Treat yourself to maximum comfort with this soft and comfortable fleece sweatshirt. The sweatshirt has a classic round neckline and long sleeves with ribbed cuffs. The front is adorned with the iconic Gap logo. Ribbed hem at the bottom edge. The cut is straight and comfortable, allowing for easy layering with other clothes. The length of the sweatshirt reaches to the hips.
Treat yourself to maximum comfort with this soft and comfortable fleece sweatshirt. The sweatshirt has a classic round neckline and long sleeves with ribbed cuffs. The front is adorned with the iconic Gap logo. Ribbed hem at the bottom edge. The cut is straight and comfortable, allowing for easy layering with other clothes. The length of the sweatshirt reaches to the hips.
Mo&scaron;ki pulover znamke Trendyol.<br />- navaden kroj<br />- okrogel izrez<br />- udoben in mehak material<br />- gladko brez tiska<br />- spodnji del in rokavi z robovi<br />- za vsakodnevno no&scaron;enje
Mo&scaron;ki pulover s kapuco Mr. GUGU &amp; Miss GO Emoji<br />- Popoln za vsakodnevno no&scaron;enje<br />- Na voljo v več velikostih<br /><br />Material: 70% bombaž, 30% poliester
Men&#39;s vest with collar by Ombre.<br />-&nbsp;Fastened with buttons<br />- Adjustable at the back of the vest<br />- Two side pockets and a chest pocket<br />Model&#39;s height: 182 cm.<br />The model presents the product in size: M.<br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% polyester, 5% elastane
Mo&scaron;ki pulover s kapuco znamke Trendyol.<br />- s potiskom<br />- nastavljiva kapuca z vrvico<br />- spodnji del in rokavi so zaključeni z robovi<br />- praktičen kengurujski žep<br />- oversize kroj<br />Izdelek na manekenu je velikosti L/42.<br />Mere manekena: Vi&scaron;ina: 189 cm, prsni ko&scaron;: 91 cm, pas: 78 cm, boki: 95 cm.
Mo&scaron;ki pulover s kapuco znamke Ombre.<br />- nastavljiva kapuca z vrvico<br />- zapenja se z zadrgo<br />- spodnji del in rokavi z robovi<br />- dva stranska žepa<br />- udoben kroj<br /><strong>Material</strong>: 65% bombaž, 35% poliester
Men's unzipped sweatshirtHood with drawstringsLarge patch pocket on the frontMelange fabricComposition: 100% polyesterColour: graphite melangeModel's height: 189 cmModel presents item in size: M
Classic Men's Set-in Sweat Premium Fruit of the Loom Made of very comfortable and durable material, men's sweatshirt put on over the head. The color of the sweatshirt is resistant even to frequent washing. Finished with cotton welts with the addition of Lycra. Thanks to the higher content of polyester, the sweatshirt is softer and pleasant to the touch, the material is more pleasant to the body. The product has a reinforcing tape on the neck, as well as straight sewn sleeves. Welts at the neck, at the bottom of the sweatshirt and sleeves. The material is durable, the color is durable even during frequent washing.Sweatshirt recommended both as sportswear, casual. The product is suitable for washing at temperatures up to 40 degrees Celsius, ironing, as well as drying at low temperatures.Certificates: Fair Working Conditions, Oeko-Tex, Reach Conformfabric content: 70% cotton / 30% polyesterWeight: 280 g/m² (Heather Grey: 260 g/m²) Dimensions:Width* - S-53 cm, M-57 cm, L-61 cm, XL-65 cm, XXL-69 cmLength** - S-68 cm, M-70,5 cm, L-73 cm, XL-75,5 cm, XXL-78 cm *measured across, 1 cm below the sleeves**measured from the highest point on the shoulders to the end of the shirt
material: 65% cotton, 35% polyesterColour: grey, dark grey
Nazadnje videno
Popusti 70%, Akcije, Razprodaje Majice na dolge rokave za moške - Majice na dolge rokave prihajajo v širokem razponu barv, dizajnov in vzorcev. Lahko najdete vse, enostavne in klasične črne in bele majice na dolgime rokave, ki jih lahko nosimo izpod drugih oblačil, poznamo tudi majice na dolge rokave, ki so v zanimivih barvah, na primer sprana siva, bež, trendi nude roza ali močna oranžna, prav tako imamo majice z različnimi vzorci, z različnimi kombinacijami barv, printov in napisov, ki dodajo dodaten efekt in izkazali bodo vaš stil in mnenje. Kako nositi majice na dolge rokave? Razen puloverjev i trenirk, majice na dolge rokave lahko nosimo na različne načine. Na primer, navadna bela majica na dolge rokave bo idealna, če jo nosite pod rahlo prozirno srajco, kadar ne želite, da se karkoli vidi. Če želite majico na dolge rokave nositi na trendi način, izberite ožjo črno majico, nekoliko bolj elastično in jo kombinirajte z navadnimi kavbojkami kateregakoli dizajna. Ta kombinacija vam ne bo povzročala težave, kadar izbirate outfit za določen dan ali event, a pravzaprav je zelo efektna in elegantna. Če želite dodaten efekt, izberite modne dodatke, kot so enostaven nakit, verižico ali choker, morda pa tudi eleganten črni pas. Za večer dodajte samo nekoliko bolj elegantne čevlje ali visoke petke in pripravljeni ste za dogodek. To je bil primer, kako kombinirati samo dve najbolj osnovne, belo in črno majico na dolge rokave. Ves ostali razpon barv, vzorcev in napisov ter dizajn, ki jih lahko najdete pri izbiri majic na dolge rokave, je vaša izbira. Mali nasvet: izberite barve, ki pašejo vaši polti in vzorce, ki izkazujejo vaš osebni stil.