Zemeljski odtenek, ki je primeren za vse ljubiteljice nevtralnih barv. Niansa je enostavna za kombiniranje z drugimi barvami in vzorci, in zato primerna za vsak dan. Prefinjenost in preprostost Steffi sta odliki, ki jih znajo ceniti le redki. Si ena izmed njih?
V dizajnu Imari se prefinjenost prepleta z neprekosljivo sodobnostjo. Privlačil te bo kot temna magija, oživil tvoje čute in te objel z ljubeznijo. Ker se boš popolnoma navadila nanj, bo tvoja prva misel zjutraj namenjena samo njemu. Z dizajnom Imari boš izžarevala finost in samozavestnost, ki te bo spremljala ves dan.
Skrivnostnost in prefinjenost, ki ju v svoji vijolični barvi skriva Justine je težko prekositi. Kombinacija grafičnih elementov in purpurne barve te nikoli ne bo razočarala. Za dni, ko si zares želiš izstopati iz množice in poudariti svojo unikatnost.
Inspired by the source of new life, the volcano, the newest PUMA x PAMELA REIF collection shows you whatâs possible when you become aware of your own strength. Captured in one of the most raw and challenging environments on earth, this sports apparel reflects the natural energy of the extreme volcanic landscape in the Canary Islands. Designed for dynamism and strength with a combination of supportive and flexible materials, this athleisure drop will make you feel invincible. These zip shorts are both form-fitting and offer support for high-impact workouts. With interlock fabric and innovative LYCRA®ADAPTIV fibre, you get a piece that moves with you. The zip closure at the waist is just the right touch to ensure you feel comfortable in a fit unique to you. FEATURES & BENEFITS LYCRA® ADAPTIV: Fibre in an innovative, engineered seamless construction delivers on fit and shape retention while providing form-fitting compression that moves with you dryCELL: Performance technology designed to wick moisture from the body and keep you free of sweat during exercise Tight fit Mid-rise Interlock material Zip closure in front Shaping-effect Glossy PUMA Cat Logo Womens > Clothing > Shorts