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  • VUCH Elion Green
    Elion je dobesedno največji prijatelj za velike avanture. Je najprostornejši nahrbtnik v našem portfelju, ki ti omogoča, da spakiraš vse potrebno in še malo več. Njegov roll-top dizajn in odsevni logotip ter odsevna nit na sprednji strani zagotavljajo, da boš viden, bodisi v gorah ali pri raziskovanju mesta. Največji Vuch potovalni nahrbtnik Roll-top sistem, možnost razširitve prostora Pogumirani sprednji in zgornji del Odsevni logotip in nit na sprednji strani nahrbtnika Batohy Časy, kdy batohy znamenaly jen aktovky do školy nebo sportovní kousky na vysokohorské túry, jsou dávno pryč. Teď může být batoh i elegantním doplňkem do města na procházku, do práce nebo do školy. Tak si vyber kousek, který sedne tvým zádům a doladí tvůj outfit k dokonalosti. Další nespornou výhodou batohů je, že máš volné ruce a tvá záda ti určitě taky poděkují, protože celá tíha tvých potřebností bude krásně rozložena na obě ramena.
  • VUCH Rony Yellow
    Predstavljaj si denarnico, ki je esenca preprostosti, pa vendar lahko naredi velik vtis – to je naša nova denarnica iz kolekcije Simple. To je tista vrsta spremljevalca, ki vsak tvoj dan naredi malo "lažji", ker se ti ni treba ukvarjati z iskanjem kovancev. Namesto tega lahko uživaš v kovinskem ohišju za kartice in prostoru za bankovce. Mini denarnica iz kolekcije Simple Kontrastni črni detajli Notranje kovinsko ohišje za kartice Ni zadržnega žepka za kovance     SimplyV  Enostavno Vuch! Brezčasna, minimalistična in elegantna. Kolekcija SimplyV se odlično obnese tudi brez bleščic. Ker je lepota v preprostosti. Glavno vlogo pri oblikovanju vsakega SimplyEarring igrajo čiste linije, gladek material in fini metalic detajli. Skratka nič dodatnega in nič manjkajočega. Kaj bo torej postalo vaše?
  • Women's backpack VUCH
    Women's backpack by VUCH,<br />- Large main compartment with zippered pocket for small items<br />- Detachable handles with stroller attachment<br />- 2 internal compartments without fastening, two side compartments 2 thermo compartments and 1 front zip pocket with zipper closure
  • VUCH Rosearie
    Torba za dekleta, ki ne morejo brez prenosnega računalnika, a vseeno želijo, da je elegantna in dekliška. Roza torba z nastavljivim pasom in številnimi žepi bo odličen spremljevalec za prenašanje vašega prenosnika. Idealen za prenosnike do 14" Notranji žepi Mehak material, odporen na poškodbe Nastavljiv pas Torbe za prenosnike „Si želite za vaš prenosnik varnost in da se izogne vsem praskam? Potem ga zaščitite z torbo za prenosnik, ki mu bo zagotovila dolgo življenjsko dobo. Z njo boste tudi vi videti res elegantno in svetovno. Zdi se nam celo, da bo služila kot večja torbica. Skratka, načinov za uporabo je veliko. Vse kar morate storiti je, da izberete pravo zase.“
  • VUCH Emilia Pink
    Potovalna torba Emilia je oblikovalski dragulj, ki zadovolji željo po prostoru in slogu. Njeno prostrano notranjost požira vse, od oblačil do potovalnih potrebščin, medtem ko zunanji žep na zadrgo skriva prostor za hiter dostop do tvojih ključev ali slušalk. In ko se sprašuješ, kje bo Emilia pokazala svoj polni potencial, si jo predstavljaj v telovadnici ali na poti. Velik notranji prostor Zunanji žep na zadrgo Sprednji del trakov simbolizira logo VUCH Potovalne torbe Iščete spremljevalko, s katero boste na potovanju tvorili neločljiv par? Ali veste, da je to točno tisto, kar imamo za vas? Če smo natančni, govorimo o potovalni torbi. O takšni torbi, ki vam bo pomagala rešiti vsako situacijo, v kateri se boste znašli na potovanju. Tako bo vaša dolga pot z vlakom ali celo spontane situacije, kot je izlet v porodnišnico, prijetnejša. Torej, že imate svojo "number one"?
  • VUCH Werdel Blue
    Kam greste? Nakupovati ali na sprehod. Za kulturo ali raziskovanje gastronomskega raja v vaši soseski. Ne glede na to, kam peljete torbo Werdel, se zaradi širokega pasu odlično prilega vsaki rami. In kaj občudujemo na njej? Da ohranja svojo obliko ne glede na vse. Glavno zapiranje z zadrgo Notranji žep z zadrgo, predali za manjše predmete Zunanji žep z zadrgo Nastavljiv pas Torbice za čez ramo Si želite torbico, ki vam bo zvesto služila in vas nikoli ne bo nikoli pustila na cedilu? Potem ne odlašajte in si privoščite VUCH torbico za čez ramo. Enobarvne ali večbarvne, s širokim ali ozkim pasom, priložnostne ali drzne. Ali veste, katera je prava izbira za vas?
  • VUCH Cetrin Blue
    Ni vam treba prešteti vseh pik, ki smo jih posuli po Cetrinu. Naredili smo to za vas. Ravno toliko jih je, da gre lepo skupaj. Verjemite nam, dolgo smo ga preizkušali, odstranjevali in dodajali pike, in to je ravno idealno razmerje. Je enostavna za čiščenje in zahvaljujoč pametnemu materialu, ki smo ga uporabili, bo dolgo ostala kot nova. Ena najmanjših denarnic Glavno zapenjanje s patentom Žep za kovance z zadrgo Prostor za 6 kartic   Cutie Dotty Nadenite si sivo! Pike kot srčna ljubezen!  Kolekcija Cutie Dotty je v celoti opremljena z igrivostjo in čarom. Pri Vuchu smo vse skupaj začeli s pikčasto denarnico in nismo niti približno končali. Vse več Vuch kosov vseh velikosti in dizajnov oblečemo v ljubke pike. Če uživate v tej sliki pikapolonice tako kot mi, vam bo ta kolekcija zelo pri srcu.
  • VUCH Corbin Leaves Blue
    Izviren dizajn, ki pritegne na prvi pogled. Corbin Leaves združuje slog in praktičnost. Ima dva zunanja žepa na zadrgo, ki skupaj z notranjo ureditvijo zagotavljata dovolj prostora za vse tvoje nujne potrebščine. Nastavljivi ramenski trakovi so tu samoumevni. S Corbinom Leaves boš videti odlično na vsakem koraku. Glavno zapiranje na zadrgo in pašček Dva zunanja žepa na zadrgo Notranji žep na zadrgo in dva predelka za drobnarije Nastavljivi ramenski trakovi   creARTivity Bodi Vuch, bodi viden. Kraj, kjer nismo varčevali z domišljijo in smo igrivo sestavili potiske na naše uspešnice. Vsak potisk ima svojo zgodbo, vendar ti skupaj zagotavljajo eno stvar. Izvirnost. Ne glede na to, ali se odločiš za torbico, nahrbtnik ali denarnico, vedno boš ti tisti, ki izstopa iz množice.
