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Vuch popusti in znižanja nad 20% za ženske

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  • VUCH Ramsie
    Niste kenguruji, da bi svoje največje dragocenosti nosili v trebušnem žepu. Ste ženske, ki svoje dragocenosti raje zaupate torbicam. Čeprav ima ta torbica žepnega dojenčka, ki je približno tako ljubek kot kengurujček. Glavno zapenjanje z magnetom Kozmetična torbica kot dodatek Notranji žepi na zadrgo Trije načini nošenja Ročne torbice „Razmišljate o nakupu torbice, ki vam ne bo nikoli ušla iz rok? Ne razmišljajte več in si jo privoščite. Poleg tega lahko izbirate med številnimi oblikami, barvami, različicami. Skratka, tukaj boste našli točno tisto, ki vas bo čudovito dopolnila. Verjamemo, da bosta neločljiva partnerja, ki bosta šla z roko v roki.“
  • VUCH Kasia Brown
    Brezčasnost, variabilnost in natančnost. To je Kasia v treh besedah. Če te zanimajo podrobnosti, jih ima v izobilju. Dva trakova različnih dolžin in širin se odlično kombinirata med seboj. Poklop po zaprtju ostane na mestu, zahvaljujoč novi magnetni sponki, ki se diskretno igra tudi z razporeditvijo logotipa. Kos, ki ga boš cenil (ne samo ti) na festivalu in na zmenku s prijateljico. Trdna torbica s trdnim dnom 2 različna trakova za različne možnosti nošenja in kombiniranja Zapiranje glavnega žepa z zadrgo in pokrovom z dizajnersko magnetno sponko CROSSBODY Ko je nekdo ponosen na nas, nam to pogreje srce. Toda ali bi verjeli, da ste lahko ponosni na vašo torbico? Ta, ki si to zasluži je crossbody torbica. Lahko ste ponosni, da jo imate. Zaradi njene praktičnosti, priljubljenosti ali brezčasnosti? Razlog izberite sami.
  • VUCH Zimbo Magenta
    Dovolj je dolgočasnih in nepraktičnih nahrbtnikov. Zimbo, ti si izbran! Lep na zunaj, a znotraj en žep poleg drugega. Mogoče mrežasti žep za kable? Vaš polnilec bo najbolj razvajan, saj bo imel svojo sobico. Nikoli se ne ospravite spat k prijatelju ali fantu brez Zimba Black. Prostoren notranji in zunanji žep z zadrgo Nastavljive naramnice Izjemno lahek in vzdržljiv material   Eko nahrbtniki Odkrijte eko nahrbtnike Vuch, s katerimi bo vaše naslednje potovanje nekoliko bolj trajnostno, a hkrati še vedno precej elegantno. Nahrbtnike izdelujemo iz trajnostnih materialov, kot sta recikliran oxford in reciklirana guma.
  • VUCH Rush Wild - 36
    Kolekcija Rush je ustvarjena za vse zahtevne noge, ki rade združujejo stil in udobje. Mehak, a čvrst in vzdržljiv podplat, ki ga dopolnjuje oblazinjen vložek s spominsko peno, bo poskrbel za 100% udobje in mehak korak. Zahvaljujoč prožnemu in vzdržljivemu mrežastemu materialu se oprijet zgornji del popolnoma prilagaja obliki stopala. In njihov edinstven VUCH dizajn, fini detajli in široka paleta barv vam omogočajo, da v njih uživate v vsaki situaciji. Zato izberite barvo, ki vam najbolj pristaja, in jo nosite z veseljem. Dizajni, oblikovani v sodelovanju z Martinom Brnom Prilagodljiv zračen zgornji del Vložek je podložen s spominsko peno Lahek dizajn Majhni odsevni elementi Ojačan nart s silikonskimi elementi OBUTEV Vuch obutev je izvirnost, ki očara. Vi v njej pa zlahka pretečete maraton. Pri vseh supergah stavimo na to, kaj počne Vuch. Igrivost, kakovostna izdelava, neverjetno udobje in dodelan dizajn. Obujte se pri nas in ugotovili boste, da so poleg odličnega videza tudi zelo funkcionalni. Ne varčujte pri nakupu novih čevljev in ustvarite svojo igrivo pot z Vuchom.
  • VUCH Fatima Dark Grey
    Želite počitek? Pišite svojim prijateljicam in se odpravite na zasluženo žensko avanturo. Fatima je kot nalašč za to. Poskrbela bo za vašo kondicijo za večer in jutranji ritual nege kože. In poleg tega je res prava lepotica. Posuli smo jo s klasično drobnimi pikicami, ki jo naredijo kot eleganten modni dodatek čeprav je potovalka. 3 zunanji žepi z zadrgo Velik notranji žep na zadrgo Naramni pas z nastavljivo dolžino POTOVALNE TORBE Iščete spremljevalko, s katero boste na potovanju tvorili neločljiv par? Ali veste, da je to točno tisto, kar imamo za vas? Če smo natančni, govorimo o potovalni torbi. O takšni torbi, ki vam bo pomagala rešiti vsako situacijo, v kateri se boste znašli na potovanju. Tako bo vaša dolga pot z vlakom ali celo spontane situacije, kot je izlet v porodnišnico, prijetnejša. Torej, že imate svojo "number one"?
  • VUCH Fatima Violet
    „Želite potovati v stilu? Potem gledate pravo potovalno torbo. Zahvaljujoč svojim pikam je potovalna torba Fatima elegantna, izvirna in lepa. Komaj čaka na dogodivščine, ki jih boste doživeli skupaj.“ Glavno zapenjanje na zadrgo 3 zunanji žepi z zadrgo Velik notranji žep z zadrgo Naramni pas z nastavljivo dolžino POTOVALNE TORBE „Iščete spremljevalko, s katero boste na potovanju tvorili neločljiv par? Ali veste, da je to točno tisto, kar imamo za vas? Če smo natančni, govorimo o potovalni torbi. O takšni torbi, ki vam bo pomagala rešiti vsako situacijo, v kateri se boste znašli na potovanju. Tako bo vaša dolga pot z vlakom ali celo spontane situacije, kot je izlet v porodnišnico, prijetnejša. Torej, že imate svojo "number one"?“
  • VUCH Roselda MN Green
    Še en eleganten kos, ki ga je vredno imeti v svoji garderobi. Črna je preprosto obvezen kos, ki dopolnjuje vsak outfit. Ne glede na to, kam greste. Arica v sebi skriva tudi kozmetično torbico, ki jo lahko v nujnih primerih uporabite tudi kot manjšo torbico za čez ramo. Eleganten dizajn z monogramom Vključuje majhno kozmetično torbico, primerno tudi kot torbica za čez ramo Priloženi nastavljivi pasovi Dvojno zapenjanje z magnetom in patentom Monogram Si želite neverjeten čar in biti del Vucha vedno in povsod? Do podrobnosti razvita nova kolekcija Vuch monogram je tukaj za vas. Razvajala vas bo s stilom in na vsakem centimetru bo poudarja Vuch logo. To lahko doživite s torbico, denarnico ali nahrbtnikom... Vuch je vaša najzvestejša ljubezen, zato pokažite to vsem brez ene same besede.
  • VUCH Dear Wallet
    Dear, this Dear wallet can already be seen in your purse. The silver snap and the Vuch logo are elegance itself, but we went ahead and decorated the whole thing with black polka dots. You close all the coins with a zipper, so they won't spill anywhere, and you can have cards stacked in so many compartments that you might even have some left. Chic grace is on.Inner coin pocket with zipper closureThe main closing of the patent walletTrays for up to 12 cards, including 1 photo trayVuch Card – Identification in Case of Loss of Wallet
  • Urban backpack VUCH Lien Pink
    When Lien is spotted, a fanfare begins to sound in the head of each of us, for whom a laptop on the back is an absolute matter of course. Inside, you'll find a special compartment for everything that goes with your laptop. A mouse, a power bank, headphones and a pen – everything will have its place. So where does the laptop itself fit? A special padded pocket on the back of the backpack awaits you. Expands beyond its size for better orientationExtremely strong and durable material that is easy to maintainPlenty of internal and external pockets
  • VUCH Dammit Flowers Pink
    Dammit Flowers je nahrbtnik za vse ljubitelje flore. Poleg tega ti zagotavlja največje udobje zaradi ojačanega hrbtišča in oblazinjenih naramnic. Ne manjka številnih žepov za vse tvoje stvari. Skratka, to je stil, ki pritegne pozornost. Praktična rešitev žepov Ojačano hrbtišče Oblazinjene naramnice Notranja karabin za pritrditev ključev creARTivity Bodi Vuch, bodi viden. Kraj, kjer nismo varčevali z domišljijo in smo igrivo sestavili potiske na naše uspešnice. Vsak potisk ima svojo zgodbo, vendar ti skupaj zagotavljajo eno stvar. Izvirnost. Ne glede na to, ali se odločiš za torbico, nahrbtnik ali denarnico, vedno boš ti tisti, ki izstopa iz množice.
