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Melody Gardot - Sunset In The Blue (2 LP)

56,30 €
Razpoložljive barve: - Črna
Stroški pošiljanja: 0-9,9 € *
Dobavni rok: 3 delovnih dni
Cena in rok vračila: -, 14 delovnih dni
Spletna trgovina: Muziker 01 777 8667
Možnosti plačila: Po povzetju Visa Mastercard Maestro
* Dostava je brezplačna pri skupni vrednosti nakupa nad €149.
Glasbena založba: Universal Music Varianta: Sunset In The Blue (2 LP) Država izvajalca: ZDA Podžanr: Vocal;Vocal Jazz;Jazz Žanr: Vocal;Jazz Tip: LP plošča;Album Hitrost: 33 1/3 RPM Teža: 180 g Umetnik / Tema: Melody Gardot Država izvora: Evropska unija Leto izdaje: 2020.0 Desetletje izvajalca: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009 Barva: Črna Barva glede na proizvajalca: Black Datum izdaje: 2020-10-23 Sestava kompleta: 2 kos. Vsebina paketa: LP

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  • Bertoni Home Unisex's 4 Round Table Pads Set Valentine Roses
    Description: Create a unique arrangement on your table with our set of placemats. They are perfect for all types of tables and are not only practical, but will also beautifully decorate your space. The set consists of 4 pads made of thin, ecological felt. This makes them durable and at the same time environmentally friendly. High-quality HD printing ensures durability and colour intensity, which makes the pads look like new for a long time. The set includes 4 pads with a diameter of 33 cm. The pads are not only elegant, but also universal, so they will fit into any interior. The pads can be washed in a washing machine at a temperature of up to 40 degrees, which makes them easy to keep clean. They are also a product of Polish production, which guarantees the highest quality of workmanship. Product information: The set includes: 4 washers with a diameter of 33 cm. Material: ecological felt. Print: high-quality HD print. Machine washable up to 40 degrees. Product of Polish production.Washing instructions: 40°C Wash, do not tumble dry
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  • Spokey SHAPEZ Aggressive kolieskové korčule, ABEC7 Chrome, veľ. 40/41
    Please note: Please pay attention when choosing a size according to the size chart below. Please check the length of the insole in cm thoroughly before buying.  Aggressive Inline Skates Spokey ShapeZ:- have a sturdy shoe with a triple fastening system (laces, Velcro and double buckle), which allows optimal adjustment of the shoe to the foot, strengthens the ankle and perfectly "holds" the heel- Anti-rocker wheel mounting system (larger inner wheels and smaller outer wheels) facilitates learning to grind and improves aggressive riding skills- thanks to the use of larger outer wheels than standard models of aggressive skates (64 mm), ShapeZ skates are very maneuverable, easy to turn and maneuver- Solid liner, Vibration-absorbing Antishock inserts and soulplates "boards" ensure maximum comfort and easy grindingDo you dream of a dynamic ride full of unexpected maneuvers and a combination of many tricks in the city infrastructure, on the ramp or in the skatepark? Then aggressive Spokey ShapeZ skates are the perfect choice for you .  It's a great choice for starting a skating adventure with aggressive riding and mastering grinding to perfection. The shapeZ design will make your task easier – these are aggressive skates with an Anti-rocker wheel storage system, i.e. four wheels: two larger immortals and small ones inside.Aggressive riding with ShapeZ skatesAggressive Spokey ShapeZ skates have been designed by professional skaters with experience and a real passion for in-line skating. Thanks to this, it will meet the needs of both beginners and the needs of the most demanding skaters. They are designed for grinding and its teaching, so they have a hard shoe, which in combination with a triple fastening system: laces, Velcro and double buckle, allows you to optimally adjust the shoe to the foot, strengthens the ankle and thus "holds" the heel in place even during various tricks or jumps.Easier jumps, grinds and slidesAggressive Spokey ShapeZ skates give you the best ride comfort, and using larger wheels than standard models (64 mm) allows for faster and more comfortable overcoming bumps. What's more, they have an elliptical profile that provides a greater angle when approaching an obstacle. Thanks to this, the skates are very easy to control, easy to turn and maneuver. The wheels have an ideal hardness for aggressive riding (89A), and the inner wheels are at a sufficient distance from each other, which also makes it easier to grind and slide. The high quality of Spokey skates is underlined by high-quality ABEC7 Chrome bearings, which, thanks to the highest processing accuracy, ensure