  • VUCH Yella Mint
    Kakšna je Yella? Mehka, oblazinjena, prešita... In predvsem mini. Tako za vse, ki verjamejo, da je manj vedno več, bo prava. Športnejši zunanji videz z uporabo karabinov jo naredi odlično spremljevalko na izletu. Prava modna ikona pa se je ne bo bala kombinirati niti z blazerjem. Zapiranje torbe z zaponko Žep na zadrgo za mobilni telefon ali drobnarije Širok, nastavljiv trak   Mini torbice Mobitel, denarnica, ključi, nič več. So dnevi, ko je to dovolj. In za te dni smo ustvarili kolekcijo mini torbic. So majhne in priročne, saj ne pozabimo na praktičnost. Tudi če so mini, boste imeli red. Uporabili boste tudi pašček, zahvaljujoč kateremu imate vedno proste roke. Iz nje lahko naredite tudi elegantno večerno torbico. Mini torbico lahko uporabite za zmenek, sprehod po mestu ali za kulturni dogodek. Zdaj je odvisno od vas, katero mini lepotico boste spustili v svojo garderobo.
  • VUCH Hope Blue
    Hope je upanje. Upanje za vse, ki čakajo na pravo denarnico zase in za našo mater Zemljo. Izdelali smo jo iz okolju prijazne plute, ki vas ne bo presenetila le s svojo lahkotnostjo, temveč tudi s svojo trpežnostjo. Iz plute je tudi list, ki krasi zadrgo. Prepričani pa smo, da boste odkrili tudi druge njene prednosti, takoj ko jo boste vzeli v roke. Narejen iz recikliranega materiala s pluto Glavno zapenjanje s patentom Ločen žep za kovance z zadrgo Prostor za do 6 kartic Eco denarnice  „Razmišljajte (eko)logično! Že veste o čem govorimo? No, o naših eko denarnicah. Ko smo jih oblikovali, smo imeli en pogoj. Biti trajnosten. Sledili smo temu in jih oblekli v super opravo. Verjamemo, da če boste pri nas izbrali takšno denarnico, bo vaša vest ostala čista. In morda bo ostala večna. Kot bonus pa boste imeli s seboj však dan pravega dizajnerskega spremljevalca.“
  • VUCH Deep Love Rose Gold Pendant
    "Everything is nicer with love, don't you agree? Fall in love with the Deep Love Rose Gold necklace and adorn yourself with a charming heart, one of the sweetest symbols of love."Surgical steelColor rose goldClassic closureVariable size 500 + 50 mmPackaged in a gift box
  • VUCH Joop
    Stojite pred ogledalom in mislite, da na outfitu še vedno nekaj manjka? Z Joop torbico
  • Fashion backpack VUCH Ollie
    "It should fit everything. It should be big just right. It should be stylish. And last but not least, it should be practical. Do you expect exactly these things from a perfect backpack? Then we can gladly tell you that you have found it."Interior space with separate space on mini nootebookAdjustable shoulder strapsFront pocket with zipper closureExtremely strong and durable material
  • VUCH Nightie Nicci Wallet
    Here wants to be someone for a lady! With this elegant piece, it will go one or two. The black wallet with gold accessories and a short hand strap has 3 zippers to protect all your money and cards.Double closable zippered pocket for coinsTwo spacious banknote pocketsExternal zipped pocketVuch card – identification in case of loss of wallet
  • Handbag VUCH Ebora
    Only Ebora it can be., tududu tududu tu tu! Believe me, when you throw it on your shoulder, it will also make you sing. It's great to leave useless things at home from time to time and set off with a lightweight handbag over your shoulder towards new adventures.Main zip closureSpace divided into two pocketsZipped inner pocketAdjustable crossbody strap
  • Fashion backpack VUCH Luke
    "That you're planning to go on a trip, but you don't want to carry a lot of necessary things? The stylish Luke backpack in grey will carry them for you. What's more. Not only will he hide your treasures and guard them like an eye in your head, but other hikers will envy you."Large main compartment with zippered pocket for small itemsDetachable handles with stroller attachment2 internal compartments without closure, two side compartments2 thermal compartments and 1 front zipped pocket with zip closure
  • VUCH Bernie Wallet
    "I won't take up much space in your purse, and at the same time I'm sure I'll become your indispensable helper. So if you want a small and practical wallet, I'm here for you."Genuine LeatherRFID protectionInner coin pocket with snapInterior compartment for banknotes and six card slots
  • Earrings VUCH Luela
    Do you have your heart in the right place? Are you sure? Shouldn't you have it in your ears? We think so! Luela earrings are guaranteed to fit your ears and thanks to the decorative rhinestones you will only shine with them.Real silverJewellery with cubic zirconiaClassic closurePacked in gift box
  • VUCH Asmara wallet
    "It's small in size, but it can make a big show. The light pink wallet with the silver VUCH logo fits easily in any handbag or pocket. Go shopping with her, too."