  • VUCH Mitch Flowers Blue
    Trpežen material in cvetlični dizajn naredita to torbico edinstveno. Veliko notranjih žepov ne sme manjkati. Vse ti bo lepo varovalo glavno zapiranje na zadrgo. Mitch Flowers te bo spremljal na vsakem tvojem dogodivščini korak za korakom. Glavno zapiranje na zadrgo Zunanji žep na zadrgo Notranji predalček za malenkosti in žep na zadrgo Trpežen material creARTivity Bodi Vuch, bodi viden. Kraj, kjer nismo varčevali z domišljijo in smo igrivo sestavili potiske na naše uspešnice. Vsak potisk ima svojo zgodbo, vendar ti skupaj zagotavljajo eno stvar. Izvirnost. Ne glede na to, ali se odločiš za torbico, nahrbtnik ali denarnico, vedno boš ti tisti, ki izstopa iz množice.
  • VUCH Mitch Flowers Pink
    Trpežen material in cvetlični dizajn naredita to torbico edinstveno. Veliko notranjih žepov ne sme manjkati. Vse ti bo lepo varovalo glavno zapiranje na zadrgo. Mitch Flowers te bo spremljal na vsakem tvojem dogodivščini korak za korakom. Glavno zapiranje na zadrgo Zunanji žep na zadrgo Notranji predalček za malenkosti in žep na zadrgo Trpežen material creARTivity Bodi Vuch, bodi viden. Kraj, kjer nismo varčevali z domišljijo in smo igrivo sestavili potiske na naše uspešnice. Vsak potisk ima svojo zgodbo, vendar ti skupaj zagotavljajo eno stvar. Izvirnost. Ne glede na to, ali se odločiš za torbico, nahrbtnik ali denarnico, vedno boš ti tisti, ki izstopa iz množice.
  • VUCH Zane Mini Nano Blue
    Zane Mini Nano ti kljub svoji velikosti zagotavlja veliko prostora. Zunanje in notranje zadrge bodo ohranile vse tvoje stvari točno tam, kjer morajo biti. Nastavljivi ramenski trakovi dokazujejo, da se prilegajo vsaki postavi. Zaradi trpežnega materiala in domiselnega potiska bo Zane vedno na očeh. Nahrbtnik, ki izhaja iz uspešnice Notranji in zunanji žepi na zadrgo Nastavljivi ramenski trakovi Izjemno močan in trpežen material creARTivity Bodi Vuch, bodi viden. Kraj, kjer nismo varčevali z domišljijo in smo igrivo sestavili potiske na naše uspešnice. Vsak potisk ima svojo zgodbo, vendar ti skupaj zagotavljajo eno stvar. Izvirnost. Ne glede na to, ali se odločiš za torbico, nahrbtnik ali denarnico, vedno boš ti tisti, ki izstopa iz množice.
  • VUCH Dotty Eilyn Grey - 38
    Nova barva vaših najljubših superg je končno tu! Bodite med prvimi, ki boste obuli te izvirne superge. Dizajn je v redu, udobje odlično, materiali kvalitetni, pike so tudi na podplatu, vezalke so dodane. Stopite torej v Dotty Eilyn Black. Material PU Poliuretan + podplat iz gume Barvne pike na podplatu Brezplačne vezalke pri vsaki obutvi Velikosti 37–41 OBUTEV „Stopite vanj z Vuchom! Predstavljamo vam prve čevlje v zgodovini naše blagovne znamke. Stavimo na to, kar Vuch rad počne. Barva, igrivost, kakovostna izdelava, božanski dizajn in pikice. Ker pike ne gredo v pozabo! Bodite med prvimi, ki so v naših supergah preplavili svet. Verjamemo, da boste v teh supergah uživali vsaj toliko kot mi! In ne pozabite... rezervne vezalke za vsak čevelj so nekaj samoumevnega. Zato jih ne spreglejte!“
  • VUCH Dotty Eilyn Grey - 41
    Nova barva vaših najljubših superg je končno tu! Bodite med prvimi, ki boste obuli te izvirne superge. Dizajn je v redu, udobje odlično, materiali kvalitetni, pike so tudi na podplatu, vezalke so dodane. Stopite torej v Dotty Eilyn Black. Material PU Poliuretan + podplat iz gume Barvne pike na podplatu Brezplačne vezalke pri vsaki obutvi Velikosti 37–41 OBUTEV „Stopite vanj z Vuchom! Predstavljamo vam prve čevlje v zgodovini naše blagovne znamke. Stavimo na to, kar Vuch rad počne. Barva, igrivost, kakovostna izdelava, božanski dizajn in pikice. Ker pike ne gredo v pozabo! Bodite med prvimi, ki so v naših supergah preplavili svet. Verjamemo, da boste v teh supergah uživali vsaj toliko kot mi! In ne pozabite... rezervne vezalke za vsak čevelj so nekaj samoumevnega. Zato jih ne spreglejte!“
  • VUCH Rush Wild - 41
    Kolekcija Rush je ustvarjena za vse zahtevne noge, ki rade združujejo stil in udobje. Mehak, a čvrst in vzdržljiv podplat, ki ga dopolnjuje oblazinjen vložek s spominsko peno, bo poskrbel za 100% udobje in mehak korak. Zahvaljujoč prožnemu in vzdržljivemu mrežastemu materialu se oprijet zgornji del popolnoma prilagaja obliki stopala. In njihov edinstven VUCH dizajn, fini detajli in široka paleta barv vam omogočajo, da v njih uživate v vsaki situaciji. Zato izberite barvo, ki vam najbolj pristaja, in jo nosite z veseljem. Dizajni, oblikovani v sodelovanju z Martinom Brnom Prilagodljiv zračen zgornji del Vložek je podložen s spominsko peno Lahek dizajn Majhni odsevni elementi Ojačan nart s silikonskimi elementi OBUTEV Vuch obutev je izvirnost, ki očara. Vi v njej pa zlahka pretečete maraton. Pri vseh supergah stavimo na to, kaj počne Vuch. Igrivost, kakovostna izdelava, neverjetno udobje in dodelan dizajn. Obujte se pri nas in ugotovili boste, da so poleg odličnega videza tudi zelo funkcionalni. Ne varčujte pri nakupu novih čevljev in ustvarite svojo igrivo pot z Vuchom.
