praktične.
  • VUCH Pippa Apricot
    Želite malo drugačne pike? Potem imamo za vas nekaj dodatnega v mini paketu. Odkrili jih boste zaradi subtilnih izrezov. In pozor - Pippa Apricot je majhna, a priročna! Kovanci, bankovci, računi in celo fotografije. Ali ni to mogoče? No, prepričajte se sami. Zapenjanje z gumbom Ločen žep za kovance Predal za fotografije Prostoren žep za bankovce MAJHNE DENARNICE Kar je majhno, je lepo in tudi praktično. Seznam teh funkcij je prilagojen za majhne denarnice. Vanje lahko spravite vse osnovne potrebščine, brez katerih preprosto ne morete zapustiti hiše. Poleg tega prihrani prostor v torbici. Udobno se bodo prilegale v vsako vašo torbico. Če ste torej odločeni, da morate imeti prav takšno denarnico, potem si oglejte našo veliko izbiro majhnih denarnic. So majhne a zelo praktične.
  • VUCH Axeta Wine
    V naši ponudbi boste našli nekaj denarnic s pikami. Žal si nismo mogli pomagati. V tem primeru smo združili dve naši uspešnici s pikami, zato je ta lepotica elegantna in hkrati igriva. Če ste na preži, ali ste dovolj odrasli za dolgočasno denarnico, boste s tem partnerjem prava dama. Zapenjanje z gumbom Žep z zadrgo za kovance Predal za fotografije Prostoren žep za bankovce Pikčaste denarnice  Igrive, živahne in nenavadne. To so glavne značilnosti pikic. Kaj je njihovo glavno poslanstvo? Popestriti vsak vaš dan! Vse kar morate storiti je, da izberete tisto, ki vam je najbolj všeč in ji zaupate vse svoje dragocenosti. Nato jih bo varovala kot oko (piko) v glavi.
  • VUCH Angie
    „No, povejte, katera barva vam lahko polepša dan bolj kot rumena? Kadarkoli pogledate denarnico Angie, se boste spomnili lepih trenutkov v zlatih sončnih odtenkih. Resno." Dvojni predal za kovance z zadrgo Dva prostorna predala za bankovce Zunanji predal z zadrgo Vuch kartica - identifikacija v primeru izgube denarnice DENARNICE Z ZADRGO „Ali je pomemben dejavnik pri izbiri denarnice varno shranjevanje vaših dragocenosti? Če ste odgovorili da, berite naprej. Moramo vam povedati, da imajo denarnice z zadrgo prav to lastnost. Prav tako vam moramo povedati, da ste na pravi strani. Tukaj jih imamo veliko. Zato ne oklevajte in poiščite svojo novo prijateljico, ki vam lahko dokaže, da govorimo resnico.“
  • VUCH Tyrees Black
    Ta nahrbtnik ima veliko pozitivnih stvari. Je tako prostoren, da lahko sprejme celotno vašo življenjsko zgodbo in do njega pridete s tleskom prsta. Oziroma z odpiranjem zadrge, ki je res od strani do strani. Seveda se ponaša tudi s številnimi žepi. Njegova supermoč je izjemno trpežna podloga, zato kupite vstopnico in se odpravite na avanturo. Idealno za prenosnike do 15" Zapiranje na zadrgo odpre celoten glavni žep Majhen notranji žep na zadrgo Nastavljive naramnice Izjemno močan in vzdržljiv material Nahrbtniki Praktičnost, udobje in funkcionalnost. Lastnosti, ki so neločljivo povezane z nahrbtniki in so hkrati popolna modna alternativa torbicam. Če menite, da je to točno tisto, kar iščete, potem pobrskajte po naši strani. V naši ponudbi imamo tako športne nahrbtnike, ki jih brez težav vzamete v gore, kot elegantne spremljevalce, ki bodo odlično poudarili vaš mestni outfit.
  • VUCH Tyrees Dotty Black
    Ta nahrbtnik ima veliko pozitivnih stvari. Je tako prostoren, da lahko sprejme celotno vašo življenjsko zgodbo in do njega pridete s tleskom prsta. Oziroma z odpiranjem zadrge, ki je res od strani do strani. Seveda se ponaša tudi s številnimi žepi. Njegova supermoč je izjemno trpežna podloga, zato kupite vstopnico in se odpravite na avanturo. Idealno za prenosnike do 15" Zapiranje na zadrgo odpre celoten glavni žep Majhen notranji žep na zadrgo Nastavljive naramnice Izjemno močan in vzdržljiv material Cutie dotty Nadenite si sivo! Pike kot srčna ljubezen!  Kolekcija Cutie Dotty je v celoti opremljena z igrivostjo in čarom. Pri Vuchu smo vse skupaj začeli s pikčasto denarnico in nismo niti približno končali. Vse več Vuch kosov vseh velikosti in dizajnov oblečemo v ljubke pike. Če uživate v tej sliki pikapolonice tako kot mi, vam bo ta kolekcija zelo pri srcu.
