Cat patterned, shiny girls boots.; The inside is completely furry.; Cat ears are 3D.; Plush is sewn on the back of the boot.; It is not waterproof, wear it in dry weather.; Outer, Lining, Inner sole: 100% Polyester - Sole: Thermoplastic Rubber
Children&#39;s boots by Kesi.<br />- made of eco leather<br />-&nbsp;interior: decorated with warm thick fur<br />- fastened with a zipper on the side and also has lacing<br />-&nbsp;flat heel and a soft platform and a non-slip sole<br />Size chart:<br />32-20.5 / 33-21.5 / 34-22 / 35-22.5 / 36-23 / 37-24 cm
Children&#39;s ankle shoes by Kesi.<br />- made of eco leather<br />- warm thick fur made of natural sheep&#39;s wool<br />- flat heel and a soft platform&nbsp;<br />- zippered closure on the side and additionally equipped with lacing<br />Size chart:<br />31-20.5 / 32-21 / 33-21.5 / 34-22.5 / 35-23 / 36-23.5 cm
Color: black<br />Heel: without heel<br />Fastening:<br />side - zipper<br />Material: polyurethane<br />Washing and maintenance: wipe with a damp cloth
Child boots made of eco leather. Set on a sole of rubber material. Inside insulated with thick fur. This model is fastened with a zipper on the side. The upper is decorated with straps with a clasp. The toe is stiffened. Be sure to check out our entire range of children's boots. When choosing a size, please refer to the size chart.25-15/26-16/27-16,5/28-17,5/29-18/30-18,5/31-19/32-19,5/33-20/34-20,5/35-21,5/36-22cm
V mrzlih dneh poskrbite za udobno obutev za svoje otroke.<br /><br />-&nbsp;izolacija iz debelega krzna<br />- zapenjanje na vezalke<br />- okrogla konica<br />- debel podplat
V hladnih dneh poskrbite za udobno obutev za va&scaron;e otroke.<br /><br />- debela izolacija iz krzna<br />- vezanje z vezalko<br />- okrogla konica<br />- debel podplat
Kids boots made of eco leather. Fastened with a zipper on the side. The upper decorated with straps with a buckle. Set on a platform and flat heel made of rubber material. The inside is insulated with fur. Rounded toes. Great model for your child! Be sure to check out the other models of kids' boots! When choosing a size, please refer to the size chart.25-15,5/26-16,5/27-17/28-18/29-18,5/30-19/31-19,5/32-20/33-20,5/34-21,5/35-22/36-22,5cm
Eco-leather shoes. In the middle, they have insulation in the form of fur pleasant to the touch. Lacing and zip fastening. This elegant model will appeal to many fashion fans! Make your child happy and buy them today! When choosing a size, refer to the size chart.31-19,5/32-20/33-20,5/34-21,5/35-22,5/36-23,5 cm.
Child boots made of eco leather. Set on a sole of rubber material. Inside insulated with thick fur. This model is fastened with a zipper on the side. The upper is decorated with straps with a clasp. The toe is stiffened. Be sure to check out our entire range of children's boots. When choosing a size, please refer to the size chart.25-15/26-16/27-16,5/28-17,5/29-18/30-18,5/31-19/32-19,5/33-20/34-20,5/35-21,5/36-22cm
The Richtex® membrane offers optimal comfort in any weather.Color: blackType: mid-calfHeel: no heelFastening: lacing, zipperMaterial Features: waterproof, windproof, breathableSpecification: removable insertMaterial: main part - genuine leather in suede finishinner part - fleecelining - synthetics Washing and maintenance: wipe with a damp cloth Skinproperties: Leather is a natural material of animal origin, which has its typical properties, such as scars, pigment spots, abrasions or wrinkles.
Children's ankle boots FALBO designed for boys and girls are made of sturdy material that is easy to maintain. The material is provided with a basic impregnation and the foot is thus more protected from rain and snow. The shoes are equipped with an inner warming material, a soft midsole and a high-quality TPR sole. You can use NAX shoes in a beautiful color even in more demanding terrain.
Color: brownFastening: lacing, zipperSpecification: removable insert MaterialFeatures: waterproof, warmMaterial Type: Suede Material: nubuck - durable cowhide leather in suedefinish, fleeceWashing and maintenance: wipe with a damp cloth Leatherproperties: Leather is a natural material of animal origin, which has its typical properties, such as scars, pigment spots, abrasions or wrinkles.
Color: brownFastening: lacingSpecifications: inside artificial furSustainability: use of recycled materialsMaterial: outer part - cowhide innerpart - recycled polyesterWashing and maintenance: wipe witha damp cloth Leather characteristics: Leather is a natural material of animal origin that has its typical properties, such as scars, pigment spots, abrasions or wrinkles.
Model: BrutusColor: blackFastening: lacingMaterial type: genuine leatherMaterial: beef leatherWashing and maintenance: wipe with a damp clothLeather properties: Leather is a natural animal material that has its typical properties, such as scars, pigment spots, abrasions or wrinkles.
