Ponujamo vam kraljevski apartma, ki ga boste lahko nosili na hrbtu. Da, to je pet zvezdic za vaš prenosnik. V glavnem bivalnem prostoru bo vašemu elektronskemu partnerju tako udobno, da ne bo hotel ven. Vse kable, miško in ostale potrebščine, ki so bistvene za vaš prenosnik lahko pospravite v številne praktične žepe. Glavno zapenjanje z zadrgo Veliko notranjih žepov Prostor za 16" prenosnik Nastavljive naramnice MOŠKI NAHRBTNIKI "Popolnost, preprostost, značaj in slog. Bi lahko bolje opisali to novo kolekcijo moških nahrbtnikov? Kombinacija športne elegance, praktične razporeditve predalov in ravnovesja preprostosti in sloga ni le to, kar potrebujete, ampak tudi to, kar želite. Določite smer in začnite z novim nahrbtnikom VUCH."
UA Undeniable sports bag, ideal for travel or the gym. In addition, UA Storm technology on the surface that repels water.UA Storm technology provides a highly water-repellent surface finish that is resistant to the elements.Sturdy, foam-coated bottom and TPU side panels for greater durability.Large ventilation pocket for laundry or shoes and inner pockets for small items for better organization.Molle straps and large front zip pocket.Side mesh pocket.Adjustable shoulder strap.
Backpack by VUCH.<br />- Double anti-theft protection &ndash; main pocket with zipper and stud<br />- Front covered zippered pocket<br />- Internal compartment for a mini laptop and a smaller zippered pocket<br />- Padded back
Outdoor stylish backpack suitable for tripsTwo large zippered compartments, front pocket for storing smaller itemsSide mesh pockets for storing a water bottlePadded shoulder strapsCapacity: 30 L
Backpack by Himawari.<br />-&nbsp;Made of high quality materials, very convenient to use<br />- It has waterproof properties<br />- Main lockable chamber<br />- Front compartment fastened with latches<br />- Two pockets on the sides for a can/bottle of water. Inside there are many multifunctional compartments for trifles<br />- Slightly padded suspenders provide additional protection of the shoulders from abrasion<br />- Special compartment for a laptop (14.0&quot;)<br />- Dimensions&nbsp;36 cm x 26 cm x 11 cm.
Sports bag- Model description: classic sports bag with colour-contrasting piping stripes, two carrying straps and a shoulder strap, which is perfect for boxing and fitness training. Thanks to the spacious main compartment and the many zipped side compartments, equipment and clothing can be stored very well. On the front, there are also two elongated compartments with BENLEE logo where you can store your mobile phone, wallet and keys, for example.- Outer dimensions: size L: approx. 60cm x 36cm x 36cm and size XL: approx. 90cm x 39cm x 39cm (L x W x H)- Quality: 100% polyester
The medium-sized Loap ARAGAC 26 hiking backpack with integrated rain cover has a volume of 26 liters and a load capacity of 8 kilograms. The sturdy SBS back system ensures a comfortable fit and reliably protects the contents. The backpack is made of very durable and strong Rip Stop fabric to prevent wear and tear. Spacious single-chamber backpack is filled on top. There are five outside pockets and one inner pocket with space for a hydration bag. The shoulder straps are anatomically shaped. The hip belt, side compression straps and sliding chest clutch also lighten the back. The backpack also includes practical handles for other equipment. Medium outdoor backpack. SBS 1 chamber back system (top loading). Anatomical shoulder straps. Side compression straps. Breast clutch. Lumbar belt. Handles for other equipment. Space for hydrobag. Integrated rain cover. 6 pockets
Karrimor Papoose Global BackpackThe Karrimor Papoose Global Backpack is the perfect solution for taking baby on adventures, crafted with a zipped main compartment a small pocket to the front along with a padded frame that can be easily zipped open. A padded back coupled with padded and adjustable shoulder straps and a hip belt that allows for comfortable and easy transportation, completed with the Karrimor branding.Product code: 796000
Turistični nahrbtnik znamke Semiline.<br />-&nbsp;s prostornino 45L<br />- dvojni stranski žepi z zadrgo in mrežico<br />- dvojni sprednji žep na zadrgo<br />- glavni predal za dve zaponki in rob<br />- žep s pokrovom na dnu, ojačen zadnji del, dodaten trak z zaponko za pas
Description:Waterproof backpack. To close backpack, roll-up the top and close buckle.Washing instructions: Clean gently with a damp cloth, no detergents.
