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  • Moški blazer dewberry
    Moški blazer dewberry Classic<br />- Popoln za vsakodnevno nošenje<br />- Na voljo v več velikostih<br /><br /><strong>Material</strong>: 64% poliester, 33% viskoza, 3% elastan
  • Men's boxer Harry Potter - Frogies
    Comfortable men's boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- wide elastic band<br />- flat seams<br />- pleasant material<br /><br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Men's boxers Superman Love - Frogies
    Comfortable men's boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- comfortable fit<br />- elastic waistband with woven rubber<br />- soft, comfortable material<br />- quality printing<br />- weight: 160 gsm<br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Moški boksarji Licencirano
    Moški' boksar Batman 3P Frogies.<br />Udobni moški' S kratke hlače z barvnim tiskom so idealna izbira za vsakodnevno nošenje.<br />- širok elastičen trak<br />- ploski šivi<br />- prijeten material<br /><br /><strong>Material: </strong>  95% bombaž, 5% elastan
  • Men's boxers Batman 1P - Frogies
    Comfortable men's boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- comfortable fit<br />- elastic waistband with woven rubber<br />- soft, comfortable material<br />- quality printing<br />- weight: 160 gsm<br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Men's boxers Frogies Zodiac Ribi
    Ribi so značilno vodno znamenje. Ljudje, rojeni pod to zvezdo, so zelo prijazni, prijateljski in sočutni, zato so svojim bližnjim v vsaki situaciji lahko v pomoč. Ribe so sanjači in pogosto želijo pobegniti iz resničnosti. Ne marajo strahu in če jih ne želite vznemiriti, vam priporočamo, da jih ne kritizirate.<br />Naše boksarice Pisces so namenjene vsem empatičnim in intuitivnim dušam, ki so izjemno strpne in se po svojih najboljših močeh trudijo rešiti težave. Te rdečo-modre boksarice bodo spodbudile ustvarjalnost in zahvaljujoč svoji zasnovi bodo vse Ribe napolnile z neskončno ljubeznijo.<br />Material: 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Men's boxers Frogies Zodiac Bik
    Bik vedno stoji z nogami trdno na tleh. Ljudje, rojeni pod tem zemeljskim znakom, so zelo stabilni, odgovorni in potrpežljivi. Stvari vidijo iz realne perspektive in vedno stojijo ob strani ljudem, do katerih jim je mar. Vendar vam ne priporočamo, da pridete v konflikt s Biki, ker so zelo trmasti in brezkompromisni.<br />Naše boksarice Taurus so namenjene vsem predanim in zanesljivim Bikom, ki se brez težav spopadejo z vsemi kriznimi situacijami. Te cimetno oranžno-rjave boksarice jim bodo pomagale, da trdno prenesejo vse zaplete in nenadne spremembe v življenju, po katerih spet pridejo sproščeni trenutki.<br />Material: 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Men's boxers Frogies Zodiac Oven
    Oven je ognjeni znak, zato so ljudje, rojeni pod to zvezdo, zelo energični, impulzivni in samozavestni. Ko si nekaj želijo, so lahko zelo pogumni, odločni in pošteni. Po drugi strani pa so lahko ljudje, rojeni v tem znamenju, zelo vzkipljivi, muhasti in še posebej nestrpni, saj so pravi ovni - hitro jih lahko razjezite s svojim nedelovanjem ali zamudo.<br />Te vesele rumeno-modre boksarice so primerne za vse strastne optimiste, ki uživajo v novih izzivih. V dneh, ki jih preživijo v Aries boksaricah, ni pomembno, da najprej ukrepajo, nato pa razmišljajo, saj bodo te boksarice ugajale vsem trenutkom.<br />Material: 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Moška debla Žabe
    Moški' debla znamke Frogies.<br />- elastični pas<br />- udobno prileganje<br /><močna>Material: </močan> 100% bombaž
  • Moške boksarice Lee Cooper
    Udobne moške boksarice znamke Lee Cooper.<br />Moške boksarice Lee Cooper so zaradi širokega elastičnega pasu in udobnega prileganja popolna izbira za vsak dan.<br />- Elastičen pas z blagovno znamko<br />- Udobno prileganje<br /><strong>Material</strong>: 100% bombaž
  • Nogavice Frogies Ice Cream
    Tudi nogavice so lahko zabaven kos oblačila! Izboljšajte razpoloženje in polepšajte okolico s temi edinstvenimi igrivimi nogavicami.<br /><br /><strong>Material</strong>: 72% bombaž, 26% poliamid, 2% elastan
  • Moške boksarice Funny 1P
    Udobne moške bokserice z barvnim potiskom so idealna izbira za vsakodnevno nošenje.<br />- širok elastični pas<br />- ravni šivi<br />- prijeten material<br /><strong>Material</strong>: 95% bombaž, 5% elastan
  • Men's boxer Simpsons - Frogies
    Comfortable men's boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- wide elastic band<br />- flat seams<br />- pleasant material<br /><br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Moški blazer dewberry
    Moški blazer dewberry Classic<br />- Popoln za delo in družabne dogodke<br />- Na voljo v več velikostih<br />- Zapenjanje z gumbi <br /><br /><strong>Material</strong>: 80% poliester, 20% viskoza
  • Men's boxers Frogies Zodiac Tehtnica
    Tehtnica je eno od zračnih znamenj. Ljudje, rojeni pod to zvezdo, so očarljive osebnosti z močnim intelektom. Tehtnica se uvršča med diplomatske in miroljubne posameznike, ki ljubijo pravičnost, harmonijo in dobro počutje. Ne marajo konfliktov, zato se jim nenehno izogibajo. Tehtnice so zelo neodločne. Zato jih ne priporočamo za pomembne odločitve.<br />Z boksaricami Libra bo prosti čas prijetnejši za vse družabne tehtnice, ki ne marajo biti same. Z gotovostjo lahko rečemo tudi, da jim bodo te bež in rdeče boksarice zagotovile odlično ravnovesje, kar je ključni vidik srečnega življenja.<br />Material: 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Men's boxers Frogies Zodiac Dvojček
    Ljudje, rojeni pod zvezdo Dvojčkov, so zelo družabni, komunikativni in vedno pripravljeni na zabavo. Vendar ta zračni znak v sebi skriva dve različni osebnosti. Prijetni in ljubeči ljudje se lahko v hipu spremenijo v premišljene, neodločne in živčne posameznike. Dvojčka ne marata preživljati časa sama, zato, če spoznate osebo, rojeno v tem znamenju, ste lahko prepričani, da boste zagotovo postala prijatelja.<br />Naše boksarice Gemini so namenjene vsem radovednim Dvojčkom, ki bodo raziskovali svet okoli sebe in doživeli vse možne dogodivščine. In zato lahko z gotovostjo trdimo, da se Dvojčkom pri nošenju teh zeleno-rumenih boksaric ni treba bati, da bi se življenje spremenilo v dnevno rutino. Ker jim v tem paru boksaric nikoli ne bo dolgčas ali se počutili osamljeno.<br />Material: 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Men's boxer Batman - Frogies