a long service life and high riding speed.Skates for aggressive ridingShapeZ are skates that will be appreciated by both beginners and experienced riders. They are perfect for both teaching an aggressive riding style and for perfecting your grinds and other tricks. They have large, wide and flat soulplates, i.e. slide frames. They are also equipped with an ANTISHOCK heel insert that absorbs vibrations when jumping and when driving on uneven surfaces (e.g. cobblestones). The Spokey ShapeZ Aggressive Skates have a comfortable, sturdy liner and a futuristic outer shoe shape.size / length of insole in cm38/39: 24,7 - 25,7 cm40/41: 26,1 - 26,9 cm42/43: 27.5 - 28.2 cm44/45: 29,0 - 29,5 cm*When selecting a size, follow the dimensions above. The size marking on the box may differ from the above data.Parameters:Chassis: PPhard shoebearings: ABEC7 ChromeWheels:89A, SHR PU, 2x 64 mmWaterproof, nylon + fiber, 2x 34 mmAnti-rocker wheel storage systemantishocklowered center of gravity - greater stability and control of skates, easier maneuveringwide and flat soulplatesFastening: laces, Velcro and double claspmaximum user weight: 100 kgthe chassis of the skates is not compatible with other modelsStandard: EN 13843
  • Shimano SL-MT500-L Teleskopska sedežna opora
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  • Yamaha MPTR14E4 Ustnik za trobento
    Trumpet mouthpiece - produced using the most advanced computer design and manufacturing technology. Standard Series mouthpieces feature unmatched precision, smooth attack, secure control, and easy playability. They have the ideal weight for all-around usage and are available in over 100 configurations. The 14B4 rim with a unique cup for a soft tone. For rotary trumpets. Large backbore and throat. It has 16.84 mm rim inner diameter and 3.88 mm throat. Država izvora: Kitajska
    To je samodejni prevod s programsko opremo: MAYA44 eX je visokokakovosten 24-bitni / 96 kHz avdio vmesnik 4-in / 4-izhodni PCIe, ki ponuja številne močne in neverjetne funkcije, optimizirane za domače snemanje na profesionalni ravni kakovosti in za različne profesionalne aplikacije. Najnovejšo različico priljubljene družine vmesnikov MAYA44 lahko domači uporabniki brez težav uporabijo v računalniškem zvoku, pa tudi profesionalci, ki glasbo ustvarjajo po proračunu in iščejo profesionalno, a cenovno dostopno avdio rešitev PCIe, ki temelji na najnovejša tehnologija strojne opreme ESI, ki je združljiva s skoraj vsakim računalnikom, ki ponuja režo PCIe. MAYA44 eX ponuja 2 stereo stereo analogna vhoda, 2 stereo linijska izhoda, vhod za mikrofon z + 48V fantomsko močjo in predojačevalnikom, Hi-Z vhod za kitaro, izhod za slušalke, pa tudi optični izhod S / PDIF in optični S / PDIF vhod. Na strani programske opreme je na voljo razširjena različica našega gonilnika EWDM s popolno podporo DirectWIRE. Zaradi vsega tega je MAYA44 eX odlična rešitev za veliko avdio aplikacij, kot so domače snemanje, podcasting, pretakanje zvoka, predvajanje večkanalnih kanalov, profesionalni DJ in še veliko več. MAYA44 eX deluje v sistemih Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.1 in Windows 10 na 32-bitnih in 64-bitnih sistemih. Ponuja celo močan programski paket, vključno z inTone 2 ESI Edition od Audified, izjemno zmogljivo gostiteljsko aplikacijo, ki omogoča obdelavo in snemanje zvoka v realnem času z vtičniki VST tretjih oseb ali s priloženimi vtičniki ampLion Free in GK Amplification 2 LE . Vključena je tudi Deckadance LE by Stanton, visokokakovostna aplikacija DJ, ki omogoča mešanje skladb kot profesionalni DJ. Število izhodov: 3 Frekvenca vzorčenja: 96 kHz / 24 bit Država izvora: Kitajska Tip: PCI Sound Card Adapter priložen: Ne ADAT: Ne Fantomsko napajanje: Ne MIDI interface: Ne Kompatibilnost: Windows 10
  • Eurofirany Unisex's Bed Sheet 376056
    Description: Smooth, one-color sheet made of macosatin pleasant to the touch. Breathable fabric allows air to circulate. Easy to wash, dries quickly. width: 220 cm, length: 210 cm, color: mustard, Weight: 125 GSM, Composition: satin 100% cottonWashing instructions: 30°C Hand wash
  • Namizna lučka
    - Izvirna zasnova.- V notranjosti je prostor za žarnico z navojem E27.- Dimenzije: 32 x 68 cm.
  • Armin Van Buuren - Mirage (2 LP)
    Žanr: Dance Varianta: Mirage (2 LP) Desetletje izvajalca: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009 Hitrost: 33 1/3 RPM Vsebina paketa: LP Podžanr: Electro House;Disco;Trance Država izvajalca: Nizozemska Teža: 180 g Datum izdaje: 2022-04-02 Leto izdaje: 2022.0 Barva glede na proizvajalca: Black Država izvora: Nemčija Glasbena založba: Music On Vinyl Umetnik / Tema: Armin Van Buuren Sestava kompleta: 2 kos. Barva: Črna Tip: LP plošča


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