Medium-sized hiking backpack Loap MONTASIO 32 with a volume of 32 liters, carrying capacity of 9 kilograms and a back system. The solid back system ensures comfortable wearing, air circulation and reliably protects the contents. The backpack is made of very durable and strong Rip Stop fabric to prevent wear and tear. This spacious single-chamber backpack is filled on top. There are five outside pockets and one inner pocket with space for a hydration bag. The shoulder straps are anatomically shaped. The hip belt, side compression straps and sliding chest clutch also lighten the back. The backpack also includes practical handles for other equipment. It is suitable not only for hiking, traveling or camping. Reflective elements. VAS back system. 1 chamber (top and front loading). Anatomical shoulder straps. Side compression straps. Breast clutch. Anatomical waist belt. Balance straps and handles for other equipment. Space for hydrobag. 5 pockets
Description:Himawari brand product. Numerous pockets and compartments make it exceptionally functional. With two side compartments outside for water bottles. Created for people who value minimal design and simple solutions.
The Loap CRESTONE hiking backpack with a capacity of 30 liters is a great partner for weekend trips or "light" traveling. Thanks to its dimensions, it can also be a suitable candidate as hand luggage for aircraft. The backpack is made of Ripstop material, which is sufficiently resistant to chafing and tearing for normal use. The SBS type back system ("Solid Back System") guarantees a comfortable fit, at the same time, thanks to its structural strength, it reliably protects the contents inside the backpack. Anatomically shaped shoulder straps with sliding chest clutch as well as anatomically shaped waist belt fit well on the body and prevent pressure marks during prolonged loads. The main storage space consists of one top-loading chamber, one inner pocket and five outer pockets are used for storing smaller things. Furthermore, the backpack has balance straps and practical handles for attaching other equipment. Also includes a hydration bag compartment and an integrated rain cover to protect the contents from waterlogging. Single-chamber backpack with top loading. Back system for comfortable carrying and protecting the contents. Anatomically shaped shoulder straps. Anatomically shaped lumbar belt. Sliding chest clutch. 1 inside and 5 external pockets. Space for hydrobag. Integrated rain cover. Load capacity 9 kg.
The Loap FALCON hiking backpack with a capacity of 55 liters is ideal for weekend hikes in the mountains with sleeping outside, multi-day camping and any longer trips for experiences. The backpack is divided by an adjustable partition into two chambers and allows both top and bottom filling. This ensures easy access to items stored at the bottom of the backpack and makes it easier to maintain the correct way of packing things in the backpack. For a comfortable carry, the backpack is equipped with anatomically shaped shoulder straps and the AAS I ("air adjustable system I") back system, which has been specially developed to ensure maximum comfort even under high and prolonged loads. It guarantees optimal load distribution and stability even when the backpack is maximally filled, while sufficient back ventilation. Of course there is an anatomically shaped waist belt, which, when properly adjusted together with the chest clutch, feels significantly lighter the load. The outer material of the backpack is made of strong and tear-resistant Ripstop. The backpack has one inner and five outer pockets, one inner and one outer pocket is also part of the adjustable canopy. In addition, the backpack is equipped with compression side straps and handles for attaching other equipment. Also includes an integrated rain cover and space for a hydrobag. Spacious two-chamber backpack. Top and bottom filling. Back system adapted for longer periods of time. Anatomically shaped straps and waist belt. Adjustable canopy with 2 pockets. 1 inside and 5 external pockets. Integrated rain cover. Space for hydrobag. Load capacity 20 kg.
This robust and large military backpack has a volume of up to 65 liters and has a large number of compartments for maximum functionality. The spacious main compartment is expanded by a shoe compartment at the bottom and a case at the top. The sides offer two additional compartments, equipped with high-quality buckles. Two parallel waist straps with high-quality clips stabilize the combat backpack, while padded and size-adjustable straps offer approved wearing comfort. The military backpack is made of robust, tear-resistant nylon.