    Comfortable men's boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- wide elastic band<br />- flat seams<br />- pleasant material<br /><br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Men's boxer Emoji - Frogies
    Comfortable men's boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- wide elastic band<br />- flat seams<br />- pleasant material<br /><br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Men's boxer Simpsons - Frogies
    Comfortable men's boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- wide elastic band<br />- flat seams<br />- pleasant material<br /><br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Moške boksarice Lee Cooper
    Udobne moške boksarice znamke Lee Cooper.<br />Moške boksarice Lee Cooper so zaradi širokega elastičnega pasu in udobnega prileganja popolna izbira za vsak dan.<br />- Elastičen pas z blagovno znamko<br />- Udobno prileganje<br /><strong>Material</strong>: 100% bombaž
  • Men's boxers Batman 1P - Frogies
    Comfortable men's boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- comfortable fit<br />- elastic waistband with woven rubber<br />- soft, comfortable material<br />- quality printing<br />- weight: 160 gsm<br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Moški boksarji Licencirano
    Moški' boksar Batman 3P Frogies.<br />Udobni moški' S kratke hlače z barvnim tiskom so idealna izbira za vsakodnevno nošenje.<br />- širok elastičen trak<br />- ploski šivi<br />- prijeten material<br /><br /><strong>Material: </strong>  95% bombaž, 5% elastan
  • Men's boxer shorts Represent Mikebox
    Men's boxer shorts Represent Mikebox Represent shorts - this is a modern and comfortable cut, which is backed by the Czech brand Represent. Represent shorts are made of 100% cotton and are one of the sportier ones, they have woven rubber and a very comfortable loose fit that will definitely not choke you anywhere. It is an absolute fixture of the Czech shorts scene. The boxer shorts are packaged according to the current Represent collection. And what about washing? In the washing machine, they can handle it at 40°C, drying in the dryer at a low temperature. Otherwise, it may happen that it will no longer be possible to wear the shorts - you can find out more below in the classic product information. Size chartREPRESENT - MEN BOXER SHORTS SIZE HIP CIRCUMFERENCE (CM) UNSTRETCHED (CM) S 60-70 30 M 70-80 31.5 L 80-90 34 XL 90-100 37 XXL 100-110 39 3XL 110-120 41.5
  • Men's boxer Batman - Frogies
    Comfortable men's boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- wide elastic band<br />- flat seams<br />- pleasant material<br /><br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Men's boxers Batman 1P - Frogies
    Comfortable men's boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- comfortable fit<br />- elastic waistband with woven rubber<br />- soft, comfortable material<br />- quality printing<br />- weight: 160 gsm<br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Men's boxers Frogies Zodiac Devica
    Devica je zemeljsko znamenje, ki ga pogosto napačno razumejo. Osebe, rojene pod tem znakom, so zveste, praktične in delavne, z dobrim analitičnim razmišljanjem. Device dajejo velik poudarek najmanjšim podrobnostim in imajo velik občutek za človečnost, zahvaljujoč kateri vedno znajo rešiti težave.<br />Te modre in bež boksarice bodo svojim uporabnikom pomagale razširiti vzdušje čistosti in nedolžnosti v svoji okolici. Vendar pa med nošenjem boksaric Virgo sramežljivim Devicam ni treba skrbeti, da bodo v središču pozornosti.<br />Material: 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Moške boksarice Lee Cooper Patterned
    Moške boksarice Lee Cooper<br />- Popolne za vsak dan<br />- Širok elastičen pas<br />- Udoben kroj<br /><br /><strong>Material</strong>: 95% bombaž, 5% elastan
  • Moška debla Batman - Žabe
    Udobni moški' S kovčki v izvirnem dizajnu z barvnim tiskom priljubljenih likov iz risank.<br />- Elastičen, z blagovno znamko pasu<br />- Udoben fit<br />- Teža: 150 gsm<br /><br /><strong>Material: </strong>  100% bombaž
  • Ombre Men's socks
    Fabric: 78% cotton, 20% polyamide, 2% elastane Colour: white
  • Moška debla Žabe
    Moški' debla znamke Frogies.<br />- elastični pas<br />- udobno prileganje<br /><močna>Material: </močan> 100% bombaž
  • Men's boxers Superman Love - Frogies
    Comfortable men's boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- comfortable fit<br />- elastic waistband with woven rubber<br />- soft, comfortable material<br />- quality printing<br />- weight: 160 gsm<br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Moška debla Simpsonovi - žabe
    Udobni moški' s kovčki v izvirnem dizajnu z barvnim tiskom priljubljenih likov iz risank.<br />- Elastičen, z blagovno znamko pasu<br />- Comfotable fit<br /><br /><strong>Material: </strong>  100% bombaž
  • Men's boxers Frogies Zodiac Škorpijon
    Vodni znak Škorpijona velja za najbolj zapleteno znamenje celotnega zodiaka. Ljudje, rojeni v tem znamenju, so strastni, razumni in hkrati zelo trmasti. Njihova pomembna osebnostna lastnost je poštenost in pravičnost. Zahvaljujoč temu lahko hranijo skrivnosti, zaradi česar so odlični prijatelji. Po drugi strani pa so zelo nezaupljivi, skrivnostni in ljubosumni, zato vas bodo, preden se vam približajo, temeljito preverili.<br />Te črno-rdeče boksarice so ustvarjene, da postanejo odlični partnerji za vse odločne Škorpijone na poti do izpolnitve njihovih ciljev. Naše boksarice Scorpio so ustvarjene za zmagovalce, s katerimi bodo očitno sklenili dolgoletno prijateljstvo.<br />Material: 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Men's boxer Superman - Frogies
    Comfortable men's boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- wide elastic band<br />- flat seams<br />- pleasant material<br /><br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Moška debla Žabe
    Moški' debla znamke Frogies.<br />- elastični pas<br />- udobno prileganje<br /><močna>Material: </močan> 100% bombaž
  • Men's boxer Batman - Frogies