  • VUCH Tyrees Turquoise
    Ta nahrbtnik ima veliko pozitivnih stvari. Je tako prostoren, da lahko sprejme celotno vašo življenjsko zgodbo in do njega pridete s tleskom prsta. Oziroma z odpiranjem zadrge, ki je res od strani do strani. Seveda se ponaša tudi s številnimi žepi. Njegova supermoč je izjemno trpežna podloga, zato kupite vstopnico in se odpravite na avanturo. Idealno za prenosnike do 15" Zapiranje na zadrgo odpre celoten glavni žep Majhen notranji žep na zadrgo Nastavljive naramnice Izjemno močan in vzdržljiv material Nahrbtniki Praktičnost, udobje in funkcionalnost. Lastnosti, ki so neločljivo povezane z nahrbtniki in so hkrati popolna modna alternativa torbicam. Če menite, da je to točno tisto, kar iščete, potem pobrskajte po naši strani. V naši ponudbi imamo tako športne nahrbtnike, ki jih brez težav vzamete v gore, kot elegantne spremljevalce, ki bodo odlično poudarili vaš mestni outfit.
  • VUCH Porto
    Oxfordski študenti morajo biti uspešni, da lahko zaključijo šolo. Zato je vrsta blaga, iz katerega je narejena ta modra lepotica, dobila ime po njih. In ona, tako kot študenti poskrbijo za skoraj vse. Glavno zapenjanje z zadrgo Zunanji žep z zadrgo Notranji predal za majhne predmete in žep z zadrgo Vzdržljiv material Crossbody „Ko je nekdo ponosen na nas, nam to pogreje srce. Toda ali bi verjeli, da ste lahko ponosni na vašo torbico? Ta, ki si to zasluži je crossbody torbica. Lahko ste ponosni, da jo imate. Zaradi njene praktičnosti, priljubljenosti ali brezčasnosti? Razlog izberite sami.“
  • VUCH Elvita
    Tudi modra barva je lahko dekliška in daje mehak in spodoben vtis. Elvita je dokaz za to. Enostavna denarnica z bolj izstopajočo zadrgo in logom Vuch. Zahvaljujoč številnim predelkom bo v njej vedno red, tako da boste lahko uživali v razstavljanju svojih kartic zvestobe in plačilnih kartic. Preprost dizajn Glavno zapenjanje z zadrgo Žep z zadrgo za kovance Prostor za do 12 kartic SimplyV  Enostavno Vuch! Brezčasna, minimalistična in elegantna. Kolekcija SimplyV se odlično obnese tudi brez bleščic. Ker je lepota v preprostosti. Glavno vlogo pri oblikovanju vsakega SimplyEarring igrajo čiste linije, gladek material in fini metalic detajli. Skratka nič dodatnega in nič manjkajočega. Kaj bo torej postalo vaše?
  • VUCH Jasper Black
    Jasper vam bo kril hrbet v službi, vendar vas zaradi podloge zagotovo ne bo poslal naravnost na fizioterapijo. Dobro poskrbi tudi za vaše pravo delovno orožje – žep za prenosni računalnik, v katerem bo vaš zvesti prijatelj vedno na varnem. Podložen hrbet in naramnice = udobje na prvem mestu Majhen notranji žep za majhne predmete, ki se zapre z zadrgo Zapiranje na zadrgo + patent za dodatno varnost Zunanji žepi z zadrgo Nastavljive naramnice Moški nahrbtniki Popolnost, preprostost, značaj in slog. Bi lahko bolje opisali to novo kolekcijo moških nahrbtnikov? Kombinacija športne elegance, praktične razporeditve predalov in ravnovesja preprostosti in sloga ni le to, kar potrebujete, ampak tudi to, kar želite. Določite smer in začnite z novim nahrbtnikom VUCH.
  • VUCH Jasper Blue
    Jasper vam bo kril hrbet v službi, vendar vas zaradi podloge zagotovo ne bo poslal naravnost na fizioterapijo. Dobro poskrbi tudi za vaše pravo delovno orožje – žep za prenosni računalnik, v katerem bo vaš zvesti prijatelj vedno na varnem. Podložen hrbet in naramnice = udobje na prvem mestu Majhen notranji žep za majhne predmete, ki se zapre z zadrgo Zapiranje na zadrgo + patent za dodatno varnost Zunanji žepi z zadrgo Nastavljive naramnice Moški nahrbtniki Popolnost, preprostost, značaj in slog. Bi lahko bolje opisali to novo kolekcijo moških nahrbtnikov? Kombinacija športne elegance, praktične razporeditve predalov in ravnovesja preprostosti in sloga ni le to, kar potrebujete, ampak tudi to, kar želite. Določite smer in začnite z novim nahrbtnikom VUCH.