  • Earrings VUCH Silver Moon
    "Do you want to go on a journey to the stars? So put on the moon-shaped earrings, which are decorated with glittering rhinestones, and don't be afraid to let your imagination run wild. In your imagination, you can become part of the night sky."Surgical steelMoon decorated with small crystalsClassic closureSize 1 cm
  • Wallet VUCH i518_P10123
    "Neither big nor small, just big enough. The gray Tirza wallet fits your hand. The understated stud strap is decorated with tiny black polka dots and edging. Inside you will find several compartments for cards and a window for photos. A zipped pocket separates the space for bills and coins." Main patent closure Closable zip pocket for coins Photo compartment Spacious pocket for banknotesMaterial: Artificial leather
  • VUCH Leora wallet
    "Only a black wallet is a good thing for you? Then Leora might catch your eye. We covered it with a belt with polka dots and beige edging. And to make matters worse, a flood of dots is waiting for you inside. "Main closure on patentClosable zippered pocket for coinsPhoto compartmentSpacious banknote pocket
  • Women's earrings VUCH
    Women's earrings by VUCH.<br />- Surgical steel<br />- Silver design<br />- Subtle design <br />- Packed in gift box
  • Earrings VUCH Infinity Silver
    "Imagine it's a hot summer night. You lie on a blanket and look at the sky dotted with stars. A star is just falling, and you want your deepest dreams to come true. This magical moment inspired silver earrings with an asterisk and a moon."Surgical steelGlittering rhinestoneClassic closureLength 4 cm
  • Nahrbtnik VUCH i518_P10833
    Lep nahrbtnik, ki ga lahko nosite v službo ali šolo.<br /><br />- zapiranje z zadrgo in magnetom<br />- notranji in zunanji žepi<br />- nastavljive naramnice
  • VUCH Guitana Bag
    Do you prefer to carry your laptop in your hand or on your shoulder? Or sometimes in one way and another time? With this bag, you can change it several times a day. The shoulder strap is adjustable and wide enough. So even if your notebook is made of lead, it will carry well in this bag.  Ideal for laptops up to 13.3"Inner pocketsSoft, damage-resistant materialAdjustable shoulder strap
  • Pendant VUCH Gold Yossi
    Do you like origami? Or do you just want a pendant that is unusual, playful, eye-catching, but won't be a total blast? Then reach for the golden swallow.Stainless steelPendant with a paper plane motifDimensions 16 x 18 mm
  • Nahrbtnik VUCH i518_P10547
    Praktičen nahrbtnik znamke VUCH.<br /><br />- zapiranje z glavno zadrgo in trakom<br />- dva zunanja žepa z zadrgo<br />- notranji žep z zadrgo in dva predala za drobnarije<br />- nastavljive naramnice
  • Women's backpack VUCH
    Women's backpack by VUCH.<br />- Spacious inner pocket with double closure - zipper and magnet<br />- Practical outer zippered pocket on the back of the backpack<br />- Internal mobile phone compartments and zippered pocket<br />- Adjustable shoulder straps
  • VUCH Schiva wallet
    If you lack a small wallet that can hold big things, we can happily tell you that you don't have to look any further. Blue Schiva looks like a small wallet, but believe me, you can fit a lot of your treasures into it.Main zip closurePatent coin pocketSpace for 4 cardsNew metal floral logo
  • VUCH Marva Mini Black Wallet
    Let everyone hear it! Or rather, they see... You are simply someone who appreciates quality and knows that every true fashion brand deserves its own monogram. And that's who we are. So get to know our new print, which combines colors on a great base.Original Vuch monogram as printThe perfect size – fits in any handbag!Spacious zippered pocketSimple but secure closure
  • VUCH Enzo Mini Black Wallet
    Are you also a fan of our hugely successful Joanna backpack and have you always imagined a matching wallet to go with it? The Enzo Mini is one of them. It was inspired by the iconic flap of the backpack and looks exceptionally good. It has everything you need for a good wallet – six card slots, a long pocket for banknotes... But where is the coin pocket? Don't panic. It's on the back of your wallet. Lapel snap closureLarge interior space for up to 6 cardsZippered coin pocket on the back of the wallet
  • VUCH Maeva Diamond Black Wallet
    It may look like a small notebook at first glance, but your secrets will be safe in it. Thanks to the detailed game with blind embossing, she is another member of our diamond collection. And now let a few numbers speak for themselves – one patent, one coin pocket and up to ten compartments for cards or documents. So what's the result? Could it be your new favorite wallet?Patent main closureZippered coin pocketOriginal Surface FinishSpace for up to 10 cards
  • VUCH Maeva Diamond Grey Wallet
    It may look like a small notebook at first glance, but your secrets will be safe in it. Thanks to the detailed game with blind embossing, she is another member of our diamond collection. And now let a few numbers speak for themselves – one patent, one coin pocket and up to ten compartments for cards or documents. So what's the result? Could it be your new favorite wallet?Patent main closureZippered coin pocketOriginal Surface FinishSpace for up to 10 cards
  • Handbag VUCH Luliane Black
    We make our customers' dreams come true. The handbag from the Your Choice collection is a unique piece created according to the designs of our customers. Every detail of this handbag is a reflection of their creativity, imagination and personal style.  With Luliana, you'll be reminded that you're part of our creative Vuch community. The handbag will delight all your senses. It is pleasant to the touch, will captivate you with its elegant design and decorative silver chain. Every time you unzip it, it reminds you that there is some creativity in its design. Its luxurious, quilted design with the characteristic Vuch logo evokes a unique experience. Imagine the place where you will take her for the first time - whatever the event, Luliane will always be your faithful second.Handbag from the Your Choice collection, designed by our customersElegant design with silver Vuch logoCrossbody strap with decorative silver chainQuilted finishThe handbag forms a duo with a matching wallet from the same collection
  • Urban backpack VUCH Sirius Pink
    Are you looking for a cool roll-top backpack that will go on a hike with you? You don't have to anymore. Sirius is a backpack that pays attention to details and is thought out down to the last buckle. And it's really big, so it's ready to go camping with you for the weekend. With this backpack you really won't be bored, because you'll be constantly discovering everything it has to offer. And it's also one example of how we strive to use recycled materials outside of our Eco collection.  Double-fastening of the main pocket – zipper and buckle after rollingPadded back and shoulder straps for the most comfortable fitMade from ultra-light recycled nylon
  • Urban backpack VUCH Sirius Men Grey
    Are you looking for a cool roll-top backpack that will go hiking with you? You don't have to anymore. Sirius is a backpack that pays attention to details and is thought out to the last buckle. And it's really big, so it's ready to go camping with you for the weekend. With this backpack you really won't be bored, because you'll be constantly discovering everything it has to offer. And because we try to use recycled materials outside of our Eco collection, this backpack has already been something once.Double-fastening of the main pocket – zipper and buckle after rollingPadded back and shoulder straps for the most comfortable fitMade from ultra-light recycled nylon
  • Urban backpack VUCH Sirius Black
    Are you looking for a cool roll-top backpack that will go on a hike with you? You don't have to anymore. Sirius is a backpack that pays attention to details and is thought out down to the last buckle. And it's really big, so it's ready to go camping with you for the weekend. With this backpack you really won't be bored, because you'll be constantly discovering everything it has to offer. And it's also one example of how we strive to use recycled materials outside of our Eco collection.  Double-fastening of the main pocket – zipper and buckle after rollingPadded back and shoulder straps for the most comfortable fitMade from ultra-light recycled nylon
  • City backpack VUCH Zane Grey
    Are you in a hurry to go to school? Zane will be your most loyal partner even in the toughest test. With multiple pockets, you can stack all your essentials and always find them in no time. Of course, we also include a laptop for which we have prepared a padded pocket. And if you throw it in a not exactly clean corner after school, relax. We tuned his matrosh, and he doesn't just destroy anything.Backpack made of light and super durable canvasInterior space with separate space on mini nootebookAdjustable shoulder strapsFront pocket with zipper closureExtremely strong and durable material