    Comfortable men's boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- wide elastic band<br />- flat seams<br />- pleasant material<br /><br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Men's boxers Frogies Zodiac Rak
    Ljudje, rojeni pod zvezdo vodnega znaka Raka, so zvesti, vztrajni in čustveni. Njihova prepričljiva osebnost, polna idej, jim zagotavlja nove prijatelje in tudi veliko zabave s svojimi najdražjimi. Ti ljudje so zelo skrbni in se izogibajo konfliktom. Vendar bodite previdni, saj je Rak lahko manipulativen in lahko zelo hitro spremeni razpoloženje.<br />Naše Cancer boksarice so ustvarjene za vse skrbne Rake, ki so vedno pripravljeni pomagati drugim. In kaj je najboljše? Zahvaljujoč tem zeleno -sivim boksaricam bodo simpatični raki pritegnili pozornost celotne okolice.<br />Material: 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Men's boxer Harry Potter - Frogies
    Comfortable men's boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- wide elastic band<br />- flat seams<br />- pleasant material<br /><br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Men's boxers Superman Love - Frogies
    Comfortable men's boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- comfortable fit<br />- elastic waistband with woven rubber<br />- soft, comfortable material<br />- quality printing<br />- weight: 160 gsm<br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Men's boxer Marvel - Frogies
    Comfortable men's boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- wide elastic band<br />- flat seams<br />- pleasant material<br /><br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Moški boksarji Licencirano
    Moški' boksar Batman 3P Frogies.<br />Udobni moški' S kratke hlače z barvnim tiskom so idealna izbira za vsakodnevno nošenje.<br />- širok elastičen trak<br />- ploski šivi<br />- prijeten material<br /><br /><strong>Material: </strong>  95% bombaž, 5% elastan
  • Men's boxers Frogies Zodiac Lev
    Tako kot je lev kralj džungle, so tudi ljudje, rojeni pod zvezdo tega znaka, usojeni biti voditelji, ker imajo posebno moč. Lev je ognjeni znak in zato so njegovi nosilci strastne, prevladujoče in samozavestne osebnosti. "Levi in levinje" so zelo ustvarjalni, radodarni in veseli ljudje. Radi se zabavajo s prijatelji in uživajo v občudovanju drugih. Po drugi strani pa so lahko, če jim kdo ne ustreza, zelo arogantni, trmasti in sebični.<br />Te vijolično -rumenih boksarice izvlečejo dominantne Leve iz njihovega vsakdanjega stereotipa in jih pripeljejo do vala uživanja v življenju. V boksaricah Leo se bodo njihovi uporabniki zlahka počutili kraljevsko, saj jih okolica ne bo mogla ignorirati.<br />Material: 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Moške boksarice Lee Cooper Patterned
    Moške boksarice Lee Cooper<br />- Popolne za vsak dan<br />- Širok elastičen pas<br />- Udoben kroj<br /><br /><strong>Material</strong>: 95% bombaž, 5% elastan
  • Moške boksarice Lee Cooper Printed
    Udobne moške boksarice znamke Lee Cooper<br />- Elastičen pas z blagovno znamko<br />- Udobno prileganje<br />- Ravni šivi<br />- Mehak material<br /><strong>Material</strong>: 95% bombaž, 5% elastan
  • Moška debla Simpsonovi - žabe
    Udobni moški' s kovčki v izvirnem dizajnu z barvnim tiskom priljubljenih likov iz risank.<br />- Elastičen, z blagovno znamko pasu<br />- Comfotable fit<br /><br /><strong>Material: </strong>  100% bombaž
  • Men's boxer Superman - Frogies
    Comfortable men's boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- wide elastic band<br />- flat seams<br />- pleasant material<br /><br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Moške boksarice Lee Cooper Printed
    Udobne moške boksarice znamke Lee Cooper<br />- Elastičen pas z blagovno znamko<br />- Udobno prileganje<br />- Ravni šivi<br />- Mehak material<br /><strong>Material</strong>: 95% bombaž, 5% elastan
  • Men's boxers Cornette High Emotion multicolored
    Men's Cornette Boxers Are you looking for high-quality, but at the same time affordable boxers? Then these Cornette men's boxer shorts are the right choice!   The Cornette boxer shorts are made of comfortable material, have a modern cut that fits perfectly for everyday wear. The upper part of the boxers is decorated with a comfortable elastic that does not pinch anywhere. It is also worth mentioning the very pleasant price.  Whether in winter, summer, during sports or in a suit, you will always feel good in the Cornette boxers.     Learn more below in the classic product information. Size chartCORNETTE - MEN BOXERS / BOXER SHORTS SIZE HIP CIRCUMFERENCE (CM) UNFOLDED (CM) M 86-89 34,5 L 90-93 35 XL 94-97 36 XXL 98-102 37,5
  • Men's boxer Marvel - Frogies
    Comfortable men's boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- wide elastic band<br />- flat seams<br />- pleasant material<br /><br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Man boxers ATLANTIC PREMIUM - dark gray
    Men's quality boxers ATLANTIC PREMIUMBoxers are characterized by a sporty cut - a low waist and legs of standard length. Thanks to the profiling cuts, they adhere perfectly to the body and fit it. They are recommended for every figure.Premium Underwear is a collection for those who focus on the highest quality, unique design and modern technological solutions when choosing underwear. For the production of underwear we use 100% cotton, pima cotton, bamboo, microfiber, modal and micromodal.the best quality knitwearfits the figure perfectlyGuaranteed maximum comfortNew technologyPima cotton is extremely soft, almost silky to the touch, elastic, durable and resistant to stretching and pilling. It is produced without the use of chemicals. It does not cause allergies, so it is an excellent choice for sensitive skin. Pima cotton is considered the highest quality cotton in the world.We love our underwear. When creating it, we pay attention to every slightest detail. Therefore, take care of it and it will serve you for many seasons. Pay attention to the markings and instructions attached to the underwear. Good wearing!Men's graphite boxer shorts are marked at the waist with wide and soft rubber with Lime ATLANTIC inscriptions. Boxers characterized by a sporty aesthetic have a universal leg length and a low waist ending with the already mentioned outer rubber. Soft and pleasant to the touch, rubber does not compress the body and does not cause discomfort. The underwear is made of knitwear, which is a combination of fine pima cotton, thin and silky modal and stretch elastane. The skin-friendly combination allows air to pass through and prevents excessive sweating. Boxers provide the highest level of wearing comfort.dark greysporty designfits the figure perfectlysoft and non-compression elastic at the waistHigh quality knitwearmaximum comfort46% Pima cotton, 47% Modal, 7% elastane
