Obveščamo vas, da ima zaradi politike zaščite blagovnih znamk Levi's približno 10 % asortimana "prazno etiketo" (rdeče barve, brez logotipa znamke, le z mednarodnim simbolom registrirane blagovne znamke). "Blank Label" je registrirana blagovna znamka Levi's in uporabljeni modeli so pristni, popolni izdelki. Če ste v dvomih, se obrnite na službo za pomoč strankam.- Gladki material.- Pregrada za bankovce.- Žep za kovance z zaklopnim gumbom.- Model je zapakiran v škatlo podjetja.- Dimenzije: 9,5 x 13 cm.
"An accessory that no man can give out of his hand? Men's leather wallet, stylish and masculine brown. This wallet doesn't compromise on material, practicality and design."LEATHER MEN'S WALLETS>Simple and clean design3 card compartments and 2 practical internal pocketsCoin pocket with zippered closureTwo compartments for banknotes
According to you, girls have wallets the size of backpacks and you definitely do not need it. ID card, credit card, driver's license – three compartments are enough, dear. You can carry this Super Slim wallet in the front pocket of your jeans and you won't know about it. Even though it's our smallest men's piece, we put a pocket on a change zippered because you just don't want to chase spilled at the checkout every time you take out the Flaffy for payment.The smallest men's wallet VuchLightweight, Super slimZippered coin pocket3-card compartments
If you're one of those guys for whom black is a no-brainer, but you still want to keep your position as an elegant man, then brown Lunar is the right thing for you. Completely objectively, we just did a good job with this stunt.Made of cowhideCoin pocket with snapTwo compartments for banknotesSpace for 4 cards
9 out of 10 guys carry their wallet in their pocket. Most often the back one. 90% of guys also agreed that they hate when the wallet is unnecessarily thick (not with banknotes, none of them mind), so a big bulge forms on the butt. Well, so we designed this super thin beauty that can hold all the necessary documents and a few banknotes and your back pocket will not even know that you have it there.Made of fibrous leatherSpace for 6 cardsBanknote compartmentSLIM design
Wallet- Model description: Practical small wallet from Lonsdale that fits perfectly in any handbag or trouser pocket. The main compartment closes with a velcro fastener. It offers enough space for banknotes. Inside there are 3 slots for credit cards, IDs and more. The zipped compartment on the back is ideal for coins, which can be easily removed without opening the wallet. Eyecatcher is the sewn-on, rubberised label with contrasting Lonsdale logo.- Size: folded approx. 9cm x13cm, opened approx.23cm x 13cm (LxW)- Quality: 100% Polyester
We know, you don't really like colors, you don't appreciate accessories and patterns. That's why we've created the Antos wallet for you. What could be more neutral than a gray wallet with a simple VUCH logo, no fastening, no extra repetitions. Compartment for cards, change and banknotes. Nothing more. There is beauty in simplicity. And we know it's right for you.Made of cowhideCoin pocket with snapTwo compartments for banknotesSpace for 4 cards
"Practicality that goes hand in hand with style... Discover a blue men's wallet made for men who aren't afraid to stand out from the crowd."Vuch Men>RFID protectionPocket for change with patent closure3 card traysBanknote compartment divided into two parts
3 things your wallet should have:1. Pocket for change – fulfilled, even zippered, so you can be sure that those round will not run anywhere.2. Banknote pocket – fulfilled, it is even double, so you can have two currencies or put receipts in one.3. Card trays – fulfilled and there are several of them, because there must be order.Wallet without closureZipped coin pocketTwo banknote pocketsLightweight, super SLIM
robust 600DEN polyester materialOuter coin compartment with zipper6 card slotstransparent ID card pocket insideexternal transparent pocket for ID cards1 open compartment for banknotes1 banknote compartment with zipper
Men&#39;s wallet by VUCH.<br />- Durable material<br />- Pocket for change with zippered closure<br />- 4 card trays<br />- Banknote compartment divided into two parts
robust 600DEN polyester materialInner coin compartment with zipper4 card slots3 additional compartments1 large compartment for banknotes
Nazadnje videno
Denarnice za moške - Denarnice so lahko večje ali manjše, narejene iz različnih materialov in služijo različnim funkcijam. Moške denarnice so ponavadi narejene iz pravega usnja ali umetnega usnja ali iz močnih tkanin. So na preklop in imajo samo nekoliko predalov. Takšen dizajn je enostaven in praktičen za nošenje v žepu, kar ima večina moških rajši. Ženske z druge strani pogosto izbirajo velike denarnice. V njih lahko shranimo vse, kartice, bankovce in kovance, tudi račune, kartice za različna članstva, osebne dokumente, včasih celo ključe ali mobitele. Takšne velike denarnice so zelo trendi in nosijo se celo kot majhne torbice. Razen dveh osnovnih tipov obstaja veliko različnih modelov denarnic. Na primer tu so usnjene ali pletene denarnice, mini torbice v katerih držite drobiž, majhne usnjene denarnice z več predalov izključno za kreditne kartice. Za potovanja obstajajo posebne denarnice, ki razen denarja ali kartic lahko shranjajo večje potne liste in letalske karte. Pri izbiri denarnic je potrebno upoštevati funkcijo, za katero bo namenjena in vsebino, ki jo bo čuvala. Prav tako je pomembno izbrati kvaliteten material, usnjene denarnice so ponavadi bolj vzdržljive. Potem ko se odločite za oboje, lahko izbirate med veliko ponudbo barv in vzorcev. Popularni so denarnice različnih blagovnih znamk in so samo eden od primerov trenutnih trendov. Zadnjih nekaj let so vse bolj popularne denarnice samo za kreditne kartice. Zraven tega, da so dovolj majhne in jih lahko shranimo v vsak žep in torbico, so zelo praktične in vse bolj izpodrinjajo gotovino. Prav tako izgledajo šik, posebej če so narejene iz kože.