  • VUCH Jasper Grey
    Jasper vam bo kril hrbet v službi, vendar vas zaradi podloge zagotovo ne bo poslal naravnost na fizioterapijo. Dobro poskrbi tudi za vaše pravo delovno orožje – žep za prenosni računalnik, v katerem bo vaš zvesti prijatelj vedno na varnem. Podložen hrbet in naramnice = udobje na prvem mestu Majhen notranji žep za majhne predmete, ki se zapre z zadrgo Zapiranje na zadrgo + patent za dodatno varnost Zunanji žepi z zadrgo Nastavljive naramnice Moški nahrbtniki Popolnost, preprostost, značaj in slog. Bi lahko bolje opisali to novo kolekcijo moških nahrbtnikov? Kombinacija športne elegance, praktične razporeditve predalov in ravnovesja preprostosti in sloga ni le to, kar potrebujete, ampak tudi to, kar želite. Določite smer in začnite z novim nahrbtnikom VUCH.
  • VUCH Crutl wallet
    "For men who are no strangers to the word fashion, a stylish wallet is made, the size of which fits perfectly into any men's bag and pocket."Vuch Men>RFID protectionPocket for change with patent closure3 card traysBanknote compartment divided into two parts
  • Women's wallet VUCH
    Women's wallet by VUCH.<br />- Spacious (up to 12 cards) with RFID protection<br />- 2 photo compartments<br />- Separate coin pocket<br />- Patent fastening
  • Women's bum bag VUCH Invert Collection
    <p>„The waist bag have returned to fashion and became the number one hit. That you don’t have one yet? We have a great candidate for you in the form ofa practical and stylish waist bag in a soft pink colour.“<br />- Inner pocket with zippy closing<br />- Practical small pockets<br />- Adjustable strap<br />- Strap length: min.76 cm - max. 102 cm<br />- Size: 130 x 170 x 40 mm<br />- Weight: 285 g<br />Material: 100% polyester</p>
  • Backpack VUCH
    Backpack by VUCH.<br />- Spacious inner pocket with double closure - zipper and patent<br />- Practical outer zippered pocket on the front and back of the backpack<br />- Internal mobile phone compartments and zippered pocket<br />- Adjustable shoulder straps<br />- Size: 345 x 280 x 120 mm<br />- Weight: 760 g<br /><strong>Material: </strong>100% synthetic leather
  • Nahrbtnik VUCH
    Nahrbtnik znamke VUCH.<br />- Prostoren notranji žep z dvojnim zapiranjem - zadrgo in na patent<br />- Praktičen zunanji žep z zadrgo na sprednji in zadnji strani nahrbtnika<br />- Notranji predelki za mobilni telefon in žep na zadrgo<br />- Nastavljive naramnice
  • Semiline Kids's Pencil Case J4899-4
    Washing instructions: Clean gently with a damp cloth, no detergents
  • Semiline Kids's Bag J4901-3
    Washing instructions: Clean gently with a damp cloth, no detergents
  • Semiline Kids's Bag J4900-3
    Washing instructions: Clean gently with a damp cloth, no detergents
  • Semiline Kids's Backpack 4790
    Washing instructions: Clean gently with a damp cloth, no detergents
  • Semiline Kids's Backpack J4679-4
    Washing instructions: Clean gently with a damp cloth, no detergents
  • Semiline Kids's Backpack 4605-6
    Washing instructions: Clean gently with a damp cloth, no detergents
  • Semiline Kids's Backpack J4673-2
    Washing instructions: Clean gently with a damp cloth, no detergents
  • Semiline Unisex's Laptop Backpack 8387
    Washing instructions: Clean gently with a damp cloth, no detergents
  • Backpack VUCH
    VUCH women's backpack.<br />- Two main pockets and one small zipper pocket for small items<br />- Opening for changing headphones<br />- Adjustable shoulder straps<br />- Dimensions: 215 x 250 x 90 mm<br /><strong>Material:</strong> Synthetic leather
  • Ženska denarnica VUCH Black Dots Collection
    Ženska denarnica znamke VUCH.<br /><br />- notranji žep za kovance z zadrgo<br />- zapiranje s pritiskom<br />- predelki za do 12 kartic, od tega 1 predal za fotografije<br />- identifikacija v primeru izgube denarnice<br /><br />Dimenzije 195 x 95 x 25 mm<br /><strong>Material</strong>: Sintetično usnje
  • Nahrbtnik Under Armour
    Nahrbtnik Under Armour.<br />- Tehnologija UA Storm zagotavlja trpežnost.<br />- podložena zadnja plošča<br />- nastavljive naramnice HeatGear®<br />- mehek predal za prenosnik 15 "<br />- vodoodporen žep na sprednji strani<br />- velik ojačan žep / čevlji za perilo, nameščeni na spodnji strani<br />- 2 D obroča na naramnicah za dodatna pritrdilna mesta<br />- dva stranska žepa za steklenico za vodo<br />- robustna spodnja plošča,<br />- zgornji ročaj<br />- Mere: 51 x 32 x 16 cm. <br />- Prostornina: 29 l.