  • Men's sports boxers ATLANTIC - light blue
    MEN'S SPORTS BOXERS, PREMIUM COLLECTIONThe boxers are characterized by a sporty cut - low waist and standard leg length. Thanks to the profiling cuts, they adhere perfectly to the body and fit it. They are recommended for every figure.Premium Underwear is a collection for those who choose the highest quality, unique design and modern technological solutions when choosing underwear. We use 100% cotton, pima cotton, bamboo, microfiber, modal and micromodal for the production of underwear. You will be pleased with the soft to the touch fabric in combination with microfiber rubber with milk thread. It provides a unique "gentle touch". Expect maximum wearing comfort.Best quality knitted fabricFits perfectly on the figureOuter rubber made of non-compressive microfibermaximum comfort guaranteedNew technologyBamboo fabric has antibacterial and thermoregulatory properties (it gives a feeling of cold in hot weather, warms in winter). It is soft and soft to the touch like silk and at the same time durable and resistant to pilling. Even after many washes, bamboo retains its softness and color. It is an excellent choice for allergy sufferers. We love our underwear. When creating it, we pay attention to every smallest detail. Therefore, take care of it and it will serve you for many seasons. Pay attention to the markings and instructions enclosed with your underwear.Blue men's boxers are characterized by a sporty cut. Their waist is low and their legs are standard length. At the waist, the boxers are marked with a soft and wide elastic band decorated with a large inscription ATLANTIC. The pleasant to the touch rubber does not compress the body and does not dig into it, thus ensuring maximum wearing comfort. For the production of the boxers, we used knitwear, which is a combination of soft and silky bamboo fabric, pleasant to the touch cotton and stretchy elastane. The skin-friendly fabric has the ability to thermoregulate, which means that it gives a feeling of coolness in hot weather and warms in winter. It retains these and other unique properties for a long time of use.67% bamboo, 24% cotton, 9% elastane
  • Moške boksarice Funny 1P
    Udobne moške bokserice z barvnim potiskom so idealna izbira za vsakodnevno nošenje.<br />- širok elastični pas<br />- ravni šivi<br />- prijeten material<br /><strong>Material</strong>: 95% bombaž, 5% elastan
  • Moške boksarice Lee Cooper Patterned
    Moške boksarice Lee Cooper<br />- Popolne za vsak dan<br />- Širok elastičen pas<br />- Udoben kroj<br /><br /><strong>Material</strong>: 95% bombaž, 5% elastan
  • Moške boksarice Lee Cooper Basic
    Udobne moške boksarice znamke Lee Cooper<br />- Elastičen pas z blagovno znamko<br />- Udobno prileganje<br />- Z logotipom<br /><strong>Material</strong>: 100% bombaž
  • Calvin Klein Trunk Black
    Kupi Calvin Klein Trunk Black za 19.99 EUR v Footshopu. Znamka: Calvin Klein Barva: Black Velikost: S 39
  • Men's boxers Frogies Zodiac Strelec
    Osebe, rojene v ognjenem znamenju Strelca, se zaradi optimističnega značaja štejejo za srečne otroke. Strelci so zelo radodarni, zabavni in odprti, obožujejo svojo svobodo in potovanja. V svojem življenju želijo doživeti čim več in zato pogosto obljubljajo več, kot lahko izpolnijo. Prepoznali jih boste tudi tako, da takoj povedo, kaj imajo v mislih.<br />Te črno-modre boksarice so namenjene vsem radovednim Strelcem, ki uživajo v spremembah in bodo storili vse, da dosežejo svoje cilje. V boksaricah Sagittarius njihovi pustolovski uporabniki ne bodo omejevani in bodo lahko živeli življenje na polno.<br />Material: 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Moške boksarice Lee Cooper Patterned
    Moške boksarice Lee Cooper<br />- Popolne za vsak dan<br />- Širok elastičen pas<br />- Udoben kroj<br /><br /><strong>Material</strong>: 95% bombaž, 5% elastan
  • Moške boksarice Lee Cooper
    Udobne moške boksarice znamke Lee Cooper.<br />Moške boksarice Lee Cooper so zaradi širokega elastičnega pasu in udobnega prileganja popolna izbira za vsak dan.<br />- Elastičen pas z blagovno znamko<br />- Udobno prileganje<br /><strong>Material</strong>: 100% bombaž
  • Moške boksarice Character Love
    Udobne moške boksarice v originalnem dizajnu z barvnim tiskom priljubljenih risanih junakov.<br />- Elastičen pas z blagovno znamko<br />- Udobno prileganje<br />- Teža: 150 gsm<br /><br /><strong>Material</strong>: 100% bombaž
  • Ombre Clothing Men's socks
    Material: 78% cotton, 20% polyamide, 2% elastane Colour: grey/black
  • Men's boxers Frogies Zodiac Kozorog
    Kozorog je zemeljsko znamenje, ki velja za najbolj praktično znamenje iz celotnega zodiaka. Ljudje, rojeni v tem znamenju, so po naravi inteligentni, stabilni in odgovorni. So tudi zelo vztrajni, ambiciozni in imajo realističen pogled na svet. Zato vedno pričakujejo najhujše in ko jih nekdo razočara, zelo težko odpustijo.<br />Te oranžno črne boksarice so namenjene vsem discipliniranim Kozorogom, ki z lahkoto premagujejo vse ovire. Kot bonus lahko naše boksarice Capricorn vsem tem posameznikom, ki imajo odlične organizacijske sposobnosti, pomagajo pri dolgoročnem načrtovanju.<br />Weight: 160 gsm<br />Material: 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Moške boksarice Character Simpsons 1P
    Udobne moške bokserice v izvirnem dizajnu z barvnim tiskom priljubljenih risanih junakov.<br />- udobno prileganje<br />- elastičen pas s tkano gumo<br />- mehak, udoben material<br />- kakovosten tisk<br />- teža: 160 gsm<br /><strong>Material</strong>: 95% bombaž, 5% elastan
  • Moške nogavice 2 para Tommy Hilfiger
    Nogavice Tommy Hilfiger se popolnoma prilegajo stopalu, tudi po daljšem nošenju ne izgubijo elastičnosti in zagotavljajo najvišje udobje pri uporabi.Idealne so za vsakodnevno nošenje. Nogavice niso le udobne, temveč tudi modne, zaradi visokokakovostnih materialov pa dajejo stopalu občutek udobja.<br /><br /><strong>Material</strong>: 74 % bombaž, 24 % poliamid, 2 % elastan
