- Izdelki blagovne znamke Ipanema so 100 % veganski in jih je mogoče reciklirati. Izdelani so v skladu z načeli trajnostnega razvoja. Ne vsebujejo škodljivih ftalatov.- Gladki material.- Zapiranje s sponko.- Model z nizkimi petami.- Gumijast podplat.- Dolžina vložka je: 23 cm.- Dimenzije so podane za velikost: 37.
Fashionable women's sandals are made of textile material. The cuboid-shaped heel adds elegance and expressiveness. Fastened with an adjustable strap with a buckle that ensures a proper fit to the foot. In addition, the soft eco-leather insole guarantees comfort even when worn for long periods of time. It's the perfect choice for summer days! When choosing a size, refer to the size chart.36-23.5/37-24/38-24.5/39-25.5/40-26/41-26.5 cm
- Zapenjanje z zaponko za osebno prilagajanje.- Podplat iz gume je trpežen in odporen na poškodbe.- Oblikovan, mehak vložek za udobje.- Model z debelim podplatom.- Višina platforme: 3,5 cm.- Dolžina vložka je: 23 cm.- Dimenzije so podane za velikost: 37.
Lightweight women's flip-flops made of natural leather. Set on a stable platform with a fine wedge. They are distinguished by a decorative detail on the belt. The comfortable natural leather insole ensures comfort all day long. A fashionable and elegant design that is sure to go well with many styles! When choosing a size, refer to the size chart.36-23.5/37-24/38-24.5/39-25/40-25.5/41-26 cm