  • Semiline Kids's Bag J4902-5
    Washing instructions: Clean gently with a damp cloth, no detergents
  • Semiline Unisex's Laptop Backpack L2005-5
    Washing instructions: Clean gently with a damp cloth, no detergents
  • Semiline Unisex's Laptop Backpack L2012
    Washing instructions: Clean gently with a damp cloth, no detergents
  • Semiline Unisex's Laptop Backpack with USB port P8004
    Washing instructions: Clean gently with a damp cloth, no detergents
  • Semiline Unisex's Tablet Case 8415-9
    Washing instructions: Clean gently with a damp cloth, no detergents
  • Semiline Unisex's Laptop Backpack with USB port P8005
    Washing instructions: Clean gently with a damp cloth, no detergents
  • Semiline Unisex's Laptop Backpack with USB port L2008
    Washing instructions: Clean gently with a damp cloth, no detergents
  • Semiline Unisex's Cosmetic Bag 5413-8
    Washing instructions: Clean gently with a damp cloth, no detergents
  • Semiline Woman's Travel Case 5399-8
    Washing instructions: Clean gently with a damp cloth, no detergents
  • Lonsdale Hip bag
    Hip bag- Model description: The practical waist bag from Lonsdale not only looks appealing with the contrasting logo, but also offers plenty of space for utensils thanks to the numerous zipped compartments. The strap is size-adjustable so that a pleasant wearing comfort is guaranteed.- Size: approx. 31cm x14cm x8cm (L x W x D)- Quality: 100% Polyester
  • Ženski nahrbtnik VUCH Travel collection
    Nahrbtnik je izdelan iz visoko kakovostnih materialov proizvajalca VUCH.<br />- Sprednji zunanji žep<br />- Velika notranjost z zadrgo in patentnim zapiranjem<br />- Glavna notranjost z žepi<br />- Nastavljive naramnice<br />- Velikost: 480 x 370 x 170 mm Teža: 590 g<br />- Zapenjanje: Zadrga<br />- Podloga: 100% poliester<br /><strong>Material</strong>: 80% poliester, 20% poliuretan
  • Women's bag LOAP REVCA Black
    Women's sports bag Loap REVCA is a stylish shoulder bag into which you can easily pack things for exercise or other sports activities. With a volume of 36 liters, it is roomy enough for clothes, a drinking bottle, shoes and other necessities. The bag is made of high-quality, durable 100% polyester, which is easy to maintain and any dirt can be easily wiped with a damp cloth. In addition to the main pocket, the bag has two more outer and one inner pocket. The shoulder strap is adjustable, so it can be adjusted to make the bag easy to carry. At the same time, it can be unfastened and used for wearing a textile handle. The bag is decorated with a delicate, elegant polka dot pattern. High-quality, durable polyester. Main zippered pocket. 2 outside and 1 inner pocket. Adjustable and detachable shoulder strap. Textile handles. Load capacity 10 kg.
  • Semiline Unisex's Camera Bag 8525
    Washing instructions: Clean gently with a damp cloth, no detergents
  • Torba LOAP i498_BL22151-V05J
    Srednje velika ženska torba Loap INTAN ima podloženo dno in snemljivo nastavljivo naramnico. Glavni žep se zapira z zadrgo, v notranjosti pa je še en žep. To torbo z elegantnimi kontrastnimi okraski lahko nosite čez ramo ali v roki. Idealen je za vsakodnevno nošenje v službo, za manjše nakupe, opravke po mestu ali na vodo. Podloženo dno. Snemljiv nastavljiv trak. Glavni žep na zadrgo.