Imate raje udobje in preprostost? Aimer sprosti vaše roke in nudi veliko žepov in predelkov za vse, kar potrebujete vsak dan. Na primer, tukaj imajo ključi svojo zanko, ki jo lahko enostavno snamete zahvaljujoč zaponki. Torej nič več izgubljanja in iskanja po dnu nahrbtnika. Njegova oblika se natančno prilagaja temu, s čimer ga napolnite. Brez dvoma bo idealen nahrbtnik za šolske klopi. Notranji prostor z ločenim prostorom za mini prenosnik Nastavljive naramnice Sprednji žep z zapiranjem na zadrgo Izjemno močan in vzdržljiv material Moški nahrbtniki Popolnost, preprostost, značaj in slog. Bi lahko bolje opisali to novo kolekcijo moških nahrbtnikov? Kombinacija športne elegance, praktične razporeditve predalov in ravnovesja preprostosti in sloga ni le to, kar potrebujete, ampak tudi to, kar želite. Določite smer in začnite z novim nahrbtnikom VUCH.
Description:Himawari brand product. Laptop compartment. With two side compartments outside for water bottles. Handy and light. Perfect for everyday urban styles.
Backpack by VUCH.<br />-&nbsp;Fiber leather backpack<br />- Two main zipped pockets<br />- Plenty of exterior and interior pockets<br />- Adjustable shoulder straps
Description:Tourist backpack with two pockets on the sides made of mesh, additional zip pocket on the front, main zip compartment, stiffened back.Washing instructions: Clean gently with a damp cloth, no detergents
Colour: Dark brownPattern: logo, with printFastening: zipperSpecification: adjustable straplength Material: synthetic Material type: syntheticVolume: 10 lDimensions: 30 x 35 x 11 cm
Nazadnje videno
Popusti 50%, Akcije, Razprodaje Nahrbtniki postajajo vse večji trend in se nosijo za različne prilike. Nič čudnega, saj v njih lahko shranite vse, kar vam je potrebno, a nošenje na hrbtu je praktično in udobno. Razen tega, da je na ta način lažje nositi težjo vsebino, teža je ravnomerno razporejena, tako ne bo bolečin v roki ali ramenu zaradi nošenja težke torbe. Prav tako, če nosite nahrbtnik, imate svobodne obe roki pa lahko lažje opravljate druge opravke kot je shopping, nošenje vrečk ali uporaba mobitela. Znani so nahrbtniki za šolo in nahrbtniki za vrtec, nosijo jih vsi otroci prav zaradi prej omenjenih prednosti. Športni nahrbtniki so prav tako zelo popularni in nosijo se na trening, v fitnes in ostale športne priložnosti in dejavnosti. Posebna kategorija so nahrbtniki na planinarjenje. Oni so veliki in omogočajo shranjevanje vse opreme, ki vam je potrebna. Najpogosteje imajo več predalov, da bi lahko stvari podelili po predalih in jih kasneje enostavneje našli. Nahrbtniki so lahko veliki in majhni. Velikost izberite odvisno od namena. Nahrbtniki so postali veliki trend, zato jih skoraj vse popularne modne znamke imajo v ponudbi. Prihajajo v velikem razponu dizajnov in barv, po sebi imajo lahko različne dodatke in okrase. Takšni nahrbtniki se nosijo za vsak dan, za sprehode po mestu, zmenke pa tudi v službo. Večinoma so manjših velikosti. Nahrbtniki so odličen tip torbe za nositi na potovanja. Kot smo prej omenili, prednosti nošenja na hrbtu, manj bolečin in svobodne roke, na potovanjih prav tako pridejo prav. Nekatere osebe se odločajo na potovanje nositi samo veliki nahrbtnik, v funkciji potovalne torbe. Kako v njih lahko shranimo zares veliko stvari, lahko spakiramo vse potrebno za nekoliko dni dopusta. Pri izbiri pazite na dizajn nahrbtnikov, število in velikost predalov, ki jih potrebujete. Na primer, če v nahrbtniku planirate nositi prenosni računalnik, poskrbite da izberete tisti, ki ima poseben, močan predal za to namero. Če boste nahrbtnik nosili v naravo, na planinarjenje ali za podobne dejavnosti z več hoje, predalčki ob strani za steklenico vode bodo zelo koristni.