  • VUCH Liorga
    Imate radi red? Potem boste naravnost navdušeni nad torbico Liorga. V notranjosti je velik žep razdeljen na dva dela, obenem pa ima tudi več manjših žepov, tako da ima vse svoje mesto in ne boste večno iskali po enem velikem žepu. Eleganten dizajn Glavno zapenjanje z magnetom in zadrgo Torbica razdeljena na dva dela Širši pas - zagotavlja udobje Crossbody „Ko je nekdo ponosen na nas, nam to pogreje srce. Toda ali bi verjeli, da ste lahko ponosni na vašo torbico? Ta, ki si to zasluži je crossbody torbica. Lahko ste ponosni, da jo imate. Zaradi njene praktičnosti, priljubljenosti ali brezčasnosti? Razlog izberite sami.“
  • Nahrbtnik VUCH Travel Collection
    VUCH nahrbtnik.<br />- Velik glavni predal z žepom na zadrgo<br />- Snemljivi ročaji z možnostjo namestitve na voziček<br />- 2 notranja predelka brez zapenjanja, dva stranska predelka<br />- 2 termična predelka in 1 sprednji žep z zadrgo z zadrgo<br />- Velikost: 280x400x160 mm<br /><strong>Material</strong>: 80% poliester, 20% poliuretan
  • Ženska torbica VUCH Perry
    Ženska torbica znamke VUCH.<br />- Eleganten dizajn z zunanjim žepom brez zapenjanja<br />- Notranji žep z zadrgo<br />- 2 notranja predelka brez zapenjanja<br />- Pas za čez telo s srebrno verižico<br />- Dolžina pasu: 115 - 125 cm<br />- Dimenzije: 240 x 200 x 105 mm<br />- Teža: 305 g<br />- Zapenjanje: na zadrgo<br /><strong>Material</strong>: Sintetično usnje<br />- Notranja tkanina: 100% poliester
  • Bracelet Infinity Rose gold
    "Do you get a magical view of the night sky, where stars glitter like small diamonds and the moon shines? Then you will surely be enchanted by the bracelet inspired by the night sky. It will suit you unbelievably."Surgical steelClassic closureSubtle decorationsVariable dimensions 150 + 30
  • Handbag VUCH Addict
    Twelve out of ten addictologists say that a slight addiction to handbags is fine, sometimes even healthy. Especially when the handbag is eco. So we're not afraid to name this blue beauty Addict and let you be a little dependent on her, which we wouldn't do for your health, right?Made from recycled materialMain zip closureZipped outer pocketZipped inner pocket, compartment for small items
  • Ženska denarnica VUCH No Dots Collection
    - Patentirana z logotipom Vuch<br />- Zapiralni žep za kovance<br />- Reža za fotografije<br />- Velik prostoren žep za bankovce<br />Velikost: 195 x 95 x 30 mm<br /><br /><strong>Material</strong>: Sintetično usnje
  • Fashion backpack VUCH Maron
    "This backpack is definitely not going to be left in a corner. It is characterized by a minimalist design, thanks to which you will not have to think long about what you will take it for. It goes well with almost everything."Spacious inner pocket with double closure - zipper and magnetPractical outer zippered pocket on the back of the backpackInternal mobile phone compartments and zippered pocketAdjustable shoulder straps
  • VUCH Lulu Dark Pink Wallet
    We make our customers' dreams come true. The wallet from the Your Choice collection is a unique piece created according to the designs of our customers. Every detail of this wallet is a reflection of their creativity, imagination, and personal style.  With Lulu, you'll be reminded that you're part of our creative Vuch community. The wallet will delight all your senses. It is pleasant to the touch, has plenty of space for cards and banknotes. Every time you open it, it reminds you that there is some creativity in its design. Its luxurious, quilted design with the characteristic Vuch logo evokes a unique experience. Imagine the place where you will take her for the first time - whatever the event, Lulu will always be your faithful second.Wallet from the Your Choice collection, designed by our customersQuilted finishMain zipper closureDouble closable zippered pocket for coins
  • Necklace VUCH Drotis Gold
    One of the key meanings of the triangle is creativity. If its tip points to the ground, it symbolizes female energy. So it's clear – this necklace is perfect for the creative soul.Stainless steelTriangle motifClassic closureVariable size
  • VUCH Qupia Gold Earrings
    Would you like to try hoop earrings a little differently? All things considered, these are them. A pair made of stainless steel, which is very scratch-resistant.Stainless steelSize 1 cmClassic stud closure
  • VUCH Kruwen Silver Bracelet
    Do you like simplicity and elegance in every way? The Kruwen stainless steel bracelet hung with synthetic pearls could be the right one for you. A Persian proverb says that pearls are the tears of the gods that have sunk to the bottom of the oceans. We didn't have to fish these in deep waters, but it doesn't detract from their refinement.Elegant designSubtle ornaments à la pearlsClassic closure Variable size 150 + 30 mm
  • Fashion backpack VUCH Crosta
    Crosta is a beautiful example of the fact that elegance can be a real flair. We decorated the black backpack with beige piping with our favorite polka dots. You can wear Crosta wherever you want. Whether as a backpack or a crossbody handbag.The main zipper closure of the backpackPractical internal compartments and zippered pocketDual wearingAdjustable shoulder straps
  • VUCH Jazzie urban backpack
    You're running around the city, your coffee in one hand, your mobile phone in the other. The third hand is probably missing to hold the handbag, so a simple solution is the Linton Khaki backpack. Get used to it, maybe crowds will form behind you, because the design is really great. And they don't even know what a cool solution is hidden inside. With Linton Khaki, you can easily find your way around any urban jungle and your life will simply be more carefree. A new color for your favorite designSpacious inner pocket with double fastening – zipper and magnetSecret external zippered pocket on the back of the backpackInternal mobile compartments and zippered pocketAdjustable shoulder straps
  • VUCH Buffy Handbag
    Do you like a romantic night walk under the stars? Who wouldn't! With our Coalie MN Blue, you'll have the night in the palm of your hand. Its color says it all. The original monogram will remind you a little more of the feeling of the night sky. Original monogrammed designZipper closureAdjustable strap that can be detachedInner pockets
  • Backpack VUCH Mellora Airy Black
    Are you going to the mountains? Whether it's a hike in the Beskydy Mountains or a night under the stars, Mellora will have your back. It is an ultralight functional sports backpack that will not be endangered even by a downpour. We made it from ripstop, which was developed as a fabric to make parachutes. It won't take you to the top of the mountain, but it certainly won't be a burden to you.The First Sports Vuch CollectionMade of ripstop – lightweight, breathable, waterproof materialMain zippered pocket + fold (more loops for hooking according to the filling of the backpack)Invisible waterproof zippers for pocketsWide padded shoulder straps
  • Handbag VUCH Carine Lila
    Our goal is always to bring a brilliant idea to precise execution. And Carine managed to fulfill this to the fullest. From the decorative pin on the lapel, to the elaborate crossbody strap, to the hidden magnet for fastening the handbag. Styling TIP: With a boho-style outfit, she will look cosmic in space. Designed with Vuch hippies lovers in mind Simple and sophisticated design Main zipper closure + flap with magnet Zippered back pocket
  • Fashion backpack VUCH Miles Pink
    This backpack has a secret superpower. Once you check it out and you're already flying with it outside, in the city or in the clouds. And the reasons? Miles Pink is a lightweight, medium-sized backpack. Padded back and wide shoulder straps. The front pocket full of polka dots may surprise you with what it takes. Well, the reasons are clear, there is no sore back, and it will make every walk more pleasant. So put on Miles Pink, throw your fit into the wilderness and let's go!Zipped inner and outer pocketsPadded backAdjustable shoulder strapsExtremely strong and durable material
  • Handbag VUCH Yella Yellow
    What is Yella like? Soft, padded, quilted... And most importantly, mini. So for all those who believe that less is always more, she will be the right one. A sportier exterior with the use of carabiners makes it a great accompaniment on a trip. But the true fashion icon will not be afraid to combine it with a jacket either. 2 main zippered pockets Closing the handbag with a patent Pocket for mobile phone or small items with zipper  Wide adjustable strap
  • VUCH Grant Black Wallet
    Thin, sophisticated, spacious. This is the Grant wallet with silicone details. You will have enough space for cards, documents and the necessary cash. If you don't like too much eccentricity, this wallet will definitely not disappoint you.Slim designZippered coin pocket hidden in the back of the walletSlots for up to 5 cardsTimeless design
  • VUCH Neria Black Wallet
    This small sports wallet is like the best buddy for your outdoor trips or casual hustle and bustle. Its cheerful gradient will instantly boost your mood, and it's so practical that you'll feel like you're in control. And if it accidentally gets dirty, no stress, you throw it in the washing machine and it's as good as new. A great choice for anyone who likes simplicity and color.Sports Textile WalletBold color gradientContrasting black detailsInner pocket for coins and banknotes
  • VUCH Asta Violet Wallet
    Do you need something small and elegant for cards that fits into even the smallest pocket? Asta is a mini wallet that will meet your requirements. Ideal for those who prefer cards and simplicity.Elegant mini wallet with stitchingZipper closureThe main zippered pocket is not used for banknotesIdeal for those who prefer cards
  • VUCH Charis Yellow Wallet
    For lovers of discreet style, there is the Charis wallet with embossed polka dots. With dark contrasting fittings and details that catch the eye at first glance, this polka dot design is perfect for you. The pink heart inside adds to the cuteness. Get ready for a new level of elegance in the world of wallets.Large wallet with embossed polka dotsContrasting black fittingsExternal and internal zippered pocketInside a distinctive heart-shaped mini detail
  • Handbag VUCH Inara Grey
    Whether you throw it over your shoulder or attach it to the stroller with two short straps, you'll be considered a fashion icon and the most practical mom around. This is how 20 out of 10 mothers would describe the Inara handbag if they were able to split. Inside, you'll find a pocket or compartment for almost anything. And two for a bottle of milk. When you want to put it down, it stands firmly on four metal legs. Therefore, there is no risk of abrasions in this case. Main zipper closure Loops for attaching to the stroller Solid bottom that protects 4 metal feet Plenty of inner and outer pockets
  • VUCH Lylann Black
    Lylann Black je PARTY GIRL, ki bo šla z vami na dogodku do konca. Do konca afterpartyja. Čeprav je tako tanka, da bi jo lahko pospravili kamorkoli, stavimo, da je ne boste izpustili iz rok ali z rame. Brez neudobne verige, ampak z udobnim nastavljivim pasom, ki vas ne bo v ničemer omejeval. Zapiranje na zadrgo Tekstilna nastavljiva naramnica Velikost aktovke Prešita oblika Crossbody Ko je nekdo ponosen na nas, nam to pogreje srce. Toda ali bi verjeli, da ste lahko ponosni na vašo torbico? Ta, ki si to zasluži je crossbody torbica. Lahko ste ponosni, da jo imate. Zaradi njene praktičnosti, priljubljenosti ali brezčasnosti? Razlog izberite sami.