  • Women's pendant VUCH
    Women's pendant by VUCH.<br />- Stainless steel<br />- Pendant with dove motif<br />- Small crystals on the wings<br />- Dimensions 25 x 20 mm
  • Handbag VUCH Plume
    Whether you're on a social occasion or a date with a friend, this handbag will be the perfect companion. It's just big, with an adjustable strap, so it's guaranteed to fit. In addition, it has an unconventional monogram composed of the Vuch logo.Original monogrammed designMain zip closureInternal pocketsAdjustable strap with black chain
  • Pendant VUCH Gold Bird
    Do you ever envy the wings of birds? Adorn yourself with a dove pendant and you'll have them within reach.Stainless steelPendant with dove motifSmall crystals on the wingsDimensions 25 x 20 mm
  • City backpack VUCH Mellora Pink
    This super durable backpack is a complete all-rounder. You can sit with him at the school desk, go for a walk in the city or even go hiking in the mountains. Wherever you go with him, he will take all your necessities into his pockets.Internal compartment for mini laptopSmall zipped inner pocketZip fastening, also possible with a patentAdjustable shoulder strapsExtremely strong and durable material
  • City backpack VUCH Zimbo Black
    There were enough boring and impractical backpacks. Zimbo, I choose you! At first glance it is cute, but at second glance it is an eco piece made of recycled material. And inside, one pocket after another. Like the mesh pocket? In it, all your little things will feel like in a room. To a sleepover at a friend's or boyfriend's house, never again without Zimbo Black.Made from recycled materialSpacious internal and external zippered pocketsAdjustable shoulder strapsExtremely light and durable material
  • VUCH Hermione Dot Pink Wallet
    8 years. So much time has passed since we launched the first Vuch polka dot wallet. It was Hermione. And so we gave her a divine redesign for her birthday. We walked a really long walk, so in addition to great colors and iconic polka dots, we gave her an even better matrosh. This is a collector's item for every Vuch maniac.Anniversary redesign of the first Vuch productClosable zippered pocket for coinsPhoto compartmentLarge spacious banknote pocketVuch card – identification in case of loss of wallet
  • Crossbody bag VUCH Vigo Pink
    Meet Vigo Pink. Basically an indestructible version of a crossbody handbag, without which you will not go on any trip. If you are not a fan of backpacks and you prefer everything right at hand, you are at the right address. He can carry a snack, all the basic valuables and survive the festivals in the mud. Just a total Revenant! Main double closureExtremely strong and durable materialComfortable double-sided strapExterior and interior zipped pockets
  • Fashion backpack VUCH Miles Blue
    This backpack has a secret superpower. Once you check it out and you're already flying with it outside, in the city or in the clouds. And the reasons? Miles Blue is a lightweight, medium-sized backpack. Padded back and wide shoulder straps. The front pocket full of polka dots may surprise you with what it takes. Well, the reasons are clear, there is no sore back, and it will make every walk more pleasant. So put on your Miles Blue, throw your fit into the wilderness and let's go!Zipped inner and outer pocketsPadded backAdjustable shoulder strapsExtremely strong and durable material
  • Women's handbag VUCH
    Women's handbag by VUCH.<br />- Made of durable structured leatherette<br />- Adjustable shoulder strap<br />- Main zip closure<br />- Silver fittings
  • Fashion backpack VUCH Simone Wine
    Simone is an elegant city backpack that you will enjoy. With a larger front pocket and practical side pockets, it's perfect for organized souls who love to have everything in place. Its free-spirited design expands the family of iconic Zane backpacks with a more understated design.Elegant city backpackCombination of two materials – smooth and textileLarger outer pocket and smaller side pocketsTone-on-tone color variants
  • Fashion backpack VUCH Elmon Violet
    This backpack is elegance in genuine leather. Its clean design, embellished with fine details, opens the door to a world of sophistication. Plus, with sophisticated features like an expandable bottom and a trendy drawstring mechanism, this piece is not only handsome, but also surprisingly practical. Ideal for those who are looking for luxury and quality in every detail.Elegant backpack made of genuine leatherClear design with a subtle engraved symbolDrawstring bag insideVibrant color options
  • Fashion backpack VUCH Lumi Grey
    Sometimes it's all about the details. This backpack delivers exactly that - a unique combination of playful elegance in the form of perforated polka dots and practicality. Fall in love with every seam, whether you're a young student or a fine-tuned mom.A small but spacious city backpackUnconventional design of perforated polka dotsStylishly versatileLarge back zippered pocket for a mobile phoneFront zippered pocket for small items
  • Fashion backpack VUCH Simone Blue
    Simone is an elegant city backpack that you will enjoy. With a larger front pocket and practical side pockets, it's perfect for organized souls who love to have everything in place. Its free-spirited design expands the family of iconic Zane backpacks with a more understated design.Elegant city backpackCombination of two materials – smooth and textileLarger outer pocket and smaller side pocketsTone-on-tone color variants
  • VUCH Neria Turquoise Wallet
    This small sports wallet is like the best buddy for your outdoor trips or casual hustle and bustle. Its cheerful gradient will instantly boost your mood, and it's so practical that you'll feel like you're in control. And if it accidentally gets dirty, no stress, you throw it in the washing machine and it's as good as new. A great choice for anyone who likes simplicity and color.Sports Textile WalletBold color gradientContrasting black detailsInner pocket for coins and banknotes
  • VUCH Luxia Blue Wallet
    "Green" and chic in the same package. Imagine a wallet that is not only practical, but also thinks about our planet. This eco mini wallet made of a newly used material, Apple Leather. It is a revolutionary material that fully replaces leather. The wallet is lightweight, stylish and proves that fashion and sustainability can literally go hand in hand.Eco Mini WalletMade of a new material – Apple LeatherCoin pocketInternal division into cards and banknotes
  • Waist bag VUCH Catia Black
    Whether you're going hiking or skating, we've got a fanny pack for you that you won't want to put down. Or rather from the back? In the end, we will leave the way of wearing it up to you. As well as an unenviable choice of color combination. And as a bonus, the adjustable strap is dominated by an automatic magnetic buckle. We're not exactly fans of the phrase "icing on the cake", so we're officially changing it to "magnetic buckle on the fanny pack".   Main pocket with double zipper Adjustable strap with automatic magnetic buckle Concealed zippers and a zippered back pocket for the biggest treasures
  • VUCH Grant Grey Wallet
    Thin, sophisticated, spacious. This is the Grant wallet with silicone details. You will have enough space for cards, documents and the necessary cash. If you don't like too much eccentricity, this wallet will definitely not disappoint you.Slim designZippered coin pocket hidden in the back of the walletSlots for up to 5 cardsTimeless design
  • VUCH Rush Spectrum
    Kolekcija Rush je ustvarjena za vse zahtevne noge, ki rade združujejo stil in udobje. Mehak, a čvrst in vzdržljiv podplat, ki ga dopolnjuje oblazinjen vložek s spominsko peno, bo poskrbel za 100% udobje in mehak korak. Zahvaljujoč prožnemu in vzdržljivemu mrežastemu materialu se oprijet zgornji del popolnoma prilagaja obliki stopala. In njihov edinstven VUCH dizajn, fini detajli in široka paleta barv vam omogočajo, da v njih uživate v vsaki situaciji. Zato izberite barvo, ki vam najbolj pristaja, in jo nosite z veseljem. Dizajni, oblikovani v sodelovanju z Martinom Brnom Prilagodljiv zračen zgornji del Vložek je podložen s spominsko peno Lahek dizajn Majhni odsevni elementi Ojačan nart s silikonskimi elementi OBUTEV Vuch obutev je izvirnost, ki očara. Vi v njej pa zlahka pretečete maraton. Pri vseh supergah stavimo na to, kaj počne Vuch. Igrivost, kakovostna izdelava, neverjetno udobje in dodelan dizajn. Obujte se pri nas in ugotovili boste, da so poleg odličnega videza tudi zelo funkcionalni. Ne varčujte pri nakupu novih čevljev in ustvarite svojo igrivo pot z Vuchom.