  • Bag LOAP
    Women's bag by LOAP.<br />- main chamber is equipped with a zippe<br />- three inner and one outer pocket<br />- bottom is padded<br />- longer handles<br />- volume 5 liters
  • Hiking bag LOAP TULA Mix
    Tourist fanny pack Loap TULA with hipbelt, padded back and side pockets. Part of the kidney bag are also reflective elements on the main chamber. It is made of durable material, before which abrasions have no chance. It is suitable for the city, for cycling, and for trekking. Lumbar belt. Padded back. Side pockets. Reflective elements. Abrasion resistant material BullTech. Loop for hanging. Headphone hole in the main chamber
  • Semiline Unisex's Shopping Trolley L2014-1
    Description:Washing instructions: Clean gently with a damp cloth, no detergents
  • Look Made With Love Woman's Handbag 5552 Paris Look
    Description:It is made of beautiful Italian grain leather, it has an interesting solution with an ear, a handle that is tangled and finished with knots, and on one side there is also a leather tassel of the same color. This makes the bag very original and delights everyone in the company. Inside there is a cosmetic bag / purse, also made of the same leather, fastened with a metal zipper and attached to the bag with a strap.Washing instructions: Clean leather with a soft brush or cloth, use special creams
  • Look Made With Love Woman's Handbag 546 Kity
    Description:A small, shapely kidney is a must-have styling gadget of recent months. It is a small, single-chamber women's handbag with an adjustable belt. It is fastened with a metal zipper. Inside, a small, additional, leather pocket. The interior is finished with a canvas canvas, trimmed with leather. Indispensable in every journey! Perfect for casual stylizations, as well as airy dresses and skirts, it is very feminine, can be worn at the waist or tossed nonchalantly over the shoulder, like many influencers today.Washing instructions: Clean leather with a soft brush or cloth, use special creams
  • VUCH Devided handbag
    Woman is a being of many faces, moods and opinions. Several factors have merit in the way the day is. The length of sleep, the size of jeans, the amount of prosecco in the fridge, the number of messages received and the constellation of stars. The graphic called DEVIDED was created to remind you that you are perfect every day and in all your "SELF".EMANCIPARE LIMITEDLimited editionEach handbag hides its own story - only 100 pieces of each colorCreated in collaboration with Czech illustrator Michael Petrus ( gift packaging limited edition
  • VUCH Messy wallet
    As designers and manufacturers of women's accessories, we know very well what "punk" girls wear in their handbags and wallets. And since we all have it the same, why not put the mess, binchus and mess on display. And what did the poet mean by that? Maybe it's better to have a mess in your purse than in your head, so show it off.EMANCIPARE LIMITEDLimited editionEach wallet hides its own story - only 200 pieces of each colorCreated in collaboration with Czech illustrator Michael Petrus ( gift packaging limited edition
  • Ženska torbica Calvin Klein K60K610074_BDS
    Ženska torbica Calvin Klein.<br /><br />- zapiranje na glavno zadrgo<br />- en predal v notranjosti<br />- en notranji žep, en zunanji žep<br /><br />Širina: 26 cm Višina: 12 cm Globina: 4,5 cm<br /><strong>Material</strong>: poliuretan
  • Moška denarnica VUCH
    Moška denarnica VUCH.<br />- 3 predali za kartice<br />- 2 praktična notranja žepa<br />- žep za kovance z zapiranjem na zadrgo<br />- dva predala za bankovce
  • Moška denarnica VUCH Beaver
    - RFID zaščita<br />- Majhen žep s patentiranim zapiranjem<br />- 3 reže za kartice<br />- Prostor za bankovce razdeljen na dva dela
  • Ženska denarnica VUCH
    Ženska denarnica VUCH Zilee<br />- žep na zadrgo za kovance<br />- predal za fotografije<br />- velik prostoren žep za bankovce<br /><br />Velikost: 150 x 105 x 30 mm<br /><strong>Material</strong>: sintetično usnje
  • Torbica VUCH Sense Collection
    Ženska torbica VUCH.<br /><br />- nastavljiv in snemljiv trak<br />- zapiranje na zadrgo<br />- logotip Vuch<br /><br />Velikost: 240 x 200 x 50 mm<br />Teža: 270 g<br /><strong>Material</strong>: sintetično usnje
  • Ženska torbica VUCH Invert Collection
    Ženska torbica znamke VUCH.<br />- Dizajn z dvojno zadrgo<br />- Torbica vključuje 129 cm dolg pas za čez telo<br />- Notranji žep z zadrgo<br />- Srebrni dodatki<br />- Dimenzije: 145 x 225 x 65 mm<br />- Teža: 300 g<br />- Zapenjanje: Zadrga<br />- Notranja tkanina: 100% poliester<br /><strong>Material</strong>: Sintetično usnje
  • VUCH Billie Bluebell Wallet
    "I'm paying!" you'll be screaming with this blue beauty for everyone to be alert and keep their eyes peeled when you pull Billie Bluebell out of your purse. You can stretch it for a while and pretend to look for cards or cash, but only for show, because with so many pockets you will have an overview of everything and immediately fish out what you need.Closable zippered pocket for coinsPhoto compartmentLarge spacious banknote pocketVuch card – identification in case of loss of wallet
  • Handbag VUCH Jerkan
    Are you looking for a handbag that can withstand even the biggest parties, festivals, storm walks and wading through mud? I mean, we don't know why you would wade through the mud with your purse, but against the taste... We have this gray beauty for you who can handle all this. Simply an indestructible matrosh that will not let you down.Main zip closureZipped outer pocketInterior compartment for small items and zipped pocketDurable material
  • Handbag VUCH Eumel
    Have you ever put your cell phone, wallet and keys in a pet bottle that you had draped over your shoulder? Right? We understand, few would answer yes. But with this handbag, it's reality. It is made of plastic bottles.Made from recycled materialMain triple fastening – zipper, tape, magnetInterior compartment for small items and zipped pocketExternal magnet pocket
  • Hiking backpack LOAP ALPINEX 25 Green/Orange
    The Loap ALPINEX 25 hiking backpack with a capacity of 25 liters can be used for day trips, whether you go to the mountains or a relaxing family walk. The backpack is equipped with the AVS ("Air Ventilation System") back system, which thanks to a special design ensures maximum possible back ventilation, as the backpack does not fit directly to the body. In addition, this back construction is located independently of the backpack itself, so it can be removed. The anatomically shaped waist belt contributes to a comfortable fit, as do the shoulder straps complemented by a chest clutch. The backpack is single-chamber, small items can be stored in one inner and three outer pockets. Additional straps and attachments can be used to attach additional equipment, such as poles. The backpack has space for a hydrobag, in bad weather you will appreciate the integrated raincoat and reflective elements. It is available in several color variants. Single-chamber backpack with top loading. Back system with sufficient ventilation. Removable back construction. Anatomically shaped shoulder straps. Lumbar belt. Sliding chest clutch. 1 inside and 4 outside pockets. Space for hydrobag. Integrated rain cover. Reflective elements. Load capacity 8 kg.