  • VUCH Rush Spectrum - 37
    Kolekcija Rush je ustvarjena za vse zahtevne noge, ki rade združujejo stil in udobje. Mehak, a čvrst in vzdržljiv podplat, ki ga dopolnjuje oblazinjen vložek s spominsko peno, bo poskrbel za 100% udobje in mehak korak. Zahvaljujoč prožnemu in vzdržljivemu mrežastemu materialu se oprijet zgornji del popolnoma prilagaja obliki stopala. In njihov edinstven VUCH dizajn, fini detajli in široka paleta barv vam omogočajo, da v njih uživate v vsaki situaciji. Zato izberite barvo, ki vam najbolj pristaja, in jo nosite z veseljem. Dizajni, oblikovani v sodelovanju z Martinom Brnom Prilagodljiv zračen zgornji del Vložek je podložen s spominsko peno Lahek dizajn Majhni odsevni elementi Ojačan nart s silikonskimi elementi OBUTEV Vuch obutev je izvirnost, ki očara. Vi v njej pa zlahka pretečete maraton. Pri vseh supergah stavimo na to, kaj počne Vuch. Igrivost, kakovostna izdelava, neverjetno udobje in dodelan dizajn. Obujte se pri nas in ugotovili boste, da so poleg odličnega videza tudi zelo funkcionalni. Ne varčujte pri nakupu novih čevljev in ustvarite svojo igrivo pot z Vuchom.
  • VUCH Marva Grey
    Marva je ponosna nosilka originalnega monograma Vuch. Če torej cenite kakovosten dizajn in veliko prostora, je ta prava za vas. Ne glede na to, ali ji dovolite, da plača še kakšen pomemben kos vaše garderobe ali knjižnice, vas bo vedno zvesto zastopala. Original Vuch monogram kot potisk Dvojni žep z zadrgo za kovance Dva prostorna žepa za bankovce Monogram Si želite neverjeten čar in biti del Vucha vedno in povsod? Do podrobnosti razvita nova kolekcija Vuch monogram je tukaj za vas. Razvajala vas bo s stilom in na vsakem centimetru bo poudarja Vuch logo. To lahko doživite s torbico, denarnico ali nahrbtnikom... Vuch je vaša najzvestejša ljubezen, zato pokažite to vsem brez ene same besede.
  • VUCH Lulu Pink
    Uresničujemo sanje naših uporabnic. Denarnica iz kolekcije Your Choice je unikaten kos, ustvarjen po željah naših upoorabnic. Vsaka podrobnost te denarnice je odraz njihove ustvarjalnosti, domišljije in osebnega stila.   Lulu vas bo spomnila da ste del naše ustvarjalne skupnosti Vuch. Denarnica bo razveselila vse vaše čute. Je prijetna na dotik, ima veliko prostora za kartice in bankovce. Vsakič, ko jo odprete, vas opomni, da se v njenem dizajnu skriva del vaše ustvarjalnosti. Njen razkošen, prešit dizajn z značilnim logotipom Vuch pričara edinstveno izkušnjo. Zamislite si kraj, kamor jo boste prvič vzeli seboj – ne glede na dogodek bo Lulu vedno vaša zvesta prijateljica. Denarnica iz kolekcije Your Choice, ki so jo oblikovale naše uporabnice prešito površje glavno zapenjanje z zadrgo Dvojni žep z zadrgo za kovance Denarnica tvori duo z ujemajočo se torbico iz iste kolekcije Srednje denarnice Zlata sredina. Moder rek, ki naj bi ga skoval Buda. V VUCHu verjamemo, da ga je mogoče uporabiti tudi za velikost denarnic. Srednja denarnica bo poskrbela za dovolj prostora za vaše dragocenosti, poleg tega pa je tudi ravno prav velika. Ni vam treba razmišljati, ali jo boste lahko spravili v vašo torbico. Boste izbrali denarnico z dominantnimi elementi ali tisto z umirjenim dizajnom? Odločite se sami.
  • VUCH Marva Brown
    Marva je ponosna nosilka originalnega monograma Vuch. Če torej cenite kakovosten dizajn in veliko prostora, je ta prava za vas. Ne glede na to, ali ji dovolite, da plača še kakšen pomemben kos vaše garderobe ali knjižnice, vas bo vedno zvesto zastopala. Original Vuch monogram kot potisk Dvojni žep z zadrgo za kovance Dva prostorna žepa za bankovce Monogram Si želite neverjeten čar in biti del Vucha vedno in povsod? Do podrobnosti razvita nova kolekcija Vuch monogram je tukaj za vas. Razvajala vas bo s stilom in na vsakem centimetru bo poudarja Vuch logo. To lahko doživite s torbico, denarnico ali nahrbtnikom... Vuch je vaša najzvestejša ljubezen, zato pokažite to vsem brez ene same besede.
  • Women's handbag VUCH
    Women's handbag by VUCH.<br />- Made from recycled material with cork<br />- Main zip closure<br />- Zipped exterior and interior pockets<br />- Adjustable crossbody strap
  • VUCH Rush Wild - 39
    Kolekcija Rush je ustvarjena za vse zahtevne noge, ki rade združujejo stil in udobje. Mehak, a čvrst in vzdržljiv podplat, ki ga dopolnjuje oblazinjen vložek s spominsko peno, bo poskrbel za 100% udobje in mehak korak. Zahvaljujoč prožnemu in vzdržljivemu mrežastemu materialu se oprijet zgornji del popolnoma prilagaja obliki stopala. In njihov edinstven VUCH dizajn, fini detajli in široka paleta barv vam omogočajo, da v njih uživate v vsaki situaciji. Zato izberite barvo, ki vam najbolj pristaja, in jo nosite z veseljem. Dizajni, oblikovani v sodelovanju z Martinom Brnom Prilagodljiv zračen zgornji del Vložek je podložen s spominsko peno Lahek dizajn Majhni odsevni elementi Ojačan nart s silikonskimi elementi OBUTEV Vuch obutev je izvirnost, ki očara. Vi v njej pa zlahka pretečete maraton. Pri vseh supergah stavimo na to, kaj počne Vuch. Igrivost, kakovostna izdelava, neverjetno udobje in dodelan dizajn. Obujte se pri nas in ugotovili boste, da so poleg odličnega videza tudi zelo funkcionalni. Ne varčujte pri nakupu novih čevljev in ustvarite svojo igrivo pot z Vuchom.