  • Men's sports boxers ATLANTIC - dark green
    MEN'S SPORTS BOXERS, PREMIUM COLLECTIONThe boxers are characterized by a sporty cut - low waist and standard leg length. Thanks to the profiling cuts, they adhere perfectly to the body and fit it. They are recommended for every figure.Premium Underwear is a collection for those who choose the highest quality, unique design and modern technological solutions when choosing underwear. We use 100% cotton, pima cotton, bamboo, microfiber, modal and micromodal for the production of underwear. You will be pleased with the soft to the touch fabric in combination with microfiber rubber with milk thread. It provides a unique "gentle touch". Expect maximum wearing comfort.Best quality knitted fabricFits perfectly on the figureOuter rubber made of non-compressive microfibermaximum comfort guaranteedNew technologyBamboo fabric has antibacterial and thermoregulatory properties (it gives a feeling of cold in hot weather, warms in winter). It is soft and soft to the touch like silk and at the same time durable and resistant to pilling. Even after many washes, bamboo retains its softness and color. It is an excellent choice for allergy sufferers. We love our underwear. When creating it, we pay attention to every smallest detail. Therefore, take care of it and it will serve you for many seasons. Pay attention to the markings and instructions enclosed with your underwear.Blue men's boxers are characterized by a sporty cut. Their waist is low and their legs are standard length. At the waist, the boxers are marked with a soft and wide elastic band decorated with a large inscription ATLANTIC. The pleasant to the touch rubber does not compress the body and does not dig into it, thus ensuring maximum wearing comfort. For the production of the boxers, we used knitwear, which is a combination of soft and silky bamboo fabric, pleasant to the touch cotton and stretchy elastane. The skin-friendly fabric has the ability to thermoregulate, which means that it gives a feeling of coolness in hot weather and warms in winter. It retains these and other unique properties for a long time of use.67% bamboo, 24% cotton, 9% elastane
  • Moški boksarji Licencirano
    Moški' boksar Batman 3P Frogies.<br />Udobni moški' S kratke hlače z barvnim tiskom so idealna izbira za vsakodnevno nošenje.<br />- širok elastičen trak<br />- ploski šivi<br />- prijeten material<br /><br /><strong>Material: </strong>  95% bombaž, 5% elastan
  • 3PACK Men's Boxers Levis Multicolor
    Levi's Boxer Shorts Are you looking for comfortable and affordable boxer shorts? You don't have to anymore, these Levi's boxer shorts do both. Levi's boxer shorts are very popular for their comfortable fit and are also comfortable to wear. They have a woven elastic band at the waist, which does not cut or pinch anywhere, the leg loops are longer. The material is soft and delicate, which contributes to high comfort and convenience when worn. From our own experience, we can only recommend these boxers. As far as washing is concerned - wash your boxer shorts at a maximum of 40°C and do not put them in the dryer, otherwise it may happen that you will no longer be able to wear them - you can find out more below in the classic product information. Size chartLEVIS - MEN BOXERS / BRIEFS / SHORTS SIZE HIP CIRCUMFERENCE (CM) UNFOLDED LOOM (CM) S 68-72 34 M 73-77 36 L 78-82 38 XL 83-87 40 XXL 88-92 42
  • Moške boksarice Lee Cooper Printed
    Udobne moške boksarice znamke Lee Cooper<br />- Elastičen pas z blagovno znamko<br />- Udobno prileganje<br />- Ravni šivi<br />- Mehak material<br /><strong>Material</strong>: 95% bombaž, 5% elastan
  • Moška debla Superman Love - žabe
    Udobni moški' s kovčki v izvirnem dizajnu z barvnim tiskom priljubljenih stripov.<br />- Elastičen, z blagovno znamko pasu<br />- Udoben fit<br />- Teža: 150 gsm<br /><strong>Material: </strong>  100% bombaž
  • Sesto Senso Man's Thermo Top Short CL39
    model: Sesto_Senso_Thermo_Top_Short_CL39_Yellow, color: 1132789
  • Moška debla Simpsonovi - žabe
    Udobni moški' s kovčki v izvirnem dizajnu z barvnim tiskom priljubljenih likov iz risank.<br />- Elastičen, z blagovno znamko pasu<br />- Comfotable fit<br /><br /><strong>Material: </strong>  100% bombaž
  • Moške boksarice Lee Cooper Printed
    Udobne moške boksarice znamke Lee Cooper<br />- Elastičen pas z blagovno znamko<br />- Udobno prileganje<br />- Ravni šivi<br />- Mehak material<br /><strong>Material</strong>: 95% bombaž, 5% elastan
  • Moške boksarice Lee Cooper
    Udobne moške boksarice znamke Lee Cooper.<br />Moške boksarice Lee Cooper so zaradi širokega elastičnega pasu in udobnega prileganja popolna izbira za vsak dan.<br />- Elastičen pas z blagovno znamko<br />- Udobno prileganje<br /><strong>Material</strong>: 100% bombaž
  • Nogavice Frogies Ice Cream
    Tudi nogavice so lahko zabaven kos oblačila! Izboljšajte razpoloženje in polepšajte okolico s temi edinstvenimi igrivimi nogavicami.<br /><br /><strong>Material</strong>: 72% bombaž, 26% poliamid, 2% elastan
  • Boxer shorts Atlantic 3MH-025 A'3 S-3XL navy-wine-emerald 01
    Perfectly Fitting Men's Atlantic 3MH-025 A'3 Boxer ShortsPerfectly fitted men's boxer shorts made of elastic cotton. high-quality elastic cotton pleasant to the touch, breathablesoft, non-compressive inner elastic at the waistA perfect fitwaistband with ATLANTIC logopacked in a box of 3 piecesComposition: 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Men's quality boxers ATLANTIC PREMIUM - black