  • Hiking backpack LOAP ARAGAC 26 Blue
    The medium-sized Loap ARAGAC 26 hiking backpack with integrated rain cover has a volume of 26 liters and a load capacity of 8 kilograms. The sturdy SBS back system ensures a comfortable fit and reliably protects the contents. The backpack is made of very durable and strong Rip Stop fabric to prevent wear and tear. Spacious single-chamber backpack is filled on top. There are five outside pockets and one inner pocket with space for a hydration bag. The shoulder straps are anatomically shaped. The hip belt, side compression straps and sliding chest clutch also lighten the back. The backpack also includes practical handles for other equipment. Medium outdoor backpack. SBS 1 chamber back system (top loading). Anatomical shoulder straps. Side compression straps. Breast clutch. Lumbar belt. Handles for other equipment. Space for hydrobag. Integrated rain cover. 6 pockets
  • Lonsdale Hip bag
    Hip bag- Model description: This Lonsdsale hip bag is a must-have for everyone. In the small space miracle with 5 separate zipped compartments in different sizes, it is possible to place different items depending on your needs. The largest pocket can even hold a folded pocket umbrella (up to 27cm). A small highlight is the sewn-on rubberised label with contrasting Lonsdale logo. The size-adjustable carrying strap and the padded back ensure comfortable carrying.- Size: approx. 28cm x14cm x11cm (L x W x D)- Quality: 100% Polyester
  • Nahrbtnik Lonsdale 117002-Black
    Ta nahrbtnik znamke Lonsdale ni samo videti kul, ampak je tudi zelo praktičen.<br /><br />- dva velika glavna predala<br />- sprednji predal z zadrgo<br />- dodatni žepi ob straneh<br />- dodatni notranji predelki<br />- podložen hrbet in ergonomsko oblikovane podložene naramnice<br /><br />Dimenzije: 48 cm x 30 cm x 16 cm (D x Š x G)<br />Material: 100% poliester
  • Art Of Polo Unisex's Backpack tr20217
    model: Art_Of_Polo_Backpack_tr20217_Red, color: 363587
  • Art Of Polo Unisex's Backpack tr20215
    model: Art_Of_Polo_Backpack_tr20215_White/Blue, color: 363589
  • Shoulder bag LOAP MODD Grey
    Practical Loap MODD shoulder bag that fits your tablet just fine. You can use the bag as hand luggage or as an accessory for your errands around the city or to work. Simply and quickly adjust the strap to the desired length. The main pocket is zippered, plus it has two smaller outer and one inner pocket. Adjustable strap length. External zipped pockets. Comfortable grip. Inside pocket
  • Women's wallet VUCH
    Women's wallet by -vuch.<br />- Spacious (up to 12 cards) with RFID protection<br />- 2 photo compartments<br />- Separate coin pocket<br />- Patent fastening
  • Fashion backpack VUCH Ollie
    "It should fit everything. It should be big just right. It should be stylish. And last but not least, it should be practical. Do you expect exactly these things from a perfect backpack? Then we can gladly tell you that you have found it."Interior space with separate space on mini nootebookAdjustable shoulder strapsFront pocket with zipper closureExtremely strong and durable material
  • Ženski nahrbtnik LOAP
    Ženski stilski mestni nahrbtnik Loap ESPENSE W je idealen za nošenje v službo in šolo, dobro pa vam bo služil tudi na krajšem izletu. Ima oblazinjenje na hrbtni strani, tekstilni ročaj je udoben za držanje in naramnice so nastavljive. Ta enoprostorski nahrbtnik z značilnim logotipom in napisom je opremljen z enim zunanjim in enim notranjim žepom. Polni se z vrha, hitro in enostavno se upogne in nato zapre z zaponko.<br />- oblazinjenje na hrbtu<br />- zapiranje s kovinsko zaponko<br />- tekstilni ročaj<br />- naramnice<br />- širina: 34 cm<br />- višina: 41 cm<br />- globina: 12 cm<br />- prostornina: 16 l<br />- nosilnost: 6 kg<br /><br />Material: 230 keper poliester, poliuretan
  • Cycling backpack LOAP TRAIL15 Blue
    The Loap TRAIL15 cycling backpack is designed primarily for bike rides, but it can also handle light hiking or cross-country trips. Up to a volume of 15 liters, you can reliably pack a jacket or spare clothes, snacks and other necessities. The backpack is equipped with the AFS ("Air Flow System") back system, which provides optimal back strengthening, while maintaining sufficient air circulation between the backpack and the back and thus the necessary ventilation. The backpack has one main compartment, one inner and four outer pockets (two side mesh pockets, two zippered). The shoulder straps are anatomically shaped and are connected by a clutch across the chest. Practical elements are the space for a hydrobag and especially reflective elements. Strong and durable Ripstop material prevents the backpack from tearing when caught by a branch or other obstacles on the way. The backpack is available in several colors. Single-chamber backpack with top loading. Back system with sufficient ventilation. Anatomically shaped shoulder straps. 1 inside and 4 outside pockets. Space for hydrobag. Reflective elements. Load capacity 4 kg.
