The lightweight Big Star flip-flops are the perfect choice for summer days full of comfort and style. Mounted on a platform and flat heel, they provide extra height while ensuring stability while walking. Their fashionable design makes them ideal for summer styling! When choosing a size, refer to the size chart.Select size 36-23.5/37-24/38-24.5/39-25/40-25.5/41-26.5 cm
Havaianas Japonke TOP Črna Na voljo za žensko velikost. 43 / 44,45 / 46,35 / 36,37 / 38,39 / 40,41 / 42,33 / 34,47 / 48. Prednosti: udobni, kompaktni, lahki, odporni na toploto in vodo, proti zdrsuLastnosti: paščki z motivom grškega friza, zgornji del podplata z motivom riževih zrn in motvom riževih stebel na spodnji strani podplata Ženske > Čevlji > Japonke
Women&#39;s sliders by Kesi.<br />- made of foam material<br />- fine platform<br />- extremely light model is very comfortable to wear<br />Size chart:<br />36-23,5 / 37-24 / 38-24,5 / 39-25 / 40-25,5 / 41-26cm
Women&#39;s sliders by Kesi.<br />- made of rubber-like plastic<br />- in the front part they have holes to facilitate the ventilation of shoes<br />- flat heel and platform<br />Size chart:<br />36/37-23.5 / 38/39-24.5 / 40/41-25.5cm
;P RODUCT DESCRIPTION; Stock Code : SA11SK014-400; The soles of slippers or sandals that are suitable for seasonal and daily use, are obtained from a flexible sole in the shape of a footprint. These make you feel like you are walking barefoot. Slazenger slippers and sandals bring the trend to your feet with their comfortable and stylish designs.
OUTER LAYER: 100% POLYURETHANE, INNER LAYER: 100% POLYURETHANE, INSOLE: 100% POLYURETHANE, SOLE: 100% THERMOPLASTIC RUBBER Elegant black flip-flops. Pleated belt at the front made of eco-leather. Flip-flops with flat soles and a small soft heel. They are ideal for warm summer days, e.g. in combination with flowing dresses or elegant trousers. Ideal for everyday use as well as for special occasions.
Women's sandals by Ipanema made of high-quality vegan-friendly material. Ideal for the pool, beach, shower, or a relaxing walk, they provide comfort and lightness of steps. When choosing a size, please refer to the size chart.37-24/38-24,5/39-25,5/40-26/41/42-27cm
Birkenstock Japonke GIZEH Kostanjeva Na voljo za žensko velikost. 36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,35. Standardna širina (širši model) Ženske > Čevlji > Japonke
Description:Sandals with a thick, cushy sole. Wide two straps ensure comfort of wearing. Decorated with fur. Very comfortable for everyday use at home or outdoors.Washing instructions: -
Ženske japonke Yoclub.<br />- z debelim, mehkim podplatom<br />- &scaron;irok pas zagotavlja udobje med no&scaron;enjem teh čevljev<br />- nujno za poletni videz.
Ipanema Japonke IPANEMA CLAS BRASIL II FEM Črna Na voljo za žensko velikost. 37,38,35 / 36,39 / 40,41 / 42. Celotni natikači izdelani iz PVC Ženske > Čevlji > Japonke
Ženski natikači AQUA SPEED.<br />- primerni za vodo ali bazen<br />- mehak podplat<br />- gumijasti trak<br />- udobne za no&scaron;enje
Ženski natikači kot nala&scaron;č za poletje!<br /><br />- imitacija semi&scaron;a<br />- mehak in profiliran vložek<br />- čudovita dekoracija v obliki ma&scaron;njic
Description:Summer women's slide sandals, predominantly black. There is a decorative black bow with fancy patterns on a wide fabric strip. They are light and very comfortable. The sole is thick and solid, and its contoured shape matches the anatomical structure of the instep and toes.
Havaianas Japonke YOU ST TROPEZ LUSH Rožnata Na voljo za žensko velikost. 35 / 36,39 / 40,33 / 34. Zgornji del: sintetika, kovina Ženske > Čevlji > Japonke
Poletne ženske japonke znamke Yoclub.<br />- moden leopard vzorec<br />- nastavljive zaponke<br />- podplat je debel in čvrst, njegova oblikovana oblika pa ustreza anatomski strukturi narta in prstov
The lightweight Big Star flip-flops are the perfect choice for summer days full of comfort and style. Mounted on a platform and flat heel, they provide extra height while ensuring stability while walking. Their fashionable design makes them ideal for summer styling! When choosing a size, refer to the size chart.Select size 36-23.5/37-24/38-24.5/39-25/40-25.5/41-26.5 cm
It is artificial leather; The lining is faux leather; Mostra is artificial leather; Neolith is the base; Heel height is 10 cm; Our products will be sent with TRENDYOL box; In studio shots, the colors may vary due to the difference in light; Made in Turkey.
Men&#39;s flip-flops by Orsay.<br />-&nbsp;Fastening: no fastening<br />-&nbsp;Heel: no heel<br /><strong>Material</strong>: polyester
Description:Sandals with a thick, cushy sole. The wide band provides comfort while wearing. It is also decorated with fur pompoms. Very comfortable for everyday use at home or outdoors.Washing instructions: -
Sturdy strap with folded edges and added foam underneath for extra comfort carrying.The EVA outsole ensures great durability and grip on any surface.Raised sidewalls for more stability.
OUTER LAYER: 100% POLYURETHANE, INNER LAYER: 100% POLYURETHANE, INSOLE: 100% POLYURETHANE, SOLE: 100% THERMOPLASTIC RUBBER Women's flip-flops, made of high-quality eco-leather, black color. The front is made up of two stripes and a decorative chain that adds a sleek and modern style. They have a comfortable, flat sole, which makes them perfect for everyday use, as well as for wearing at the beach or in the pool. They are perfect as an addition to your summer wardrobe, both for everyday use and for special occasions.