    Men's quality boxers ATLANTIC PREMIUMBoxers are characterized by a sporty cut - a low waist and legs of standard length. Thanks to the profiling cuts, they adhere perfectly to the body and fit it. They are recommended for every figure.Premium Underwear is a collection for those who focus on the highest quality, unique design and modern technological solutions when choosing underwear. For the production of underwear we use 100% cotton, pima cotton, bamboo, microfiber, modal and micromodal.the best quality knitwearfits the figure perfectlyGuaranteed maximum comfortNew technologyPima cotton is extremely soft, almost silky to the touch, elastic, durable and resistant to stretching and pilling. It is produced without the use of chemicals. It does not cause allergies, so it is an excellent choice for sensitive skin. Pima cotton is considered the highest quality cotton in the world.We love our underwear. When creating it, we pay attention to every slightest detail. Therefore, take care of it and it will serve you for many seasons. Pay attention to the markings and instructions attached to the underwear. Good wearing!Black men's boxer shorts are marked at the waist with wide and soft rubber with red ATLANTIC lettering. Boxers are characterized by a sporty character - they have a universal leg length and a low waist ending with the already mentioned outer rubber. Extremely pleasant to the touch, the rubber does not compress the body and does not cause discomfort. Boxers are made of knitwear, which is a combination of fine pima cotton, thin and silk modal and flexible elastane. It is a skin-friendly combination that is breathable, prevents excessive sweating and does not cause allergic reactions. Underwear provides the highest wearing comfort.Blacksporty designfits the figure perfectlysoft and non-compression elastic at the waistHigh quality knitwearmaximum comfort46% Pima cotton, 47% Modal, 7% elastane
  • Men's quality boxers ATLANTIC PREMIUM - dark blue
    MEN'S BOXERS ATLANTIC PREMIUM COLLECTIONBoxers are characterized by a sporty cut - a low waist and legs of standard length. Thanks to the profiling cuts, they adhere perfectly to the body and fit it. They are recommended for every figure.Premium Underwear is a collection for those who focus on the highest quality, unique design and modern technological solutions when choosing underwear. For the production of underwear we use 100% cotton, pima cotton, bamboo, microfiber, modal and micromodal.the best quality knitwearfits the figure perfectlyGuaranteed maximum comfortNew technologyPima cotton is extremely soft, almost silky to the touch, elastic, durable and resistant to stretching and pilling. It is produced without the use of chemicals. It does not cause allergies, so it is an excellent choice for sensitive skin. Pima cotton is considered the highest quality cotton in the world.We love our underwear. When creating it, we pay attention to every slightest detail. Therefore, take care of it and it will serve you for many seasons. Pay attention to the markings and instructions attached to the underwear. Good wearing!Men's boxer shorts in navy blue are marked at the waist with wide and extremely soft rubber with the inscriptions ATLANTIC in blue. Boxers with a sporty aesthetic have a universal leg length and a low waist, which is topped with the already mentioned outer rubber. Pleasant to the touch, the rubber does not compress the body, so it does not cause any discomfort. Underwear is made of knitwear, which is a combination of soft and pleasant to the touch pima cotton, thin and silky modal and flexible elastane. The combination is gentle to the skin, breathable and prevents excessive sweating of the body. Boxers provide the highest level of wearing comfort.dark bluesporty designfits the figure perfectlysoft and non-compression elastic at the waistHigh quality knitwearmaximum comfort46% Pima cotton, 47% Modal, 7% elastane
  • Men's boxers ATLANTIC 2Pack - burgundy/black
    MEN'S BOXERS ATLANTIC 2PACKBoxer shorts are characterized by a sporty cut - a low waist and standard leg length. Thanks to the profiling cuts, they fit the body perfectly. They are recommended for every physique.Tunnel rubber is an extremely comfortable and body-pleasing finish to underwear. It works great in everyday situations, does not pinch and keeps underwear in place. It is an excellent choice for allergy sufferers, as it provides the body with contact only with natural cotton.Classic Underwear is a collection in which we focus on comfort and universal styles. To create underwear, we use high-quality cotton, which is soft and pleasant to the touch and the phenomenon of compression is foreign to it. Classic Underwear is an excellent choice for everyday wear, especially if you're a fan of patterned prints.Universal, classic underwear cutfits perfectly on the figureMade of soft and pleasant to the touch fabricNon-compressive and insensitive tunnel rubberGuarantee of convenience and comfortCotton Stretch (95% cotton + 5% elastane) - soft and pleasant to the touch cotton enriched with elastane, thanks to which it holds its shape for a long time. Resistant to deformation. Due to its ability to absorb water, it does not cause unpleasant sensations such as sweating. It is also an ideal choice for allergy sufferers – it does not cause allergies.We love our underwear. When creating it, we pay attention to every smallest detail. Therefore, take care of it and it will serve you for many seasons. Pay attention to the markings and instructions included with the underwear.The double pack contains men's boxer shorts in the following colours: burgundy and black. The former are covered with patterns of chili peppers, the latter with flames of fire. Sports boxer shorts have a low waist (finished with a non-constricting inner elastic) and mid-thigh legs. Thanks to the profiling seams used here, the boxer shorts fit perfectly on the figure. The boxer shorts are made of knitwear, which is a combination of pleasant to the touch cotton and stretch elastane. The skin-friendly knitted fabric prevents excessive sweating of the body due to its ability to absorb water.
  • Men's boxer Batman - Frogies
    Comfortable men's boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- wide elastic band<br />- flat seams<br />- pleasant material<br /><br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Men's boxer StarWars - Frogies
    Comfortable men's boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- wide elastic band<br />- flat seams<br />- pleasant material<br /><br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Moška debla Simpsonovi - žabe
    Udobni moški' s kovčki v izvirnem dizajnu z barvnim tiskom priljubljenih likov iz risank.<br />- Elastičen, z blagovno znamko pasu<br />- Comfotable fit<br /><br /><strong>Material: </strong>  100% bombaž
  • Moški blazer Dewberry
    Moški blazer dewberry Classic<br />- Popoln za vsakodnevno nošenje<br />- Na voljo v več velikostih<br /><br />Material: 100% bombaž