  • Cycling backpack LOAP TOPGATE Black/Red
    The Loap TOPGATE cycling backpack with a volume of 15 liters is an ideal companion for any length of rides, thanks to its versatility it can also be used for shorter trips to the countryside or other sports activities. The backpack is equipped with a SBS ("Solid Back System") that has been designed to ensure that the contents are safely stored inside the backpack without compromising wearing comfort and convenience. For better organization of things, the backpack is divided into two chambers, for small items you can use one inner and four outer pockets. The shoulder straps are anatomically shaped and can be connected by a chest strap to prevent them from slipping off the shoulders when moving. For better stabilization on the back, the waist belt is also used. When the contents are less full, the backpack can be pulled down using the side compression straps. There are practical features such as a hydrobag compartment and reflective elements for better visibility in worse conditions. Two-chamber backpack with top loading. Back system for comfortable carrying and protecting the contents. Anatomically shaped shoulder straps. Lumbar belt. Sliding chest clutch. 1 inside and 4 outside pockets. Space for hydrobag. Reflective elements. Load capacity 5 kg.
  • Ženska torbica LOAP NIKKO
    Elegantna ženska torbica Loap NIKKO se lahko nosi kot naramna ali ročna torbica. Glavni žep ima zadrgo, spredaj pa je še en prostoren žep. Poleg nastavljive naramnice ima daljše ročaje za nošenje.<br />- glavni žep ima zadrgo<br />- nastavljiv ramenski pas<br />- kontrastni logotip<br /><br />Material: 230 Twill poliester, poliuretan
  • Backpack Rip Curl DOME PRO 18L LOGO Navy
    Practical blue-yellow backpack made of strong polyester. Volume: 18 l. Ideal for trips. It has a spacious main pocket and a zippered front pocket. The brand logo is sewn on it. The backpack has a practical carrying handle.Volume: 18 ldimensions: 30 x 42 x 18 cmmade of 600D polyesterSpacious front pocketSpacious main pocketquality zippersprint with brand logopatch on front pocket
  • Nahrbtnik VUCH Travel Collection
    VUCH nahrbtnik.<br />- Velik glavni predal z žepom na zadrgo<br />- Snemljivi ročaji z možnostjo namestitve na voziček<br />- 2 notranja predelka brez zapenjanja, dva stranska predelka<br />- 2 termična predelka in 1 sprednji žep z zadrgo z zadrgo<br />- Velikost: 280x400x160 mm<br /><strong>Material</strong>: 80% poliester, 20% poliuretan
  • Denarnica Tommy Hilfiger DP-3421564
    <strong>Material</strong>: pravo usnje<br />Dimenzije: 11 x 3 x 9 cm
  • Karrimor Papoose Global Backpack
    Karrimor Papoose Global BackpackThe Karrimor Papoose Global Backpack is the perfect solution for taking baby on adventures, crafted with a zipped main compartment a small pocket to the front along with a padded frame that can be easily zipped open. A padded back coupled with padded and adjustable shoulder straps and a hip belt that allows for comfortable and easy transportation, completed with the Karrimor branding.Product code: 796000
  • Calvin Klein K50K50961
    Collection:Fall/WinterGender:ManMaterial:LeatherInside:credit card holderportadocumentiportamoneteWidth cm:11Height cm:9Depth cm:2Original Case:Yes
  • Ferragamo 66098
    Made in:ItalyGender:ManMaterial:LeatherInside:credit card holderportadocumentiportamoneteWidth cm:11Height cm:9.5Depth cm:2Original Case:Yes
  • Women's wallet VUCH
    Women's wallet by VUCH.<br />- Patent fastening<br />- Zipped coin pocket<br />- Photo compartment<br />- Spacious banknote pocket
  • City backpack VUCH Henoc
    Those times when a backpack meant a formless sports bag with thick straps are long gone. The backpack can now fully replace a handbag and you can carry it to work, just with a backpack you can be a lady when it comes to Henoc.Sporty design – a combination of two materialsZip and magnet closureInternal and external pocketsAdjustable shoulder straps
  • Nahrbtnik VUCH i518_P10828
    Urbani nahrbtnik znamke VUCH.<br /><br />- močni trakovi<br />- praktične žepne rešitve<br />- ojačan hrbet<br />- podložene naramnice<br />- notranji karabin za pritrditev ključev