  • VUCH Florianna Dotty Blue
    Florianna je priljubljena med ljubitelji velikih denarnic. In tako smo ji dali nov in še bolj prefinjen dizajn. Želite pike z nečim ekstra? Zavihek te denarnice je okrašen prav z njimi v očarljivi barvni kombinaciji. Uživamo v tem. In ne pozabimo tudi na prostor v njej, ki ga je skoraj nemogoče zapolniti. RFID zaščita? Prostorna (za do 12 kartic) Ločen žep za kovance z zadrgo Patentno zapenjanje Cutie Dotty Nadenite si sivo! Pike kot srčna ljubezen!  Kolekcija Cutie Dotty je v celoti opremljena z igrivostjo in čarom. Pri Vuchu smo vse skupaj začeli s pikčasto denarnico in nismo niti približno končali. Vse več Vuch kosov vseh velikosti in dizajnov oblečemo v ljubke pike. Če uživate v tej sliki pikapolonice tako kot mi, vam bo ta kolekcija zelo pri srcu.
  • VUCH Lynx Grey
    Lynx je multifunkcijski nahrbtnik. Ne glede na to, ali greš z njim na kolo ali v službo, cenil boš njegovo spremenljivo kapaciteto. Ta nahrbtnik je v bistvu napihljiv. S dvigom poklopa namreč lahko enostavno povečaš njegov volumen. In maksimalno udobje zagotavlja za tvoj hrbet in prenosnik znotraj. Dvojno zapiranje glavne pregrade – zadrga in poklop na skriti magnet Oblazinjen hrbet in ramenski trakovi za najudobnejše nošenje Reflektivni logotip na sprednji strani   Moški nahrbtniki Popolnost, preprostost, značaj in slog. Bi lahko bolje opisali to novo kolekcijo moških nahrbtnikov? Kombinacija športne elegance, praktične razporeditve predalov in ravnovesja preprostosti in sloga ni le to, kar potrebujete, ampak tudi to, kar želite. Določite smer in začnite z novim nahrbtnikom VUCH.
  • VUCH Eldrin Beige
    Torbica, ki vara na videz. Na prvi pogled izgleda kot preprosta, gladka torba, a presenečen boš, ko odkriješ vse njene žepe. Skupno štirje zunanji žepi na patent okoli in predelki ter žepki znotraj. Eldrin stremi k temu, da postane priljubljena vsakogar, ki ceni organizacijo celo v svoji vsakdanji spremljevalki. Štiri zunanji žepi na patent – 1 spredaj, 1 zadaj in 2 ob straneh Širok, nastavljiv naramni pas Zapiranje torbice z magnetnim patentom Znotraj velik sredinski žep na zadrgo, manjši žep na zadrgo in dva odprta predala   SimplyV  Enostavno Vuch! Brezčasna, minimalistična in elegantna. Kolekcija SimplyV se odlično obnese tudi brez bleščic. Ker je lepota v preprostosti. Glavno vlogo pri oblikovanju vsakega SimplyEarring igrajo čiste linije, gladek material in fini metalic detajli. Skratka nič dodatnega in nič manjkajočega. Kaj bo torej postalo vaše?
  • VUCH Grant Grey
    Tanki, dobro izdelan, prostoren. Takšen je denarnica Grant s silikonskimi detajli. V njej boš imel dovolj prostora za kartice, dokumente in potrebno gotovino. Če ne maraš pretiranih ekstravaganc, te ta denarnica zagotovo ne bo razočarala. Slim izvedba Zadrga žepka za kovance skrita na zadnji strani denarnice Predelki za do 5 kartic Brezčasen dizajn   Moške denarnice  "Nov dodatek za vsakega karizmatičnega moškega, ki naredi vtis na svojo okolico, je denarnica. Odkrijte moške denarnice, ki se ujemajo s slogom, praktičnostjo in kakovostjo. Vedno imejte eno pri roki."
  • Bum bag VUCH Remus
    Bum bags so bile hit v 80. in 90. letih in so velik hit še danes.<br /><br />- zapenjanje z glavno zadrgo<br />- sprednji žep na zadrgo<br />- nastavljiva dolžina paščka z zaponko
  • VUCH Dotty Eilyn Grey - 39
    Nova barva vaših najljubših superg je končno tu! Bodite med prvimi, ki boste obuli te izvirne superge. Dizajn je v redu, udobje odlično, materiali kvalitetni, pike so tudi na podplatu, vezalke so dodane. Stopite torej v Dotty Eilyn Black. Material PU Poliuretan + podplat iz gume Barvne pike na podplatu Brezplačne vezalke pri vsaki obutvi Velikosti 37–41 OBUTEV „Stopite vanj z Vuchom! Predstavljamo vam prve čevlje v zgodovini naše blagovne znamke. Stavimo na to, kar Vuch rad počne. Barva, igrivost, kakovostna izdelava, božanski dizajn in pikice. Ker pike ne gredo v pozabo! Bodite med prvimi, ki so v naših supergah preplavili svet. Verjamemo, da boste v teh supergah uživali vsaj toliko kot mi! In ne pozabite... rezervne vezalke za vsak čevelj so nekaj samoumevnega. Zato jih ne spreglejte!“
  • VUCH Mia wallet
    This small wallet is decorated with a lot of details that make it a great beauty. The combination of two purple colors and an interesting pattern is visible from the outside, then you undo the gold zipper with decorative tassel and inside you will find more gold details and a large photo window that will decorate the inside of your Mia wallet.Elegant design with gold detailsThe ideal size – fits in any handbag!Spacious zippered pocketSimple but safe closing
  • VUCH Violetie Vida wallet
    See, see, see, this wallet is really a piece of cunning, because it's our Violetie Vida. The elegant burgundy color is complemented by the gold Vuch logo and zippers, which you will find three on it. Inside, there are also plenty of compartments for cards, whether payment or loyalty.Double closable zippered pocket for coinsTwo spacious banknote pocketsExternal zipped pocketVuch card – identification in case of loss of wallet
  • Sports bra VUCH Sport Bra Grey
    "A bra that fits you perfectly? With the new sporty Vuch bodysuit bra, you can bet on the quality of the material and first-class comfort."Sporty and comfortable fit for maximum comfortRubber with VUCH logo Material 95% cotton, 5% elastaneSizes S, M, L
  • Nahrbtnik VUCH i518_P2930
    Če iščete praktičen in eleganten nahrbtnik, ste ga pravkar našli. Ta črn nahrbtnik bo popolnoma izpolnil vaše ideje in bo postal okras vsake obleke." Prostoren notranji žep z dvojnim zapiranjem - zadrgo in patent. Praktičen zunanji žep z zadrgo na sprednji in zadnji strani nahrbtnika. Notranji predelki za mobilni telefon in žep z zadrgo. Nastavljive naramnice
  • Ženska torbica VUCH Katrin
    Ženska torbica znamke VUCH.<br />- eleganten dizajn<br />- zunanji žep brez zapenjanja<br />- notranji žep z zadrgo za manjše predmete<br />- 2 notranja predelka brez zapenjanja<br />- čez telo pašček s srebrno verižico
  • Ženska torbica VUCH Roselda
    Ženska modna torbica<br />- Glavno zapiranje z zatičem in magnetom<br />- Priložena kozmetična torbica (180 x 210 x 60)<br />- Reliefni logotip Vuch,<br />- Velik snemljiv logotip<br />- Dva načina nošenja
  • Denarnica VUCH Black Dots Collection
    Ženska denarnica znamke VUCH.<br /><br />- patentirano z logotipom Vuch<br />- žep za kovance, ki se zapira<br />- reža za fotografije<br />- velik prostoren žep za bankovce<br /><br />Velikost: 195 x 95 x 30 mm<br /><strong>Material</strong>: sintetično usnje
  • City backpack VUCH Konner
