Children's jeans in loose cut.Elasticated waistband with belt loops.Zip closure and hook.Loose and comfortable leg fit.Classic 5 pockets.100% organic cotton. Clothing labeled as Gap for Good is made with our planet in mind, so we use natural or recycled materials while trying to reduce the impact of production on water resources. Learn more at Gap for Good.
Children's jeans in loose cut.Elasticated waistband with belt loops.Zip closure and hook.Loose and comfortable leg fit.Classic 5 pockets.100% organic cotton. Clothing made from 100% organic cotton is not only friendly to the environment, but to your skin. No harmful synthetic pesticides or fertilizers are used in cultivation. Learn more at Gap for Good.
Children's cotton pants with pockets.Elasticated waistband with drawstring.Front oblique pockets.Large pockets with flap on the legs.Long trousers with elasticated hem.Comfortable fit.Monochromatic.
Smooth jersey knit outer layer and brushed interior for soft comfort and warmth.The material wicks away sweat excellently and dries very quickly.Encased elastic waistband with external drawstring.Open hand pockets.Leg length from crotch: YMD 66 cm (+/- 5 cm depending on size).Cut with tapered legs.
Children's corduroy trousers.Classic fit with 5 pockets.Zip fastening and button or hook.Belt loops.Straight leg fit.5% recycled cotton.Gap for Good clothing is made with the planet in mind, so we use natural or recycled materials while trying to reduce the impact of production on water resources. Learn more at Gap for Good.
Children's jeans with an elasticated waistband.Slim cut.Drawstring at waist.Belt loops.Classic 5 pockets.Deliberately worn look. Clothing labeled as Gap for Good is made with our planet in mind, so we use natural or recycled materials while trying to reduce the impact of production on water resources. Learn more at Gap for Good.
Slim children's jeansZipper button fasteningBelt loopsSlim fit. This product is part of our Washwell™ water-saving program. Compared to conventional washing methods, Washwell™ has saved millions of liters of water since 2016. Learn more at Gap for Good.
Children's trousers - Color: grey • Material: 100% polyester • Leg length: long trousers • Functional clothing: yes • Suitability for sports: skiing - hiking - winter sports
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Popusti 10%, Akcije, Razprodaje Formalne hlače za fante - Formalne hlače so hlače na črto, nosijo se za bolj formalne in svečane priložnosti. Idealne so za v službo in fakulteto. Imajo raven kroj in narejene so iz srednje debelega materiala. Prihajajo v različnih barvah kot je črna, temno modra, bež, siva, svetlo rjava, prav tako so lahko z vzorci, na primer kockast ali na črte. Material je lahko debelejši in ima lahko teksturo. Hlače na črto se najpogosteje nosijo s srajcami. Barvo srajce, tako kot modne dodatke in obutev, lahko izberete odvisno od priložnosti. Za nekoliko bolj sproščene prilike, kot je delovni dan v službi, lahko izberete hlače svetlejših barv kot je siva ali bež, zraven jih kombinirajte s srajcami zanimivih vzorcev. Na takšno kombinacijo lahko obujete tudi bele superge elegentnejšega stila. Za nekoliko bolj formalne poslovne sestanke rajši izberite klasično črno ali belo srajco in elegantne usnjene čevlje rjave ali črne barve. Črna srajca bo lepo pristajala na sive hlače na črto in črni pas, dokler bo s hlačami diskretnega vzorca najbolje pristajala bela srajca. Za zelo svečane priložnosti kot so poroke, je najboljše izbrati črne hlače na črto. Kombinirajte jih z belo srajco, kravato in črni suknjič. Pri izbiri hlač na črto je najpomembneje paziti na kroj. Hlače vam morajo popolnoma odgovarjati, da bi dobro izgledale. Če so hlače predolge jih je treba skrajšati pri šivilji na idealno dolžino do gležnjev. Izbira materiala in barve bo odvisna od priložnosti, za katero želite nositi hlače na črto. Prav tako pazite na kvaliteto materiala, da bi hlače dalj časa ostale ohranjene.