  • Shoulder bag LOAP PAMPA Black
    The Loap PAMPA sports bag with a volume of 58 liters and a load capacity of 15 kg is made of durable Tarpaulin PVC. It can be worn over the shoulder, but also as a backpack on the back. It has four outer pockets (including a pocket with a shoe liner) and three more pockets inside. The main pocket is zippered and has a practical cover to make the bag comfortable to carry on the back. The chest clutch and straps are adjustable so that the bag fits snugly against the body. On the side there is also a handle for carrying in the hand. Zippered pockets. Chest clutch and straps are adjustable
  • Sports handbag LOAP FINNIE Purple
    This Loap FINNIE sports handbag is big enough to spend all day with, while providing you with comfort and style. One main pocket, one outer pocket and two inner zippered pockets are designed to distribute your belongings in the space. Many of you will surely love this bag. Main and outer zipped pocket. 2 zipped inner pockets. Interior organizer
  • Chiara Woman's Bag L345 Omari
    Description:25 cm x 35 cm x 13 cmWashing instructions: Clean by hand with soap and water with a maximum temperature of 40 ° C, do not chemically clean, do not chlorinate, protect from soaking
  • Chiara Woman's Bag I582-Bis Nasti
    Description:29 cm x 33 cm x 12 cmWashing instructions: Clean by hand with soap and water with a maximum temperature of 40 ° C, do not chemically clean, do not chlorinate, protect from soaking
  • VUCH Violetie Vida wallet
    See, see, see, this wallet is really a piece of cunning, because it's our Violetie Vida. The elegant burgundy color is complemented by the gold Vuch logo and zippers, which you will find three on it. Inside, there are also plenty of compartments for cards, whether payment or loyalty.Double closable zippered pocket for coinsTwo spacious banknote pocketsExternal zipped pocketVuch card – identification in case of loss of wallet
  • VUCH Nightie Nicci Wallet
    Here wants to be someone for a lady! With this elegant piece, it will go one or two. The black wallet with gold accessories and a short hand strap has 3 zippers to protect all your money and cards.Double closable zippered pocket for coinsTwo spacious banknote pocketsExternal zipped pocketVuch card – identification in case of loss of wallet

Nazadnje videno

Torbe in denarnice morajo biti praktične, dizajnirane tako, da v njih lahko shranite vse stvari, ki so vam potrebne, zraven tega, kvalitetne in dolgotrajne, po možnosti odporne na različne vremenske prilike, in da ne pozabimo - lepe po vašem okusu. Veliko nasvetov za zadovoljiti, toda na srečo je izbira velika, tu so aktovke, kovčki, nahrbtniki, male torbice, denarnice, toaletne torbice, potne torbe in različni drugi modeli. Kakšno torbo izbrati? Če veliko časa hodite in opravljate različne posle sproti, morate imeti svobodne roke, a torba lahka za nošenje. Tukaj priporočamo tako imenovane »crossbody« torbe, oziroma torbe čez telo. Teža torbe bo lepo razporejena in ne bo neprijetnih bolečin v ramenih od preveč stvari. Prav tako takšna vrsta torbe vam osvobodi roke, pa lahko vzamete tudi dodatne vrečke ali opravljate vse kar je potrebno. Za potovanja predlagamo, da si priskrbite dober nahrbtnik. Prav tako bo lažji na nošenje, če boste veliko hodili, a v njih lahko nosite veliko stvari. Sedaj so nahrbtniki zelo trendi, zato prihajajo v veliki izbiri barv in dizajnov in lahko se zelo lepo kombinirajo za različnimi stili oblačil. Za potovanja predlagamo tudi majhno denarnico za kartice. Prej so jih nosili samo moški, a danes so zelo popularne, zato jih nosijo vsi, tudi številne high-end blagovne znamke jih uvrščajo v svojo ponudbo. So zelo praktične, ker jih lako pospravite v vsako torbo in torbico. Za večerne zmenke bodo ženske posebno pozornost posvetile izbiri idealne večerne torbice, ki popolnoma pristaja z izbrano modno kombinacijo. Tukaj ni pravil niti priporočil, uživajte v izbiri in preizkušanju torbic različnih barv, oblik, z verižicami, cirkoni, iz usnja ali satena, na ramo, čez telo ali za v roko. Nakup lepe torbice vedno popravi dan!


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