Women&#39;s thermal underwear by HUSKY.<br />- made from Merino<br />- Merino is a natural thermal material made from sheep wool<br />- Maintains body temperature<br />- It perfectly wicks moisture away from the body, while thanks to the fiber structure it does not change the insulating properties, so even wet does not get cold<br />- The natural antibacterial property eliminates odor<br />- Please note that Merino is a natural material, the natural phenomenon of which is pilling, which therefore cannot be a reason for later product complaint
Bicycle seat - bicycle seat, Child age from 9 months to 6 years, Placement rear, on frame, Color blue, 3-point safety clamp, Load capacity 22 kg, Weight 4.6 kg
Tako kot ima Bonie Clyda in Michael Kita, ima PEACE LJUBEZEN. Predstavljamo vam izvirno torbico Peaceful Love s pop art upodobitvijo najlepšega občutka, vtisnjenega v večnost lepote slavnega Davida. Kdo pravi da dodatki niso umetnost. Izviren dizajn - vsake torbice je samo 300 kosov Ustvarjeno v sodelovanju z umetnikom pop art Josefom Ratajem (https://www.ratajart.com/) Omejena izdaja luksuznega darilnega paketa Rataj second collection „V času, ko je deljenje miru in ljubezni več kot potrebno, prihaja druga serija uspešne omejene izdaje kolekcije Rataj 2! Nova kombinacija pop arta iz delavnice Josefa Rataja v priljubljeni Vuch izdaji, ki jo lahko tematsko strnemo v en sam slogan: „MIR in LJUBEZEN“."