  • Moške boksarice Lee Cooper Patterned
    Moške boksarice Lee Cooper<br />- Popolne za vsak dan<br />- Širok elastičen pas<br />- Udoben kroj<br /><br /><strong>Material</strong>: 95% bombaž, 5% elastan
  • Moške boksarice Lee Cooper Patterned
    Moške boksarice Lee Cooper<br />- Popolne za vsak dan<br />- Širok elastičen pas<br />- Udoben kroj<br /><br /><strong>Material</strong>: 95% bombaž, 5% elastan
  • Moški boksarji Licencirano
    Moški' boksar Batman 3P Frogies.<br />Udobni moški' S kratke hlače z barvnim tiskom so idealna izbira za vsakodnevno nošenje.<br />- širok elastičen trak<br />- ploski šivi<br />- prijeten material<br /><br /><strong>Material: </strong>  95% bombaž, 5% elastan
  • Moške boxarice Lee Cooper 5 pack
    <p>Lee Cooper boksarice 5-Pack so idealne za vsak dan in zahvaljujoč širokemu elastičnemu pasu z oznako Lee Cooper boste nosili res udobno.<br />- kakovosten material<br />- udobno in prijetno mehko prileganje<br />- visoko zmogljivo spodnje perilo<br />- Paket vsebuje 5 kosov<br /><b>Material:</b> 95% bombaž, 5% elastan</p>
  • Men's boxers Batman 1P - Frogies
    Comfortable men's boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- comfortable fit<br />- elastic waistband with woven rubber<br />- soft, comfortable material<br />- quality printing<br />- weight: 160 gsm<br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Moška debla Žabe
    Moški' debla znamke Frogies.<br />- elastični pas<br />- udobno prileganje<br /><močna>Material: </močan> 100% bombaž
  • Moške boksarice Lee Cooper
    Udobne moške boksarice znamke Lee Cooper.<br />Moške boksarice Lee Cooper so zaradi širokega elastičnega pasu in udobnega prileganja popolna izbira za vsak dan.<br />- Elastičen pas z blagovno znamko<br />- Udobno prileganje<br /><strong>Material</strong>: 100% bombaž
  • Nogavice HestySocks Patterned
    Nogavice Happy nudijo visoko kakovost in udobje zahvaljujoč posebej modificiranemu bombažu.<br />- Vsak vzorec je unikaten in domiseln<br />- Popolnoma se prilega vsemu, kar zjutraj oblečete, tako da lahko izberete pravega glede na svoje razpoloženje<br />- Nogavice so unisex, samo izberite svojo velikost<br /><strong>Material</strong>: 90% bombaž, 8% poliamid, 2% elastan
  • Moške boksarice Lee Cooper Printed
    Udobne moške boksarice znamke Lee Cooper<br />- Elastičen pas z blagovno znamko<br />- Udobno prileganje<br />- Ravni šivi<br />- Mehak material<br /><strong>Material</strong>: 95% bombaž, 5% elastan
  • Moške boksarice Lee Cooper Printed
    Udobne moške boksarice znamke Lee Cooper<br />- Elastičen pas z blagovno znamko<br />- Udobno prileganje<br />- Ravni šivi<br />- Mehak material<br /><strong>Material</strong>: 95% bombaž, 5% elastan
  • Moška debla Žabe Ljubezen
    Moški' s kovčki znamke Frogies.<br />- elastični pas<br />- udobno prileganje<br />- ljubezensko oblikovanje<br />- žametna vrečka<br /><močna>Material: </močna> 100% bombaž
  • Moške boksarice Lee Cooper Patterned
    Moške boksarice Lee Cooper<br />- Popolne za vsak dan<br />- Širok elastičen pas<br />- Udoben kroj<br /><br /><strong>Material</strong>: 95% bombaž, 5% elastan
  • Moške boksarice Lee Cooper
    Udobne moške boksarice znamke Lee Cooper.<br />Moške boksarice Lee Cooper so zaradi širokega elastičnega pasu in udobnega prileganja popolna izbira za vsak dan.<br />- Elastičen pas z blagovno znamko<br />- Udobno prileganje<br /><strong>Material</strong>: 100% bombaž
  • Moške boksarice Lee Cooper Patterned
    Moške boksarice Lee Cooper<br />- Popolne za vsak dan<br />- Širok elastičen pas<br />- Udoben kroj<br /><br /><strong>Material</strong>: 95% bombaž, 5% elastan
  • Moške boksarice Lee Cooper
    Udobne moške boksarice znamke Lee Cooper.<br />Moške boksarice Lee Cooper so zaradi širokega elastičnega pasu in udobnega prileganja popolna izbira za vsak dan.<br />- Elastičen pas z blagovno znamko<br />- Udobno prileganje<br /><strong>Material</strong>: 100% bombaž
  • Under Armour Socks UA Performance Tech 3pk Qtr-WHT - unisex
    Durable material wicks sweat away and dries really quickly.The new Locked-In Fit construction keeps the sock securely on the heel.Full-foot medium cushioning for comfort and protection.Mesh panels on the instep for extra breathability.Built-in arch support helps reduce foot fatigue.3 pairs of socks.
  • Moška debla Superman Love - žabe
    Udobni moški' s kovčki v izvirnem dizajnu z barvnim tiskom priljubljenih stripov.<br />- Elastičen, z blagovno znamko pasu<br />- Udoben fit<br />- Teža: 150 gsm<br /><strong>Material: </strong>  100% bombaž
  • SAM73 Invercargill Socks - unisex
    Invercargill socks. Material: 80% cotton, 17% polyamide, 3% elastane
  • 3PACK men's boxers S.Oliver multicolor
    s.Oliver - men's boxers The s.Oliver brand prides itself on German quality and timeless elegance of its products. And that's exactly what the s.Oliver men's boxers are. The very pleasant material guarantees that this piece of lingerie will become one of your favorites, as well as the cut, which is subordinated to maximum comfort. If you want to play it safe and buy great quality underwear at a reasonable price, we can only recommend s.Oliver boxer shorts. Size chartS.OLIVER - MEN BOXERS / SHORTS / BRIEFS SIZE WAIST CIRCUMFERENCE (CM) HIP CIRCUMFERENCE (CM) STRETCHED LEG (CM) S (4) 78-82 92-95 33 M (5) 83-87 96-99 36 L (6) 88-92 100-103 38 XL (7) 93-97 104-107 39,5 XXL (8) 98-103 108-111 41
  • Moški boksarji Licencirano
    Moški' boksar Batman 3P Frogies.<br />Udobni moški' S kratke hlače z barvnim tiskom so idealna izbira za vsakodnevno nošenje.<br />- širok elastičen trak<br />- ploski šivi<br />- prijeten material<br /><br /><strong>Material: </strong>  95% bombaž, 5% elastan
  • Moške boksarice Lee Cooper Printed
    Udobne moške boksarice znamke Lee Cooper<br />- Elastičen pas z blagovno znamko<br />- Udobno prileganje<br />- Ravni šivi<br />- Mehak material<br /><strong>Material</strong>: 95% bombaž, 5% elastan
  • Under Armour Socks UA Performance Tech 3pk Qtr-BLK - unisex
    Durable material wicks sweat away and dries really quickly.The new Locked-In Fit construction keeps the sock securely on the heel.Full-foot medium cushioning for comfort and protection.Mesh panels on the instep for extra breathability.Built-in arch support helps reduce foot fatigue.3 pairs of socks.