  • VUCH Riny Gold Earrings
    Hoop earrings in all their glory that will adorn your ear. You just can't get out of this pair of earrings. The double circle effect and glittering rhinestones will become an eye-catching addition to your outfits.Stainless steelPart of it is studded with crystalsClassic knuckle closure
  • VUCH Riny Silver Earrings
    Hoop earrings in all their glory that will adorn your ear. You just can't get out of this pair of earrings. The double circle effect and glittering rhinestones will become an eye-catching addition to your outfits.Stainless steelPart of it is studded with crystalsClassic knuckle closure
  • Ženska torbica VUCH
    Ženska torbica VUCH.<br />- Zapiranje z glavno zadrgo<br />- Notranji predelki brez zapirala<br />- Notranji žep z zadrgo za majhne predmete<br />- Odstranljiv opornik za čez telo
  • Handbag VUCH Werdel Blue
    So where will it go? For shopping or for a walk. For culture, or discovering the gastronomic heavens in your area. No matter where you pull the Werdel, its wide strap makes it fit perfectly on any shoulder. And what do we admire about it? It keeps its form, no matter what.Main zip closureZipped inner pocket, compartments for small itemsZipped outer pocketAdjustable strap
  • VUCH Dotty Eilyn Grey - 40
    Nova barva vaših najljubših superg je končno tu! Bodite med prvimi, ki boste obuli te izvirne superge. Dizajn je v redu, udobje odlično, materiali kvalitetni, pike so tudi na podplatu, vezalke so dodane. Stopite torej v Dotty Eilyn Black. Material PU Poliuretan + podplat iz gume Barvne pike na podplatu Brezplačne vezalke pri vsaki obutvi Velikosti 37–41 OBUTEV „Stopite vanj z Vuchom! Predstavljamo vam prve čevlje v zgodovini naše blagovne znamke. Stavimo na to, kar Vuch rad počne. Barva, igrivost, kakovostna izdelava, božanski dizajn in pikice. Ker pike ne gredo v pozabo! Bodite med prvimi, ki so v naših supergah preplavili svet. Verjamemo, da boste v teh supergah uživali vsaj toliko kot mi! In ne pozabite... rezervne vezalke za vsak čevelj so nekaj samoumevnega. Zato jih ne spreglejte!“
  • VUCH Rush Wild - 42
    Kolekcija Rush je ustvarjena za vse zahtevne noge, ki rade združujejo stil in udobje. Mehak, a čvrst in vzdržljiv podplat, ki ga dopolnjuje oblazinjen vložek s spominsko peno, bo poskrbel za 100% udobje in mehak korak. Zahvaljujoč prožnemu in vzdržljivemu mrežastemu materialu se oprijet zgornji del popolnoma prilagaja obliki stopala. In njihov edinstven VUCH dizajn, fini detajli in široka paleta barv vam omogočajo, da v njih uživate v vsaki situaciji. Zato izberite barvo, ki vam najbolj pristaja, in jo nosite z veseljem. Dizajni, oblikovani v sodelovanju z Martinom Brnom Prilagodljiv zračen zgornji del Vložek je podložen s spominsko peno Lahek dizajn Majhni odsevni elementi Ojačan nart s silikonskimi elementi OBUTEV Vuch obutev je izvirnost, ki očara. Vi v njej pa zlahka pretečete maraton. Pri vseh supergah stavimo na to, kaj počne Vuch. Igrivost, kakovostna izdelava, neverjetno udobje in dodelan dizajn. Obujte se pri nas in ugotovili boste, da so poleg odličnega videza tudi zelo funkcionalni. Ne varčujte pri nakupu novih čevljev in ustvarite svojo igrivo pot z Vuchom.
  • Fashion backpack VUCH Filipa Divide Black
    The elegant backpack of Filip Divide follows the success of the bestseller Filipa, but comes with a slightly larger design. The combination of two different materials and a hanging logo will underline its unique look and flair. Thanks to the adjustable straps, you can easily adjust it to your needs, whether you go to a business meeting, a city walk or a trip. Filipa Divide will ensure your hands are free wherever you go. Just take it on your back and go on adventure!Embellished with a metal Vuch logoFront zip pocketZip pocket at the back of the backpackAdjustable shoulder straps
  • Ženska denarnica VUCH Black Dots Collection
    Ženska denarnica znamke VUCH.<br /><br />- notranji žep za kovance z zadrgo<br />- zapiranje s pritiskom<br />- predelki za do 12 kartic, od tega 1 predal za fotografije<br />- identifikacija v primeru izgube denarnice<br /><br />Dimenzije 195 x 95 x 25 mm<br /><strong>Material</strong>: Sintetično usnje
  • Torbica VUCH Sense Collection
    Ženska torbica VUCH.<br /><br />- nastavljiv in snemljiv trak<br />- zapiranje na zadrgo<br />- logotip Vuch<br /><br />Velikost: 240 x 200 x 50 mm<br />Teža: 270 g<br /><strong>Material</strong>: sintetično usnje
  • VUCH Bucky Wallet
    "It's easy to put in your jacket pocket and fits in any handbag, even the little one. The trendy mint Bucky wallet is incredibly practical and graceful thanks to its size."Main zip closureExternal zipped pocketInterior space for banknotes, cards and photoSeparate coin pocket
  • Ženska zapestnica VUCH
    Ženska zapestnica znamke VUCH.<br />- Kirurško jeklo<br />- srebrne barve<br />- Spremenljive dimenzije 150+30 mm<br />- Zavita v darilno škatlico
  • Ženska torbica VUCH Wade
    Ženska torbica VUCH.<br />- Eleganten dizajn s šivi in ​​srebrnim V logotipom<br />- Glavno zapiranje z dvema magnetoma<br />- Notranjost je razdeljena na dva dela<br />- Notranji žep z zadrgo za majhne predmete<br />- Pas čez ramo z okrasno srebrno verižico
  • Ženska torbica VUCH Cynthia
    Ženska torbica znamke VUCH.<br />- Glavni prostor je razdeljen na dva dela z žepi za manjšo zadrgo<br />- 2 predelka brez zapenjanja<br />- Glavno zapiranje z zadrgo<br />- Torbica vključuje pas za čez telo
  • VUCH Gavroche urban backpack
    You know when you buy a new backpack or handbag and examine all the pockets it has and where it would fit? So with the Dammit Pink backpack, you will enjoy this feeling for a long time. There are a lot of pockets, so it will probably take a bit of work to come up with the perfect content for each one.Practical pocket solutionReinforced backPadded shoulder strapsInternal carabiner for attaching keys
  • Bracelet VUCH Gem Rose Gold
    "For girls and women who don't want people looking at their hands, this bracelet is not. For those who crave attention, however, it is made for him. It boasts a beautiful color and an unmistakable stone."Surgical steelOne small crystalClassic closureVariable dimensions 150 + 30
  • VUCH Kruwen Silver Earrings
    Are you going out and don't have time for accessories? With seed bead earrings, you can never go wrong. It's a classic that won't overshadow your look, but will elevate it to a higher level. You can choose from two sizes of synthetic seed beads.Synthetic pearls set in a stainless steel bedClassic buckle closure2 pairs of earrings in two sizes (4 and 7 mm)
  • Handbag VUCH Carlene Pink
    No crossbody is big enough for you? So Carlene will be. It has the best of both fashion worlds. You throw it over your shoulder and no constant falling is on the agenda. Plus, it's really spacious, so you can fit even a small shopping in it. And the triple clamshell as a pendant just cuts it.Main zipper closureOne of the largest crossbody bagsFront zip pocketLarge detachable logo as a pendant
  • Fashion backpack VUCH Filipa MN Blue
    Filipa is one of our signature city backpacks. So it deserved to be signed with our original signature specimen. You won't be able to detect the hidden monogram Vuch at first glance, but that's what creates decent flowers on the surface. We also appreciate that whether it's half-empty or filled to the brim, it still holds its shape.Reinforced backpack in an elegant designDetachable colorful pendant with Vuch logoZippered back outer pocketAdjustable shoulder straps
  • Handbag VUCH Sabin Brown
    Do you throw your bag over your shoulder in the morning and don't want to worry about anything all day? Sabin will guard all your necessities for you. The wide textile crossbody strap will be comfortable and you can adjust it exactly to your height. If you're looking for practicality and complexity is not your place in your life, this is the handbag for you.Internal compartments and zippered pocketsAdjustable shoulder strapZippered handbag closureSolid bottom and supple materialSimple and clean design
  • VUCH Kizia Silver Bracelet
    If it's a bracelet, let it sparkle properly. Do you have this philosophy too? Then you'll get along wonderfully with the Kizia bracelet. Steel in combination with cubic zirconia will suit your graceful hand, and whoever shakes it will not be able to resist amazement.Stainless steelBracelet decorated with shamrocks made of cubic zirconiaClassic closureVariable size
  • VUCH Sirius Men Black Urban Backpack
    Are you looking for a cool roll-top backpack that will go hiking with you? You don't have to anymore. Sirius is a backpack that pays attention to details and is thought out to the last buckle. And it's really big, so it's ready to go camping with you for the weekend. With this backpack you really won't be bored, because you'll be constantly discovering everything it has to offer. And because we try to use recycled materials outside of our Eco collection, this backpack has already been something once.Double-fastening of the main pocket – zipper and buckle after rollingPadded back and shoulder straps for the most comfortable fitMade from ultra-light recycled nylon
  • Women's backpack Vuch Joanna in Bloom Rozanne