Great boots in the style of trappers will prove themselves during cold autumn days! They have insulation in the form of a footwear blanket. Set on a flat heel and a platform with a non-slip sole. Additionally, they were trimmed with thread. Model with classic lacing and a zipper on the side of the upper. The boots are made of eco leather and fabric. When choosing a size, please use the size chart.28-17/29-17,5/30-18/31-18,5/32-19,5/33-20/34-21/35-21,5cm
Perfect, winter children's shoes from the Big Star collection. The upper for the ankle is made of synthetic material. In addition, these boots have a Memory Foam System insert that remembers the shape of the foot, which ensures a perfect fit, absorbs shocks and is resistant to deformation. The structure of the foam allows moisture to evaporate and the temperature to be regulated. The boots also have a slightly stiffened heel. The rubber sole is non-slip. When choosing a size, please use the size chart.28-18/29-18,5/30-19,5/31-20/32-21/33-21,5/34-22,5/35-23 cm.
Fashionable children's boots made of eco leather. Decorated with a chain and fur. Fastened with a zipper on the side and additionally have lacing. Insulated interior. Round noses. The toe is stiffened. Beautiful, girlish boots will steal the heart of many little fashion lovers! When choosing a size, please refer to the size chart.24-15/25-15,5/26-16,5/27-17/28-17,5/29-18/30-19/31-19,5/32-20/33-21/34-21,5/35-21/36-22cm31-18,5/32-19/33-19,5/34-20/35-21/36-22cm
Beautiful, girls' boots are made of eco leather with a fashionable pattern. Additionally, they are decorated with glitter. The boots have a zipper on the side of the upper and classic lacing. Boots mounted on a flat heel and a platform with a non-slip sole. Additionally, it is sewn with thread. Inside, they were insulated with a shoe blanket. A great model for your little one! When choosing a size, please use the size chart.19-11,5/20-12/21-12,5/22-13/23-14/24-14,5/25-15/26-15,5/27-16/28-17/29-18/30-18,5cm
Pri izbiri velikosti uporabite tabelo velikosti. 19-12/20-12,5/21-13/22-13,5/23-14/24-14,5/25-15,5/26-16/27-16,5/28-17/ 29-17,5/30-18,5/31- 19/32-19,5/33-20,5/34-21/35-22/36-22,5 cm
V mrzlih dneh je vredno poskrbeti za udobno obutev na&scaron;ih otrok. Eden od predlogov so ti čudoviti usnjeni gležnjarji. Prileganje nogi bo poskrbelo za udobno in klasično zavezovanje, obuvanje pa bo olaj&scaron;alo stransko v&scaron;ita zadrga. Na voljo v različicah za najmlaj&scaron;e in za tiste malo starej&scaron;e. Vsekakor si oglejte na&scaron;o celotno ponudbo otro&scaron;kih &scaron;kornjev. Pri izbiri velikosti si oglejte tabelo velikosti.. 19-11,5/20-12,5/21-13/22-13,5/23-14/24-15/25-15,5/26 -16/27-16,5/28 -17/29-18/30-18,5/31-19/32-19,5/33-20/34-21/35-21,5/36-22 cm.
The cute shoes have decorative elements on the nose reminiscent of a mouse. They are made of eco-leather. The interior is insulated with fur. Lacing and zip fastening. Ideal for colder days. Your child will look really amazing in these shoes! Buy them today! When choosing a size, follow the size chart.22-13.5/23-14/24-14.5/25-15.5/26-16.5/27-17.5/28-18.5/29-19/30-19.5/31-20/32-21cm.
During cold days, it is worth taking care of comfortable footwear for our children. One of the proposals are these wonderful boots made of eco leather. Fitting to the foot will ensure comfortable and classic lacing, and putting on will be easier with a zipper sewn on the side. Boots have additional laces. Be sure to check out our entire offer of children's boots. When choosing a size, please use the size chart.
Nazadnje videno
Nizki čevlji za otroke - Nizke pete imajo raven podplat in nimajo zvišane pete. Takšni čevlji so najboljša izbira, če veliko hodite ali delate ali enostavno nimate radi čevlje s peto. Lahko so različnih vrst, modelov in barv tako kot so tudi namenjene za različne vrste priložnosti in dejavnosti. Nizki čevlji so lahko športnega stila, poslovne ali zelo elegantne in svečane. Obstajajo različni modeli nizkih čevljev, tako imamo vedno popularne balerinke, trendi in elegantne oxfordice, udobne mokasinke, slip-on čevlje, ki postajajo iz leta v leto vse popularnejše, loaferice narejene iz različnih materialov in z različnimi okraski, usnjene brogue čevlje in tako dalje. Vse navedene vrste nizkih čevljev se lahko nosijo za različne prilike. Oxfordice in elegantne loaferice ter brogue čevlji so odlična izbira za v službo, poslovne sestanke in za odhod na faks. Slip-on prav tako prihajajo v različnih oblikah, a njihova prednost je ta, da se zlahka obujejo in sezujejo, zelo so praktične in zraven tega zelo udobne. Mokasinke izberite, če veliko hodite, ker so prav tako zelo udobne za nošenje. Svetujemo, da pri izbiri nizkih čevljev pred nakupom poskusite zamisliti vsaj tri kombinacije oblačil, s katerimi jih boste nosili. Posamezni nizki čevlji boljše ali slabše stojijo na različne tipe hlač, zato vas nekatere lahko vizualno znižajo, a neke zvišajo. Priporočilo je, da nizke čevlje kombinirate s hlačami malo iznad gležnjev. Na ta način bodo noge delovale daljše. Izognite se predolgim, ali na dnu nabranim hlačam ali kavbojkam. Skinny jeans kavbojke bodo pristajale z vsemi vrstami nizkih čevljev.