    You're just looking at a backpack that's smart every step of the way. The bottom is made of solid material that does not wear off and is great to keep clean. We also thought about your back and we made the padding really comfortable so that your back is pampered. And the rollback? It's elaborate like never before! It's easy to scroll, nothing falls out, and even if you roll it just once, it will look great.  A versatile backpack for every occasionPadded backOuter rubber for mounting on the trunkLarge interior space
  • Urban backpack VUCH Woody Black
    If you don't already know, you'll soon find out that Vuch is synonymous with elaborate details. Woody was designed to be the best thing you can throw on your back when you go off-road. It's not a backpack, but it's really spacious, comfortable on the back and has countless pockets and compartments. And it's also one example of how we strive to use recycled materials outside of our Eco collection. Double-fastening of the main pocket – a drawstring neck and a flap for magnetic strapsPadded back and shoulder straps for the most comfortable fitMade from recycled material
  • VUCH Palmer Creme Wallet
    Are you more of a sporty type who appreciates easy-to-maintain material and space for all your essentials? Then Palmer will be the right soul mate for you in the body of your wallet. The simple shape, smooth surface and contrasting black details will match your personality. Double closable zippered pocket for coinsTwo spacious pockets for banknotesSpace for up to 12 cardsVuch Card – Identification in Case of Loss of Wallet
  • VUCH Miniel Gold Bracelet
    Do you think that the stars have not been on your side lately? So make sure you do it with the new Miniel bracelet, which occupies the entire constellation.Stainless steelBracelet with a star motifClassic closureVariable size 150 + 30 mm
  • Handbag VUCH Carlene Black
    No crossbody is big enough for you? So Carlene will be. It has the best of both fashion worlds. You throw it over your shoulder and no constant falling is on the agenda. Plus, it's really spacious, so you can fit even a small shopping in it. And the triple clamshell as a pendant just cuts it.Main zipper closureOne of the largest crossbody bagsFront zip pocketLarge detachable logo as a pendant
  • Urban backpack VUCH Sirius Creme
    Are you looking for a cool roll-top backpack that will go on a hike with you? You don't have to anymore. Sirius is a backpack that pays attention to details and is thought out down to the last buckle. And it's really big, so it's ready to go camping with you for the weekend. With this backpack you really won't be bored, because you'll be constantly discovering everything it has to offer. And it's also one example of how we strive to use recycled materials outside of our Eco collection.  Double-fastening of the main pocket – zipper and buckle after rollingPadded back and shoulder straps for the most comfortable fitMade from ultra-light recycled nylon
  • VUCH Sirius Men Beige Urban Backpack
    Are you looking for a cool roll-top backpack that will go hiking with you? You don't have to anymore. Sirius is a backpack that pays attention to details and is thought out to the last buckle. And it's really big, so it's ready to go camping with you for the weekend. With this backpack you really won't be bored, because you'll be constantly discovering everything it has to offer. And because we try to use recycled materials outside of our Eco collection, this backpack has already been something once.Double-fastening of the main pocket – zipper and buckle after rollingPadded back and shoulder straps for the most comfortable fitMade from ultra-light recycled nylon
  • Urban backpack VUCH Sirius Blue
    Are you looking for a cool roll-top backpack that will go on a hike with you? You don't have to anymore. Sirius is a backpack that pays attention to details and is thought out down to the last buckle. And it's really big, so it's ready to go camping with you for the weekend. With this backpack you really won't be bored, because you'll be constantly discovering everything it has to offer. And it's also one example of how we strive to use recycled materials outside of our Eco collection.  Double-fastening of the main pocket – zipper and buckle after rollingPadded back and shoulder straps for the most comfortable fitMade from ultra-light recycled nylon
  • Handbag VUCH Nereide
    We let our imagination run wild and designed a handbag that is rarely seen. Unique in its shape and fastening, this is our handbag Nereide. It has one more little surprise hidden in it, a cosmetic bag. You can wear it inside the Nereide or on the side as a separate accessory.Main magnet closureCosmetic bag includedZipped interior pocketsThree ways to wear
  • Fashion backpack VUCH Cole Grey
    There is beauty in simplicity. You know we're not big on this kind of clichéd talk, but look at him. It's just a fact. Why do you fall in love with him easily? Thanks to its size and clean design, Cole Grey goes well with jeans and dresses. So you'll just never want to take it off again.Main zipper closureExterior zippered pocketInner zip pocket, small compartmentBlack fittings
  • VUCH Joanna Dotty Grey urban backpack
    Joanna is our bestseller and we have a soft spot for her. So when she begged our designer for more water, she gave it to her in the form of inconspicuous polka dots. After all, we must not forget that it is a popular city piece that will work even in the office. Thanks to our signature dots, it will excite, but it will definitely not offend and you will never be bored with it.Spacious inner pocket with double closure - zipper and snapPractical external zippered pocket on the front and back of the backpackInternal mobile compartments and zippered pocketAdjustable shoulder straps
  • VUCH Tiara Design Ocean Urban Backpack
    The Tiara backpack could definitely have its own throne of popularity. So, for those who like to be carried away on the wave, we changed it to blue and added a pattern that would be appreciated by any dolphin. In addition, we tuned its material and padded its back and ears. It's more comfortable than ever. And it really cuts him, right?Double anti-theft protection - main pocket with zipper and studFront covered zippered pocket, internal mini laptop compartment and smaller zippered pocketComfortable and sturdy shoulder straps (adjustable)Zippered mobile phone or key pocket at the back
  • VUCH Hermione Dot Dark Pink Wallet