    The limited collection of Joanna in Bloom backpacks will definitely be the best match for a wild artistic soul. And also to everything else you normally have in your wardrobe. We started with a joke and we're going to finish it in an arty way. The motif of wild roses, created for us by leading visual artist and illustrator Marek Ehrenberger, adorns the inner lining. And as is often the case with wild souls, it breaks through in the form of embroidery even outside the permitted boundaries.The limited edition of the most popular backpack in our portfolio boasts a new matte exclusive material, enlarged main pocket and, last but not least, unique graphics, which Marek has pampered for this backpack in three color combinations.Limited edition – 70 pieces of each colorWild rose motif expressing beauty, harmony and strengthGraphics specially created by illustrator and visual artist, Mark EhrenbergerBestseller Joanna in an upgraded design – enlarged main pocket, exclusive matte materialLuxury Limited Edition Gift Packaging
  • VUCH Marva Mini Grey Wallet
    Let everyone hear it! Or rather, they see... You are simply someone who appreciates quality and knows that every true fashion brand deserves its own monogram. And that's who we are. So get to know our new print, which combines colors on a great base.Original Vuch monogram as printThe perfect size – fits in any handbag!Spacious zippered pocketSimple but secure closure
  • VUCH Riterra Gold Bracelet
    Do you just love flowers? You don't have to be the fairy Amelia to always have a daisy at hand. With the Ritter bracelet, your delicate hand will always be decorated. And this subtle flower will delight you whenever you wish. Stainless steelBracelet with a flower motifClassic closureVariable size 150 + 30 mm
  • Waist bag VUCH Carol Grey
    Whether you're a fan of trekking or hiking, this waist bag will shoot you out of your hiking boots. It has an adjustable strap, thanks to which you can easily increase or decrease its volume. So if you are surprised by a downpour on the route, you can comfortably pack a raincoat in it. It is made of functional material that is lightweight, but does not let a drop through.The First Sports Vuch CollectionMade of ripstop – lightweight, breathable, waterproof materialExpandable main pocket with double zipperAdjustable strap with automatic magnetic buckle
  • Handbag VUCH Merise Pink
    Girls love fairy tales, so we have one for you. There was one favorite handbag. Her name was Wennie, and everyone who knew her fell in love with her. It had really refined features – elegant clean lines, interesting color combinations and a clip-on wallet as a bonus. And so we decided to give it to you in a smaller crossbody variant. Meet Merise.Spacious crossbody that keeps its shapeInside detachable mini wallet for small items (90 × 140 mm)Comfortable textile strap that adjusts just right for your height
  • Fashion backpack VUCH Miles Yellow
    This backpack has a secret superpower. Once you check it out and you're already flying with it outside, in the city or in the clouds. And the reasons? Miles Yellow is a lightweight, medium-sized backpack. Padded back and wide shoulder straps. The front pocket full of polka dots may surprise you with what it takes. Well, the reasons are clear, there is no sore back, and it will make every walk more pleasant. So put on Miles Yellow, throw your fit into the wilderness and let's go!Zipped inner and outer pocketsPadded backAdjustable shoulder strapsExtremely strong and durable material
  • Large handbag VUCH Eirene Pink
    Eirene is the one for the office. She is quite likely to become your favorite colleague. Even if she doesn't have her own desk, don't worry about her. It has a solid bottom and metal legs on which it can withstand overtime. And after work, he will happily "help" you with a small purchase.A large handbag with a solid bottom that protects 4 metal feetThe whole thing closes with a zipper, so nothing for the naysayersLong, comfortable handles fit on the forearm and shoulder
  • Handbag VUCH Amie
    There is beauty in simplicity. But even more beauty is hidden in the fine details on the Fossy Smooth handbag. We complemented the black, medium-sized handbag with a decorative belt in a timeless rose-gold color, which adds a touch of flair to the handbag but does not detract from its elegance.Sleek design with an external pocket without closureInner pocket for small items with zipper2 internal compartments without closure Crossbody strap with silver chain
  • Handbag VUCH Terra
    Pleasing to the eye, pleasant to the touch, and practical at the same time! This is a burgundy-colored handbag. You can wear it in several ways, such as on the shoulder, as a crossbody or as a clutch. Thanks to the adjustable strap, you can change the way you wear it in the blink of an eye.Sleek design with an external pocket without closureInner pocket for small items with zipper2 internal compartments without closure Crossbody strap with silver chain
  • Handbag VUCH Nelly Beige
    Like throwing a stone into the water... This is how our designer described the situation, which inspired her original stitching of the Nelly handbag. In addition, we give her extra points for a funky strap with a short chain, which embellishes even the most "basic look".Surprisingly spacious crossbodyAlso ideal for wearing a fanny packInside 2 zipped pockets for better organisationOne hidden magnetic pin pocket on the back
  • Fashion backpack VUCH Miles Grey
    This backpack has a secret superpower. Once you check it out and you're already flying with it outside, in the city or in the clouds. And the reasons? Miles Grey is a lightweight, medium-sized backpack. Padded back and wide shoulder straps. The front pocket full of polka dots may surprise you with what it takes. Well, the reasons are clear, there is no sore back, and it will make every walk more pleasant. So put on Miles Grey, throw your fit into the wilderness and let's go!Zipped inner and outer pocketsPadded backAdjustable shoulder strapsExtremely strong and durable material
  • Fashion backpack VUCH Simone Black
    Simone is an elegant city backpack that you will enjoy. With a larger front pocket and practical side pockets, it's perfect for organized souls who love to have everything in place. Its free-spirited design expands the family of iconic Zane backpacks with a more understated design.Elegant city backpackCombination of two materials – smooth and textileLarger outer pocket and smaller side pocketsTone-on-tone color variants
  • VUCH Elion Beige urban backpack
    Elion is literally the best friend for big expeditions. It's the most spacious backpack in our portfolio, allowing you to pack everything you need and then some. Its roll-top design and reflective logo and fibre will make you stand out, whether you're in the mountains or exploring the city.Largest Travel Vuch BackpackRoll-top system, possibility of enlarging the spaceRubberized front and topReflective logo and thread on the front of the backpack
  • Handbag VUCH Neela Grey
    We're officially ending the search for the perfect big handbag to match your favorite Fossy Mini crossbody. We found it. Or rather, they suggested. Neela has a spacious inner pocket, a practical outer pocket on the front of the handbag and the iconic blind embossing decoration on the surface of the handbag. The metal details match the colour scheme subtly, so its monochromatic look is precisely brought to perfection. Sleek design with an external pocket without closure Handbag with a solid bottom that protects 4 metal feet Main zipper closure The handbag includes a crossbody strap
  • Fashion backpack VUCH Elmon Green
    This backpack is elegance in genuine leather. Its clean design, embellished with fine details, opens the door to a world of sophistication. Plus, with sophisticated features like an expandable bottom and a trendy drawstring mechanism, this piece is not only handsome, but also surprisingly practical. Ideal for those who are looking for luxury and quality in every detail.Elegant backpack made of genuine leatherClear design with a subtle engraved symbolDrawstring bag insideVibrant color options
  • Handbag VUCH Eldrin Blue
    A handbag that deceives with its body. At first glance, it looks like a simple smooth bag, but you'll roll your eyes until you discover all its pockets. A total of four outer pockets with a snap all around and compartments and pockets inside. Eldrin aspires to be the favorite of all those who like to be organized even within her everyday companion. Four outside pockets with snap fasteners – 1 on the front, 1 on the back and 2 on the sides Wide adjustable shoulder strap  Closing the handbag with a magnetic patent  Inside, there is a large zippered pocket in the middle, a smaller zippered pocket and two compartments without a zipper
  • VUCH Smokie Cappucion
    Preprosta torbica v kapučino barvi, ki se ne poigrava z ničemer, a se boste z njo počutili kot pomembna osebnost. Smokie Cappucion bo vaša jasna izbira, če imate radi praktičnost in v vašem življenju ni prostora za kompleksnost. Nastavljiv ramenski pas Zunanji magnetni žep Notranji žepi CROSSBODY Ko je nekdo ponosen na nas, nam to pogreje srce. Toda ali bi verjeli, da ste lahko ponosni na vašo torbico? Ta, ki si to zasluži je crossbody torbica. Lahko ste ponosni, da jo imate. Zaradi njene praktičnosti, priljubljenosti ali brezčasnosti? Razlog izberite sami.
  • VUCH Liva Blue
    Ton v tonu. Tako bi lahko opisali igro z barvami pri torbici Liva crossbody. Kovinska logotip pri vsaki barvni različici popolnoma zlije z barvo torbice. Prešivanje in širok trak neposredno vabita k vsakodnevnim sprehodom v elegantnem koraku-sonce-korak z maksimalnim udobjem za tvoj hrbet. Glavno zapiranje z zadrgo Prešit površina Notranji žep na zadrgo, predalček za drobnarije Širok nastavljiv trak crossbody CROSSBODY Ko je nekdo ponosen na nas, nam to pogreje srce. Toda ali bi verjeli, da ste lahko ponosni na vašo torbico? Ta, ki si to zasluži je crossbody torbica. Lahko ste ponosni, da jo imate. Zaradi njene praktičnosti, priljubljenosti ali brezčasnosti? Razlog izberite sami.