Comfortable footwear that will provide your feet with full comfort during warm summer days. Functional flip-flops on a flat sole with a delicate platform. Fashionable flip-flops are made of light and high-quality plastic. The straps are adjustable, thanks to which you can properly adjust the flaps to the leg width. These shoes are vegan and hypoallergenic, and 100% recyclable. None of the ZAXY products have any animal components. When choosing a size, please use the size chart.35/36-22,5/37-23,5/38-24,5/39-25,5/40-26/41/42-26,5cm
Havaianas Japonke BRASIL Modra Na voljo za žensko velikost. 45 / 46,35 / 36,37 / 38,39 / 40,33 / 34. Sestava: PVC in Plastisol Ženske > Čevlji > Japonke
Men&#39;s sliders by Under Armour.<br />-&nbsp;Sturdy strap with foam padding for extra comfortable wearing<br />-&nbsp;Eva insert ensures comfortable suspension under the foot<br />- Eva outsole provides great durability and traction<br /><strong>Material:</strong> EVA
Havaianas Japonke TOP LOGOMANIA II Modra Na voljo za žensko velikost. 43 / 44,45 / 46,35 / 36,37 / 38,39 / 40,41 / 42,33 / 34. Ženske > Čevlji > Japonke
Comfortable, women's flip-flops made entirely of foam material. This model is mounted on a massive platform, which makes them very comfortable. This unique style is perfect for hot days! Flip-flops are perfect for everyday use, to the beach or to the pool. When choosing a size, refer to the size chart.36/37-23.5/38/39-24.5/40/41-25.5 cm
Description:Sandals with a thick, cushy sole. The wide band provides comfort while wearing. It is also decorated with fur pompoms. Very comfortable for everyday use at home or outdoors.Washing instructions: -
Description:Sandals with a thick, cushy sole. The wide band provides comfort while wearing. It is also decorated with fur pompoms. Very comfortable for everyday use at home or outdoors.Washing instructions: -
Women's flip-flops by Big Star made of high-quality material. The flip-flops are very light and comfortable to use. They are perfect for warm, sunny days. Ideal for both the beach and walks. When choosing a size, refer to the size chart.36-22.5/37-23.5/38-24/39-24.5/40-25.5/41-26 cm
Flat women's flip-flops made of high-quality material. This model is vegan and hypoallergenic. Zaxy is bubblegum scented shoes that you should have in your summer wardrobe! When choosing a size, please refer to the size chart.35/36-22/37-23/38-24/39-24,5/40-25,5/41/42-26,5cm
Women&#39;s sliders by Kesi.<br />- made of natural leather<br />- Comfort insert is made of natural leather<br />- platform and a delicate heel<br />- sole is made of artificial material<br />Size chart:<br />36-22.5 / 37-23 / 38-24 / 39-24.5 / 40-25 / 41-25.5cm
Popolne natikače za bazen, plažo ali samo sprehod po mestu v vročem poletnem dnevu.<br /><br />- iz mehkega gumijastega materiala<br />- enostavno obuvanje<br />- &scaron;irok pas<br />- raven podplat<br /><br /><strong>Material</strong>: 100% guma
Big Star slippers are made of plastic with the brand logo on the outside, lined inside with soft foam. The profiled insole and sole are made of foam material. Gentle platform perfectly isolates from the ground. You should definitely have them in your wardrobe! When choosing a size, refer to the size chart.36-22/37-22.5/38-23.5/39-24.5/40-25/41-25.5cm
Japonke za ženske - Japonke najpogosteje nosimo poleti, ne samo na dopustu na plaži, temveč tudi za sprehode po mestu, različne zmenke, večere, kino, včasih tudi v šolo ali v službo, če je dovoljeno. Pravzaprav nekateri ljudje se poleti niti ne sezuvajo iz japonk. To je povsem razumljivo, kajti japonke so zelo udoben, a trendi komad obutve. Enostavno jih je kombinirati z različnimi oblačili in lahko jih nosimo za različne priložnosti, od dnevnih do večernih. Zahvaljujoč raznolikem razponu modelov, obstajajo športne, vsakodnevne, tudi večerne japonke. Športne japonke so najpogosteje izdelane iz neke vrste tekstila v modrih, belih in rdečih barvah, a radi jih nosijo tako moški kot ženske. Japonke za na plažo so najpogosteje gumijaste, da bi se z njimi lažje vstopilo v morje. Pri japonkah za plažo je pomembno, da imajo debelejši in močnejši podplat, da ne bi občutili kamenčke kadar hodite. Vsakodnevne japonke za sprehode po mestu in opravljanje različnih dejavnosti so lahko usnjene, pletene, platnene, silikonske, gumijaste in prihajajo v različnih barvah in stilih, od romantičnega preko elegantnega do rokerskega. Izbira je velika, vsak lahko najde nekaj zase. Japonke se lahko nosijo za večerne priložnosti in zmenke. Za takšne situacije izberite one elegantnejšega izgleda in temnejših barv, a lahko so dekorirane z različnimi okrasi kot so sponke in cirkoni. Pri izbiri japonk je treba paziti na nekaj stvari. Prva je trdnost in debelina podplata, odvisno od terena po katerem hodite, potrebovali boste tanjši ali debelejši podplat. Potem je pomembna kvaliteta izdelave. Japonke slabe kvalitete se lahko hitro razpadejo, a če je podplat spužvast lahko celo poči. Pazite, da vam velikost odgovarja, da japonke ne bi drsele z nog. Ko ste oddelali vse navedene elemente, vrzite se na izbiro barve in stila.