    8 years. So much time has passed since we launched the first Vuch polka dot wallet. It was Hermione. And so we gave her a divine redesign for her birthday. We walked a really long walk, so in addition to great colors and iconic polka dots, we gave her an even better matrosh. This is a collector's item for every Vuch maniac.Anniversary redesign of the first Vuch productClosable zippered pocket for coinsPhoto compartmentLarge spacious banknote pocketVuch card – identification in case of loss of wallet
  • VUCH Pippa Apricot Wallet
    Do you want polka dots a little differently? So we have something extra for you in a mini package. You'll discover them thanks to the refined cutouts. And beware – Pippa Apricot is small but handy! Coins, banknotes, documents, and even a photo. That it is not possible? So see for yourself.Patent fasteningSeparate coin pocketPhoto compartmentSpacious banknote pocket
  • VUCH Hermione Dot Black wallet
    8 years. So much time has passed since we launched the first Vuch polka dot wallet. It was Hermione. And so we gave her a divine redesign for her birthday. We walked a really long walk, so in addition to great colors and iconic polka dots, we gave her an even better matrosh. This is a collector's item for every Vuch maniac.Anniversary redesign of the first Vuch productClosable zippered pocket for coinsPhoto compartmentLarge spacious banknote pocketVuch card – identification in case of loss of wallet
  • Handbag VUCH Coalie Dotty Grey
    Do you know Coalie? Nice, huh? And can you imagine it with polka dots? Don't. It's clear to everyone that she was made for a polka dot coat, so we changed her into it. Neither small nor big and definitely not boring. And 3-in-1. Thanks to the adjustable and detachable strap, you can make three types of handbags – on one shoulder, crossbody or in hand.Bestseller in polka dot designZip closureAdjustable shoulder strap
  • VUCH Joanna TC Dark Grey urban backpack
    The Joanna TC is a backpack for every sporty soul looking for the perfect balance between the city and nature. It has a proven shape that makes the backpack easy to carry and plenty of space for your laptop and other necessities. Thanks to the solid canvas material, it is also durable enough.Spacious backpack made of durable canvasElaborate internal dividingExternal buckle closureBack pocket for a laptop without the need to unzip the entire backpack
  • Crossbody bag VUCH Vigo Grey
    Meet you, this is Vigo Grey. Basically an indestructible version of a crossbody handbag, without which you will not go on any trip. If you are not a fan of backpacks and you prefer everything right at hand, you are at the right address. He can carry a snack, all the basic valuables and survive the festivals in the mud. Just a total Revenant! Main double closureExtremely strong and durable materialComfortable double-sided strapExterior and interior zipped pockets
  • Handbag VUCH Gianna Blue
    Gianna is a handbag for all girls who do not want to put their hands off the black color. We completely understand you, this classic should not be missing in any wardrobe. It does not lack a monogram composed of the Vuch logo and a black chain that will bring it all to perfection.Original monogrammed designMain zip closureInternal pocketsAdjustable strap with black chain
  • Handbag VUCH Yella Black
    What is Yella like? Soft, padded, quilted... And most importantly, mini. So for all those who believe that less is always more, she will be the right one. A sportier exterior with the use of carabiners makes it a great accompaniment on a trip. But the true fashion icon will not be afraid to combine it with a jacket either. 2 main zippered pockets Closing the handbag with a patent Pocket for mobile phone or small items with zipper  Wide adjustable strap
  • VUCH Charis Black Wallet
    For lovers of discreet style, there is the Charis wallet with embossed polka dots. With dark contrasting fittings and details that catch the eye at first glance, this polka dot design is perfect for you. The pink heart inside adds to the cuteness. Get ready for a new level of elegance in the world of wallets.Large wallet with embossed polka dotsContrasting black fittingsExternal and internal zippered pocketInside a distinctive heart-shaped mini detail
  • Women's handbag VUCH
    Women's handbag by VUCH.<br />- Cosmetic bag included (150 x 220)<br />- Main zip closure<br />- Zipped back pocket for small items <br />- Long strap – two ways to carry
  • VUCH Bagio Black wallet
    There's never enough style, right? Say yes and grab the elegant Bagio in black. To feel like a real lady, you just need this wallet. It is so generous that you can fit all your cards, documents and treasures that you urgently need with you and two zippers will guard them from loss.Double closable zippered pocket for coinsTwo spacious banknote pocketsExternal zipped pocketVuch card – identification in case of loss of wallet
  • VUCH Booz
    Booz je bordo nahrbtnik z veliko elegantnimi žepi. Torej, kot lahko vidite čisto spredaj? Je božanski kos. Nič več iskanja ključev na dnu nahrbtnika, saj vemo, da se vedno prilegajo najnižjemu. Nič več opraskanih ekranov in očal. Lep ločen žep za ključe, ki jih imate vedno pri roki. Športen dizajn – kombinacija dveh materialov Zapenjanje z zadrgo in magnetom Notranji in zunanji žepi Nastavljive naramnice Majhni nahrbtniki „Ste sami sebe prepričali da je nahrbtnike težko kombinirati? Čas je da končamo s tovrstnim razmišljenjem. Z našimi VUCH nahrbtniki, ki so zelo igrivi in ljubki, vas bomo prepričali, da jih lahko nosite praktično povsod. Mislimo celo, da bodo najbolj občudovan kos vaše garderobe.“
  • VUCH Rush Spectrum - 38
    Kolekcija Rush je ustvarjena za vse zahtevne noge, ki rade združujejo stil in udobje. Mehak, a čvrst in vzdržljiv podplat, ki ga dopolnjuje oblazinjen vložek s spominsko peno, bo poskrbel za 100% udobje in mehak korak. Zahvaljujoč prožnemu in vzdržljivemu mrežastemu materialu se oprijet zgornji del popolnoma prilagaja obliki stopala. In njihov edinstven VUCH dizajn, fini detajli in široka paleta barv vam omogočajo, da v njih uživate v vsaki situaciji. Zato izberite barvo, ki vam najbolj pristaja, in jo nosite z veseljem. Dizajni, oblikovani v sodelovanju z Martinom Brnom Prilagodljiv zračen zgornji del Vložek je podložen s spominsko peno Lahek dizajn Majhni odsevni elementi Ojačan nart s silikonskimi elementi OBUTEV Vuch obutev je izvirnost, ki očara. Vi v njej pa zlahka pretečete maraton. Pri vseh supergah stavimo na to, kaj počne Vuch. Igrivost, kakovostna izdelava, neverjetno udobje in dodelan dizajn. Obujte se pri nas in ugotovili boste, da so poleg odličnega videza tudi zelo funkcionalni. Ne varčujte pri nakupu novih čevljev in ustvarite svojo igrivo pot z Vuchom.