  • VUCH Verdi Red wallet
    Going the way of proven design and quality leather processing is a prerequisite for a satisfied wear. And if, moreover, thanks to the number of loyalty cards, you could interpret the future, there is probably nothing to worry about. Verdi Red will last with you for years, take all your valuables and will not get tired of your style.Fibrous leatherPatent closingClosable coin pocketHolds up to 8 cards
  • VUCH Rush Wild
    Kolekcija Rush je ustvarjena za vse zahtevne noge, ki rade združujejo stil in udobje. Mehak, a čvrst in vzdržljiv podplat, ki ga dopolnjuje oblazinjen vložek s spominsko peno, bo poskrbel za 100% udobje in mehak korak. Zahvaljujoč prožnemu in vzdržljivemu mrežastemu materialu se oprijet zgornji del popolnoma prilagaja obliki stopala. In njihov edinstven VUCH dizajn, fini detajli in široka paleta barv vam omogočajo, da v njih uživate v vsaki situaciji. Zato izberite barvo, ki vam najbolj pristaja, in jo nosite z veseljem. Dizajni, oblikovani v sodelovanju z Martinom Brnom Prilagodljiv zračen zgornji del Vložek je podložen s spominsko peno Lahek dizajn Majhni odsevni elementi Ojačan nart s silikonskimi elementi OBUTEV Vuch obutev je izvirnost, ki očara. Vi v njej pa zlahka pretečete maraton. Pri vseh supergah stavimo na to, kaj počne Vuch. Igrivost, kakovostna izdelava, neverjetno udobje in dodelan dizajn. Obujte se pri nas in ugotovili boste, da so poleg odličnega videza tudi zelo funkcionalni. Ne varčujte pri nakupu novih čevljev in ustvarite svojo igrivo pot z Vuchom.
  • VUCH Kaori Gold Necklace
    Intense shine and timeless beauty. The Kaori necklace will subtly accentuate a minimalist outfit or, on the contrary, add the right finishing touch to a radiant one. With this piece of jewelry, you will stand out wherever you go.Stainless steelNecklace with crystalsClassic closureVariable size 450 + 50 mm
  • VUCH Joella Rose Gold Necklace
    A flower that will never wither? Decorate your décolletage with a necklace with a unique floral motif that bloomed just for you. This motif will never lose its shine and will elevate an everyday look.Stainless steelnecklace with a flower motifClassic closureVariable size 450 + 50 mm
  • Necklace VUCH Madis Gold
    Do you have your heart in the right place? Wrap it around your wrist and let everyone know that love is the main decoration of everyone without distinction. You can wear the necklace with a matching bracelet to complete the set.Stainless steelHeart-shaped pendantClassic closureVariable size 450 + 50 mm
  • VUCH Kaori Silver Necklace
    Intense shine and timeless beauty. The Kaori necklace will subtly accentuate a minimalist outfit or, on the contrary, add the right finishing touch to a radiant one. With this piece of jewelry, you will stand out wherever you go.Stainless steelNecklace with crystalsClassic closureVariable size 450 + 50 mm
  • VUCH Sidsel Blue
    Sidsel bo vse, kar si želite. Torba za dneve v peskovniku, ko potrebujete opremo ne le zase. Popotnica v trenutku, ko čakate na zaslužen počitek. Cenili boste, kako ohranja svojo obliko v vseh okoliščinah. Tako v njej zlahka najdete dudo in skriti potni list, ki je seveda vedno čisto na dnu. Žep za prenosni računalnik, notranji žepi za drobnarije Zelo prijeten material, ki deluje luksuzno Velik notranji prostor z zapenjanjem na zadrgo Zunanji žep z zapiranjem na gumb TRAVEL KOLEKCIJA Na poti, na cesti, na terenu, vas spremljam z novim nahrbtnikom! ... Torbica ali nahrbtnik? Kaj imate raje? Morda ste bili doslej odločen zagovornik torbic, toda v trenutku, ko boste videli naše bombastične nahrbtnike in potovalne torbe iz kolekcije Travel, boste ugotovili, da morate imeti eno od njih. Torej zavrzite svoje skrbi, na hrbet položite udoben in eleganten nahrbtnik in se podajte osvajati svet.
  • VUCH Bagio Grey Wallet
    There's never enough style, right? Say yes and grab the elegant Bagio in grey. To feel like a real lady, you just need this wallet. It is so generous that you can fit all your cards, documents and treasures that you urgently need with you and two zippers will guard them from loss.Double closable zippered pocket for coinsTwo spacious banknote pocketsExternal zipped pocketVuch card – identification in case of loss of wallet
  • VUCH Emilia Black
    Potovalna torba Emilia je oblikovalski dragulj, ki zadovolji željo po prostoru in slogu. Njeno prostrano notranjost požira vse, od oblačil do potovalnih potrebščin, medtem ko zunanji žep na zadrgo skriva prostor za hiter dostop do tvojih ključev ali slušalk. In ko se sprašuješ, kje bo Emilia pokazala svoj polni potencial, si jo predstavljaj v telovadnici ali na poti. Velik notranji prostor Zunanji žep na zadrgo Sprednji del trakov simbolizira logo VUCH Potovalne torbe Iščete spremljevalko, s katero boste na potovanju tvorili neločljiv par? Ali veste, da je to točno tisto, kar imamo za vas? Če smo natančni, govorimo o potovalni torbi. O takšni torbi, ki vam bo pomagala rešiti vsako situacijo, v kateri se boste znašli na potovanju. Tako bo vaša dolga pot z vlakom ali celo spontane situacije, kot je izlet v porodnišnico, prijetnejša. Torej, že imate svojo "number one"?
  • Bag VUCH i518_P10854
    A handbag that keeps its shape and fits perfectly on any shoulder thanks to its wide strap. This is a black Werdel that goes well with both sporty and elegant outfits. Main zip closure Inner zip pocket, compartments for small items Outer zip pocket Adjustable strapMaterial: Artificial leather
  • VUCH Morrisa Pink
    Veliki načrti zahtevajo dovolj prostora. Zato je jasno, da je Morissa za vas "must have". Ne le, da jo boste spakirali za vikend ali trening, ampak boste vse razumeli tudi pri razpakiranju. Ima zadrgo, ki sega preko sebe, tako da lahko pogledate in vidite. In ko je ne potrebujete, vogale pripnete na torbo in se zavihtite v svet. Primerna kot potovalna in športna torba Nastavljiv naramni trak Veliko notranjih žepov, sprednji žep z zadrgo Spremenljiva velikost Material, ki ga je mogoče prati in je lahko trajnosten   Potovalne torbe „Iščete spremljevalko, s katero boste na potovanju tvorili neločljiv par? Ali veste, da je to točno tisto, kar imamo za vas? Če smo natančni, govorimo o potovalni torbi. O takšni torbi, ki vam bo pomagala rešiti vsako situacijo, v kateri se boste znašli na potovanju. Tako bo vaša dolga pot z vlakom ali celo spontane situacije, kot je izlet v porodnišnico, prijetnejša. Torej, že imate svojo "number one"?“
  • Handbag VUCH Lierin Black
    Are you on the hunt for the perfect letter that won't make you look like an old-timer who likes to read old letters? Yes, such models are a bit of a bell, but we have Lierin for you – a timeless clutch bag with which you can dance the night and day. And it will also surprise you with its internal arrangement. Everything will have its place in it, down to the last card, because it can easily replace a wallet. 2-in-1 – handbag and wallet with compartments for up to 8 cards Practical handle at the front for an elegant, tight hold on the handbag Main closure with an ultra-strong magnet Adjustable crossbody strap with silver chain
  • VUCH Nolen Beige urban backpack
    City or mountains? Wherever you go, you're in control. The Nolen backpack is your new companion in action. Space is not sparse, and the two zippered exterior pockets are like your right hand. Everything important will be within your reach. So don't wait for anything and go explore the world with Nolen.Main zip and strip closuresTwo exterior zipped pocketsZipped interior pocket and two compartments for small itemsAdjustable shoulder straps
  • VUCH Mitch Flowers Apricot
    Trpežen material in cvetlični dizajn naredita to torbico edinstveno. Veliko notranjih žepov ne sme manjkati. Vse ti bo lepo varovalo glavno zapiranje na zadrgo. Mitch Flowers te bo spremljal na vsakem tvojem dogodivščini korak za korakom. Glavno zapiranje na zadrgo Zunanji žep na zadrgo Notranji predalček za malenkosti in žep na zadrgo Trpežen material creARTivity Bodi Vuch, bodi viden. Kraj, kjer nismo varčevali z domišljijo in smo igrivo sestavili potiske na naše uspešnice. Vsak potisk ima svojo zgodbo, vendar ti skupaj zagotavljajo eno stvar. Izvirnost. Ne glede na to, ali se odločiš za torbico, nahrbtnik ali denarnico, vedno boš ti tisti, ki izstopa iz množice.
