Men's / Universal Shirt | Long sleeves Product features: • 65% polyester, 35% cotton • wide-cut collar • pearl-colored buttons • cuffs with cropped end • pocket on the left side • rounded hem
Men's / Universal Shirt | Short sleeves Product features: • 70% cotton, 30% polyester • pearl buttons (navy and black in shirt color) • pocket on the left side • rounded bottom hem
Men's flannel shirt. Classic collar and button fastening. Pockets with button fastening. Long sleeves with cuff. Made of 100% organic cotton, the clothes are not only environmentally friendly, but also gentle on your skin. No harmful synthetic pesticides or fertilizers are used in the cultivation. Learn more at Gap for Good.
Men's / Universal Shirt | Short sleeves Product features: • 70% combed cotton, 30% polyester • pearl-colored buttons • short sleeves with cuffs • darts on the back • pocket on the left side • rounded bottom hem
Long sleeve, turn-down collar, viscose linen blend, classic shirt will be indispensable for your summer style! Linen shirt designs that offer comfort and elegance together in daily wear are very fashionable this season with Koton interpretation! | Model Height: 189 | Model Hips: 96 | Model Top: 80 | Model Waist: L | Model Chest: 98 | Model Jeans: 30/32
Pocket detailed, buttoned, cotton, long-sleeved shirt is a must-have piece for your wardrobe! Complete your office style with a wide range of Koton shirt designs.; | Model Height: 190 | Model Hips: 99 | Model Top: 80 | Model Waist: L | Model Chest: 96 | Model Jeans: 30/32
Long sleeve, half Italian collar, cotton blend, classic shirt can be easily combined with all fabric trousers. Men's shirt designs that create stylish combinations with or without a tie make you look stylish and cool.; | Model Height: 189 | Model Hips: 95 | Model Top: 80 | Model Waist: L | Model Chest: 98 | Model Jeans: 30/32
Corduroy, cotton, long-sleeved shirts are a must-have for your wardrobe! Complete your office style with a wide range of Koton shirt designs.; | Model Height: 185 | Model Hips: 96 | Model Ball: 78 | Model Waist: L | Model Chest: 98 | Model Jeans: 30/32
Mo&scaron;ka srajca dewberry Classic<br />- Popolna za vsakodnevno no&scaron;enje<br />- Na voljo v več velikostih<br />- Zapenjanje z zadrgo<br /><br />Material: 80% bombaž, 20% poliester
Linen monochrome shirt with long sleeves. Classic collar and button-fastening. A small pocket sewn on the chest. Straight fit and rounded hem. Fits linen trousers or jeans. Linen is an ideal material for summer.
Add casual style to your wardrobe with a men's denim shirt that's perfect for any season. Blue denim shirt in a regular fit cut, made of 100% cotton, will ensure comfort and versatility. With long sleeves and a French collar, you can easily complete your look to perfection.
Men's cotton shirt. Smooth oxford fabric. Long sleeves with button cuffs. Collar with buttons. All-over checkered print. Rounded bottom hem, which is slightly longer at the back. Designed to be worn both tucked in and out. Standard, relaxed fit, comfortable across the chest and shoulders. Length just below the hips.
- With its design that appeals to all age groups, it is suitable for a wide range of users; - It offers comfortable use thanks to its regular fit cut and has a structure that hugs the body lines but does not tighten; - It can be easily cleaned in accordance with the Type 0 washing instructions, so you can protect your shirt like the first day for a long time; - The woven fabric type is ideal for daily use, offering durability and comfort together; - It provides extra protection during seasonal transitions and in cool weather with its long-sleeved design; - The plain product type allows you to achieve a simple and stylish look, while easily adapting to your combinations; - It creates a classic and timeless style with its polo collar detail, while adding a modern touch with its striped pattern.; - It is suitable for every size with its regular fit option and promises a comfortable clothing experience;
Mo&scaron;ka karirasta srajca Trendyol.<br /><br />Izdelek na modelu je velikosti L.<br />Mere modela: vi&scaron;ina: 186 cm, prsi: 92 cm, pas: 77 cm, boki: 90 cm<br />Material: 50% bombaž 50% poliester
Redefine your style with this elegant men's shirt that's perfect for every season. A white shirt in a regular fit cut, made of a high-quality cotton blend, will provide you with maximum comfort. With long sleeves and a French collar, you can easily fine-tune any outfit to perfection.
Popusti 20%, Akcije, Razprodaje Srajce za moške - Srajce štejemo za nekoliko bolj elegantna oblačila, ki jih nosimo na poslovne in svečane priložnosti, to pa nikakor ne pomeni, da se srajce ne smejo nositi za vsakodnevne prilike, kot so različne zabave in druženja. Srajca je popularno trendi oblačilo, ki prihaja v velikem številu dizajnov, barv in materialov. Srajce so lahko na dolge ali kratke rokave, ožje ali širše, zadnja leta so posebej popularne predimenzionirane srajce. Če želite izbrati eno srajco, vam vsekakor predlagamo klasično belo srajco enostavnega dizajna. Takšno srajco lahko nosite za skoraj vse priložnosti in jo lahko kombinirate z različnimi oblačili. Pri izbiri je najbolj pomembno paziti, da vam kroj popolnoma ustreza. Naj srajca ne bo niti preozka niti preširoka. Pomembno je, da se v njej počutite prijetno in da lahko delate vse opravke. Prav tako je pomembno, da je prave dolžine zato, da jo lahko nosite tudi v hlačah. Za poslovne prilike, klasično belo srajco kombinirajte z obleko, da bi izrazili svoj modni stil dodajte kravato, oziroma ovratne rute v zanimivih barvah in vzorcih. Za vsak dan belo srajco kombinirajte s kavbojkami in njihovim dizajnom po želji, a na srajco nataknite usnjeno jakno ali pleteni kardigan. Za večerne prilike srajco povlecite v jeans hlače bolj elegantnega in trendi stila in dodajte kakšen modni dodatek ali nakit. Srajce so zares raznoliko oblačilo zato je koristno imeti v omari nekoliko dobrih srajc, klasičnega dizajna v nekoliko različnih barvah. Seveda, odvisno od lastnega stila, poigrajte se s številnimi drugimi dizajni, barvami in vzorci srajc, ki so trenutno trendi.