  • VUCH Sabin Brown
    Ujutro bacite torbu preko ramena i cijeli dan ne želite brinuti ni o čemu? Sabin će umjesto vas zaštititi sve vaše potrepštine. Udobna široka naramenica koju možete u potpunosti prilagoditi svojoj visini. Ako tražite praktičnost i nemate mjesta za kompliciranost u svom životu, ovo je prava torba za vas. Unutarnji pretinci i džepovi s patentnim zatvaračem Podesiva naramenica Zatvaranje torbe patentnim zatvaračem Čvrsto dno i fleksibilan materijal Jednostavan i čist dizajn SimplyV  Enostavno Vuch! Brezčasna, minimalistična in elegantna. Kolekcija SimplyV se odlično obnese tudi brez bleščic. Ker je lepota v preprostosti. Glavno vlogo pri oblikovanju vsakega SimplyEarring igrajo čiste linije, gladek material in fini metalic detajli. Skratka nič dodatnega in nič manjkajočega. Kaj bo torej postalo vaše?
  • VUCH Gioia Black
    Gioio je navdihnila naša (še posebej vaša) ikonična Joanna. V primerjavi s svojim modelom je izdelan iz mehkejšega in strukturiranega materiala, vendar ne zanika svojega izvora. Ta inovativni model bo vsak dan kril vaš hrbet. Seveda, to je nahrbtnik, tako da to mislimo dobesedno, pa tudi metaforično. Vaši zakladi bodo v njem, zahvaljujoč dvojnemu zapiranju, kot v sefu. Prostoren glavni žep z dvojnim zapiranjem - zadrgo in izjemno močnim magnetnim zavihkom Praktični zunanji žepi z zadrgo na zadnji strani nahrbtnika Notranji predelki in žep z zadrgo Nastavljive naramnice in oblazinjeno hrbtišče za udobno nošenje SimplyV  Enostavno Vuch! Brezčasna, minimalistična in elegantna. Kolekcija SimplyV se odlično obnese tudi brez bleščic. Ker je lepota v preprostosti. Glavno vlogo pri oblikovanju vsakega SimplyEarring igrajo čiste linije, gladek material in fini metalic detajli. Skratka nič dodatnega in nič manjkajočega. Kaj bo torej postalo vaše?
  • VUCH Drool
    Če potrebujete nahrbtnik, ki ga lahko nosite s seboj v službo ali po opravkih, ne iščite več. Drool je kot nalašč za prenosnik in vse njegove dodatke. Poleg tega smo ga izdelali iz funkcionalnega materiala, da bo vaša ljubljenček vedno na varnem. In potovanja? Všeč vam bo kot pomočnik. Ima veliko pametnih žepov in elastiko na hrbtni strani, ki jo enostavno namestite na kovček. Kam ga boste torej peljali na prvo skupno potovanje?  Podložene naramnice in hrbtišče za udobno nošenje  Tekstil prekrit z zaščitno folijo - vodoodporen in odporen proti obrabi  Elastika na zadnji strani nahrbtnika za pritrditev na kovček Nahrbtniki Praktičnost, udobje in funkcionalnost. Lastnosti, ki so neločljivo povezane z nahrbtniki in so hkrati popolna modna alternativa torbicam. Če menite, da je to točno tisto, kar iščete, potem pobrskajte po naši strani. V naši ponudbi imamo tako športne nahrbtnike, ki jih brez težav vzamete v gore, kot elegantne spremljevalce, ki bodo odlično poudarili vaš mestni outfit.
  • VUCH Joanna Brown
    Ste v ekipi popotnikov, ker se vam zdi super praktično in elegantno hkrati? Seveda vemo vse prednosti tega dodatka. Tu pa smo šli naprej tudi v tej eleganci. Joanna je naš bestseller in najljubši urbani kos, ki se lahko uporablja tudi v pisarni. Če želite dodatek, ki se lahko kombinira, vam bo ta model olajšal vsak dan. Prostoren notranji žep z dvojnim zapenjanjem - zadrgo in magnetnim zavihkom Praktičen zunanji žep z zadrgo na sprednji in zadnji strani nahrbtnika Notranji predelki za mobilni telefon in žep z zadrgo Nastavljive naramnice SimplyV  Enostavno Vuch! Brezčasna, minimalistična in elegantna. Kolekcija SimplyV se odlično obnese tudi brez bleščic. Ker je lepota v preprostosti. Glavno vlogo pri oblikovanju vsakega SimplyEarring igrajo čiste linije, gladek material in fini metalic detajli. Skratka nič dodatnega in nič manjkajočega. Kaj bo torej postalo vaše?
  • VUCH Prisco Blue
    S črtami na torbici Prisco vam ni treba skrbeti, ali bodo zožile ali razširile. Našli boste prostor za vse, kar potrebujete vsak dan. Poleg prostornega glavnega žepa, razdeljenega na dva dela za boljšo orientacijo, ponuja tudi velike žepe na sprednji in zadnji strani torbe. Ima zadrgo, ki vodi z ene strani torbe na drugo, tako da vam res ni treba skrbeti za dovolj prostora. Sprednji in zadnji zunanji žep z zadrgo (od strani do strani) Širok nastavljiv ramenski pas Zapiranje torbice z zadrgo Notranji žep z zadrgo, dva žepa brez zapenjanja Crossbody Ko je nekdo ponosen na nas, nam to pogreje srce. Toda ali bi verjeli, da ste lahko ponosni na vašo torbico? Ta, ki si to zasluži je crossbody torbica. Lahko ste ponosni, da jo imate. Zaradi njene praktičnosti, priljubljenosti ali brezčasnosti? Razlog izberite sami.
  • VUCH Mellora Dotty Grey
    Multifunkcijski nahrbtnik Mellora je naša in vaša TOP izbira. Ko smo ugotovili, da ne nosi pikic, je bil čas, da to popravimo. Dodali smo mu tudi novo kombinacijo materialov in še močnejše všite magnete za zapiranje po zlaganju. Se sprašujete zakaj žep na zadnji strani? Uporabite ga lahko za telefon, ali pa vanj spravite karkoli, kar želite, da ste popolnoma prepričani o nedotakljivosti. Notranji ločen prostor za mini prenosnik in majhen žep z zadrgo Zapiranje na zadrgo + po zlaganju se lahko zavaruje z ultra močnim magnetnim patentom Nastavljive naramnice Podložen hrbet za maksimalno udobje Cutie Dotty Nadenite si sivo! Pike kot srčna ljubezen!  Kolekcija Cutie Dotty je v celoti opremljena z igrivostjo in čarom. Pri Vuchu smo vse skupaj začeli s pikčasto denarnico in nismo niti približno končali. Vse več Vuch kosov vseh velikosti in dizajnov oblečemo v ljubke pike. Če uživate v tej sliki pikapolonice tako kot mi, vam bo ta kolekcija zelo pri srcu.

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