  • VUCH Zane Marble Blue
    Zane Marble je nahrbtnik, ki je primeren za vsakodnevno nošenje. Nastavljivi trakovi, žep za prenosni računalnik in zunanja zadrga za vse tvoje nujne potrebščine, ki jih potrebuješ takoj pri roki. Trpežen material in nenavaden potisk te dvigneta na naslednjo raven. Notranji prostor z ločenim prostorom za mini prenosni računalnik Nastavljivi ramenski trakovi Sprednji žep z zadrgo Izjemno močan in vzdržljiv material creARTivity Bodi Vuch, bodi viden. Kraj, kjer nismo varčevali z domišljijo in smo igrivo sestavili potiske na naše uspešnice. Vsak potisk ima svojo zgodbo, vendar ti skupaj zagotavljajo eno stvar. Izvirnost. Ne glede na to, ali se odločiš za torbico, nahrbtnik ali denarnico, vedno boš ti tisti, ki izstopa iz množice.
  • VUCH Dotty Eilyn Grey - 37
    Nova barva vaših najljubših superg je končno tu! Bodite med prvimi, ki boste obuli te izvirne superge. Dizajn je v redu, udobje odlično, materiali kvalitetni, pike so tudi na podplatu, vezalke so dodane. Stopite torej v Dotty Eilyn Black. Material PU Poliuretan + podplat iz gume Barvne pike na podplatu Brezplačne vezalke pri vsaki obutvi Velikosti 37–41 OBUTEV „Stopite vanj z Vuchom! Predstavljamo vam prve čevlje v zgodovini naše blagovne znamke. Stavimo na to, kar Vuch rad počne. Barva, igrivost, kakovostna izdelava, božanski dizajn in pikice. Ker pike ne gredo v pozabo! Bodite med prvimi, ki so v naših supergah preplavili svet. Verjamemo, da boste v teh supergah uživali vsaj toliko kot mi! In ne pozabite... rezervne vezalke za vsak čevelj so nekaj samoumevnega. Zato jih ne spreglejte!“
  • VUCH Rush Wild - 43
    Kolekcija Rush je ustvarjena za vse zahtevne noge, ki rade združujejo stil in udobje. Mehak, a čvrst in vzdržljiv podplat, ki ga dopolnjuje oblazinjen vložek s spominsko peno, bo poskrbel za 100% udobje in mehak korak. Zahvaljujoč prožnemu in vzdržljivemu mrežastemu materialu se oprijet zgornji del popolnoma prilagaja obliki stopala. In njihov edinstven VUCH dizajn, fini detajli in široka paleta barv vam omogočajo, da v njih uživate v vsaki situaciji. Zato izberite barvo, ki vam najbolj pristaja, in jo nosite z veseljem. Dizajni, oblikovani v sodelovanju z Martinom Brnom Prilagodljiv zračen zgornji del Vložek je podložen s spominsko peno Lahek dizajn Majhni odsevni elementi Ojačan nart s silikonskimi elementi OBUTEV Vuch obutev je izvirnost, ki očara. Vi v njej pa zlahka pretečete maraton. Pri vseh supergah stavimo na to, kaj počne Vuch. Igrivost, kakovostna izdelava, neverjetno udobje in dodelan dizajn. Obujte se pri nas in ugotovili boste, da so poleg odličnega videza tudi zelo funkcionalni. Ne varčujte pri nakupu novih čevljev in ustvarite svojo igrivo pot z Vuchom.
  • ženska torbica VUCH Benita
    Klasična ženska torbica VUCH.<br /><br />- zapenjanje z glavno zadrgo<br />- majhen žep z zadrgo<br />- priložena kozmetična torbica (150 x 220)
  • Silver earrings VUCH Amuse Silver
    "But you're lucky to have discovered these silver four-leaf clover earrings. Not only will they improve your mood every day, but they will also look incredibly good. And do you know what these earrings are best suited for? To your charming smile."Real silverSilver colorClassic closurePacked in gift box
  • VUCH Anujah Black Urban Backpack
    With this eared backpack you will have a lot of fun. It is the ears that are its dominant feature and can carry any load thanks to the solid material. Its shape reminds us a bit of a backpack, but don't expect any hard shell. It is made of recycled fabric and its shape is very variable. It depends on what you fill it with.Made from recycled materialSpacious inner pocket with zipperInside a pocket for a mini laptopAdjustable shoulder straps
  • VUCH Sirius Men Blue Urban Backpack
    Are you looking for a cool roll-top backpack that will go hiking with you? You don't have to anymore. Sirius is a backpack that pays attention to details and is thought out to the last buckle. And it's really big, so it's ready to go camping with you for the weekend. With this backpack you really won't be bored, because you'll be constantly discovering everything it has to offer. And because we try to use recycled materials outside of our Eco collection, this backpack has already been something once.Double-fastening of the main pocket – zipper and buckle after rollingPadded back and shoulder straps for the most comfortable fitMade from ultra-light recycled nylon
  • Fashion backpack VUCH Melvin Creme
    It's small. It's leather. It's really irresistible. Melvin is a backpacker who plays with geometry. Even though it is a purely urban model, your valuables will be safe in it. The entire main pocket can be fastened and the flap with magnetic studs will not let anyone in.High-quality leather workmanshipSurprisingly spacious city backpackAdjustable shoulder strapsSimple, timeless design
  • Fashion backpack VUCH Zane mini Shalom
    Our designers ventured into the bluest waters to where Shalom was born. A small, not only urban, backpack decently decorated with polka dots. So don't hesitate any longer and let the colors go to your body. A backpack based on a bestsellerInside and outside zippered pocketsAdjustable shoulder strapsExtremely strong and durable material
  • VUCH Aster Silver Earrings
    You won't be able to get out of this pair of earrings. Once you find out that they go with pretty much anything and you can wear them to a business meeting or to the theater, you'll be trapped. Except not at all. She just found a timeless piece that definitely belongs in a jewelry box.Surgical steelHoop earringsClassic French closure
  • City backpack VUCH Zimbo Capuccion
    There were enough boring and impractical backpacks. Zimbo, I choose you! At first glance it is cute, but at second glance it is an eco piece made of recycled material. And inside, one pocket after another. Like the mesh pocket? In it, all your little things will feel like in a room. To a sleepover at a friend's or boyfriend's house never again without Zimbo Capuccion.Made from recycled materialSpacious internal and external zippered pocketsAdjustable shoulder strapsExtremely light and durable material
  • VUCH Hermione Dot Yellow wallet
    8 years. So much time has passed since we launched the first Vuch polka dot wallet. It was Hermione. And so we gave her a divine redesign for her birthday. We walked a really long walk, so in addition to great colors and iconic polka dots, we gave her an even better matrosh. This is a collector's item for every Vuch maniac.Anniversary redesign of the first Vuch productClosable zippered pocket for coinsPhoto compartmentLarge spacious banknote pocketVuch card – identification in case of loss of wallet
  • Handbag VUCH Sabin Blue
    Do you throw your bag over your shoulder in the morning and don't want to worry about anything all day? Sabin will guard all your necessities for you. The wide textile crossbody strap will be comfortable and you can adjust it exactly to your height. If you're looking for practicality and complexity is not your place in your life, this is the handbag for you.Internal compartments and zippered pocketsAdjustable shoulder strapZippered handbag closureSolid bottom and supple materialSimple and clean design
  • Fashion backpack VUCH Carren Black
    Carren is a backpack for company. It builds on the diamonds of our portfolio and it is the handwriting of these jewels that is written in every detail.  The sleek, smooth straps will make you feel like you're carrying a piece of luxury on your back. It's perfect for those days when you want to put your style in the spotlight – it's just that companion that gives you confidence without sacrificing comfort.It is based on the jewels of our portfolioSleek adjustable strapsSpacious main zippered pocket4 metal feet prevent abrasion
  • Handbag VUCH Gabi Diamond Beige
    It should be noted that this is where we really got a kick out of it. You buy a handbag, but it hides another small handbag that you can carry separately or leave it in the large one and use it as a super practical pocket. We didn't skimp on the straps either, and you have two of them for this handbag. Both can be clipped and adjusted in various ways.Elegant play with blind embossing on the surface of the handbagRemovable inner pocket with zipperTwo shoulder strapsTwo patents for closing a handbag

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