  • Men's boxers Superman Love - Frogies
    Comfortable men's boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- comfortable fit<br />- elastic waistband with woven rubber<br />- soft, comfortable material<br />- quality printing<br />- weight: 160 gsm<br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Moške boksarice Funny 1P
    Udobne moške bokserice z barvnim potiskom so idealna izbira za vsakodnevno nošenje.<br />- širok elastični pas<br />- ravni šivi<br />- prijeten material<br /><strong>Material</strong>: 95% bombaž, 5% elastan
  • Men's boxers ATLANTIC 3Pack - multicolor
    MEN'S BOXER SHORTS ATLANTIC 3PACKMen's cotton boxer shorts with a microfiber outer elastic with Atlantic lettering. The sporty cut with short legs, profiling cuts, provides high comfort and fits perfectly on the figure. Made of soft cotton with an admixture of elastane. Perfect for any body shape.Microfiber outer rubber:adds a modern design to underwearis extremely comfortable to style underwearWorks great in everyday situationsdoes not pinch and keeps underwear in placeSPORTS COLLECTIONA collection created for physically active people. In the Sport collection, we have a selection of briefs in a sporty cut and boxers for the body, both with a wide outer elastic band and in different colors. The material contains an admixture of elastane, thanks to which the laundry sits and holds in the right place during a lot of movement. The main material is cotton, which is soft to the touch and breathable.Stretch cotton is characterized by its softness to the skin. In addition, refined with elastane, it adapts to the figure, holds its shape and does not deform. For underwear, we use cotton, which by definition should be fitted, but not oppressive. It does not change position when worn, it stays in place.The sporty cut of boxers close to the body is characterized by a low waist, standard-length legs and profiled cuts. All these features ensure the highest comfort of use. The boxer shorts are finished at the top with a wide outer elastic band that fits perfectly on the figure. They are made of pleasant to the touch cotton with elastane. Thanks to the crotch reinforcement, the boxer shorts stay in shape all day long and do not rub against the body during use, do not deform or stretch.Material: 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Moške boksarice Under Armour 2-Pack
    Paket vsebuje 2 kosa.<br /><br />- mehka in temeljita tkanina<br />- brez stranskih ali zadnjih šivov za maksimalno udobje<br />- 4-Way Stretch izdelava omogoča večjo gibljivost v katero koli smer<br />- Tehnologija Anti Odor<br />- elastičen pas<br /><br />Material: 90% poliester, 10% elastan
  • DKaren Man's Male Housecoat Harry
    Description:Dressing gown with pockets, tied.Washing instructions: 30°C Hand wash, Do not chlorinate, Dry-clean or spin-dry, Iron at 110°C
  • Moške boksarice Lee Cooper Patterned
    Moške boksarice Lee Cooper<br />- Popolne za vsak dan<br />- Širok elastičen pas<br />- Udoben kroj<br /><br /><strong>Material</strong>: 95% bombaž, 5% elastan
  • Under Armour Socks UA Performance Tech 3pk Crew-GRY - Unisex
    Durable material wicks sweat away and dries really quickly.The new Locked-In Fit construction keeps the sock securely on the heel.Full-foot medium cushioning for comfort and protection.Mesh panels on the instep for extra breathability.Built-in arch support helps reduce foot fatigue.3 pairs of socks.
  • Moške boksarice Lee Cooper
    Udobne moške boksarice znamke Lee Cooper.<br />Moške boksarice Lee Cooper so zaradi širokega elastičnega pasu in udobnega prileganja popolna izbira za vsak dan.<br />- Elastičen pas z blagovno znamko<br />- Udobno prileganje<br /><strong>Material</strong>: 100% bombaž
  • Men's Patterned Socks Beer Black
    Men's socks are mainly made of cotton. Interesting patterns and colors make them the perfect gift for a loved one! The elastic cuff allows the sock to be properly adjusted to the width of the foot.Composition:Cotton 85%Polyamide 10%Elastane 5%
  • Men's boxers Superman Love - Frogies
    Comfortable men's boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- comfortable fit<br />- elastic waistband with woven rubber<br />- soft, comfortable material<br />- quality printing<br />- weight: 160 gsm<br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Moške boksarice Lee Cooper
    Udobne moške boksarice znamke Lee Cooper.<br />Moške boksarice Lee Cooper so zaradi širokega elastičnega pasu in udobnega prileganja popolna izbira za vsak dan.<br />- Elastičen pas z blagovno znamko<br />- Udobno prileganje<br /><strong>Material</strong>: 100% bombaž
  • Moške boksarice Character Simpsons 1P
    Udobne moške bokserice v izvirnem dizajnu z barvnim tiskom priljubljenih risanih junakov.<br />- udobno prileganje<br />- elastičen pas s tkano gumo<br />- mehak, udoben material<br />- kakovosten tisk<br />- teža: 160 gsm<br /><strong>Material</strong>: 95% bombaž, 5% elastan
  • Men's boxer Marvel Captain America - Frogies
    Comfortable men's boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- wide elastic band<br />- flat seams<br />- pleasant material<br /><br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
  • Moške boksarice Character Simpsons 1P
    Udobne moške bokserice v izvirnem dizajnu z barvnim tiskom priljubljenih risanih junakov.<br />- udobno prileganje<br />- elastičen pas s tkano gumo<br />- mehak, udoben material<br />- kakovosten tisk<br />- teža: 160 gsm<br /><strong>Material</strong>: 95% bombaž, 5% elastan
  • Moške boksarice Lee Cooper Patterned
    Moške boksarice Lee Cooper<br />- Popolne za vsak dan<br />- Širok elastičen pas<br />- Udoben kroj<br /><br /><strong>Material</strong>: 95% bombaž, 5% elastan
  • Boxer shorts Atlantic 3MH-184 A'3 S-2XL chocolate-cappucino-black 1
    Perfectly Fitting Men's Atlantic 3MH-184 A'3 Boxer ShortsPerfectly fitted men's boxer shorts made of elastic cotton. high-quality stretch cottonA perfect fitcomfortable flywider elastic waistband with Atlantic inscriptionpacked in a box of 3 piecesComposition: 95% cotton, 5% elastane

Nazadnje videno

Popusti 50%, Akcije, Razprodaje Spodnje perilo za moške - Spodnje perilo za moške vključuje oblačila kot so spodnje hlače, boksarce in spodnja srajca ter različne vrste nogavic. Spodnje srajce se najpogosteje nosijo pozimi, ko so temperature nižje, ali tudi celo leto izpod lahkih, polprozirnih oblačil kot so bele majice na kratke rokave. Spodnje srajce so lahko ozke, od materiala z elastinom ali nekoliko bolj sproščene, do materiala kot je bombaž. Izberite si tisto, ki vam najbolj odgovarja z oblačili, ki planirate nositi, toda pazite, da je material prijeten na koži in da diha. Spodnje perilo za ženske prihaja v več vrst in možnosti. Prav tako obstajajo spodnje srajce, za podobno funkcijo, toda imajo lahko dodatke kot je čipka ali različne dekoracije. Modrčki so lahko push-up, za nosečnice in dojilje, športni, z žico, brez žice, z naramnicami, brez naramnic, silikonski, s prozirnimi naramnicami in tako dalje. Ženske spodnje hlače prav tako prihajajo v več vrst krojev, imamo na primer brazilke, spodnje hlače klasičnega izreza, »bodyshorts« spodnje hlače, ki prekrivajo več, tangice, spodnje hlače brez vidnega roba in tako dalje. Obstaja možnost kombiniranja spodnjega in zgornjega dela perila za ženske, toda lahko kupimo tudi lepe komplete. Takšni kompleti prihajajo v različnih barvah, narejeni so iz različnih materialov in pogosto imajo okrase in čipkast rob, zanimive vzorce in aplikacije. Izbira je velika, zato pazite na kvaliteto materiala, kroj oziroma model spodnjega perila, za kateri menite, da vam najbolj pristaja, ter barvo in vzorec, ki vam je najbolj všeč.