Description: Children's leggings from the Lets Rock collection made of soft mint fabric. We decorated the right leg with a spectacular patch with the inscription "Lets Rock". The addition of elastane means that leggings adapt perfectly to the body, and the right cut provides the child's comfort of wearing and does not restrict movement during daily activities. The leggings belt is finished with a comfortable useless welt, and from size 74 a comfortable eraser is sewn in. Leggings are produced in Poland. It is worth remembering about them when completing the layette to kindergarten or nursery. The collection also includes red and black leggings. The model in the picture is 102 cm tall and wears size 104.
Children's stretch leggings.Soft stretch knitwear.Elasticated waistband.Full-surface pattern.Made from 96% recycled cotton and elastane. Clothing labeled as Gap for Good is made with our planet in mind, so we use natural or recycled materials while trying to reduce the impact of production on water resources. Learn more at Gap for Good.
Children's stretch leggings.Soft stretch knitwear.Elasticated waistband.Full-surface pattern.Made from 96% recycled cotton and elastane. Clothing made from 100% organic cotton is not only friendly to the environment, but to your skin. No harmful synthetic pesticides or fertilizers are used in cultivation. Learn more at Gap for Good.
Children's sweatpants with a pattern.Elasticated waistband with drawstring.Angled side pockets.Panties with cuffs.7% recycled polyester. Clothing labeled as Gap for Good is made with our planet in mind, so we use natural or recycled materials while trying to reduce the impact of production on water resources. Learn more at Gap for Good.
Drawstring at the waist with elastic band in accordance with European regulations for children's clothing Pockets on the sides Legs finished with welts
Children's wide sweatpants.Elasticated waistband and sloping side pockets.GAP logo in contrasting color.Long and wide legs.Blended with recycled polyester.
Made of soft fleece material, they provide maximum comfort and freedom of movement.Functional drawstrings in the elastic waistband in sizes 2T-5T.Gap logo on the side. Elastic cuffs. Easy dressing thanks to the elastic waistband. Slim fit through hips and thighs.The perfect choice for everyday wear and play.
Comfortable fleece sweatpants made of soft material with an elastic waistband and drawstrings for a perfect fit. Practical side pockets and elastic cuffs on the trousers add functionality and comfort. The iconic Gap logo is on the leg. The pants have a loose fit in the hip and thigh area, ensuring comfortable wear all day.
Children's stretch leggings. Comfortable jersey material. Allover striped print. Our favourite pieces for easy combination. Narrow over hips and thighs. Ideal for leisure and entertainment. Made of soft cotton. Sizes from infants to toddlers.
Children's leggings made of organic cotton.With an admixture of spandex.Elasticated waistband.Soft jersey. Clothing made from 100% organic cotton is not only friendly to the environment, but to your skin. No harmful synthetic pesticides or fertilizers are used in cultivation. Learn more at Gap for Good.
Children's sweatpants. Floral print. Gap logo on the leg. Drawstring on elastic waistband. Pockets in the side seams. Elastic cuffs. Easy dressing thanks to the elastic waistband. Loose around the hips and thighs.
Children's elastic leggings.96% organic cotton.Elasticated waistband and flat pattern. Clothing made from 100% organic cotton is not only friendly to the environment, but to your skin. No harmful synthetic pesticides or fertilizers are used in cultivation. Learn more at Gap for Good.
Puma Pajkice ESS BLOSSOM AOP LEGGING Vijolična Na voljo za dekliško velikost. 9 / 10 Jahre,11 / 12 Jahre,13 / 14 Jahre,15 / 16 Jahre. Deklice > Oblačila > Pajkice
Nazadnje videno
Popusti 10%, Akcije, Razprodaje Pajkice za dekleta - Pajkice so zelo udobno in praktično oblačilo. Takšne ozke raztegljive tights hlače so zelo udobne za nošenje in lahko se nosijo za različne prilike in z različnimi kombinacijami oblačil. Najpogostejša izbira so klasične črne pajkice, čeprav pajkice prihajajo v različnih barvah in vzorcih. Lahko so narejene iz bombaža in elastana, lahko so debelejše ali tanjše. Tanjše pajkice so ponavadi rahlo prozirne, tako da se morajo nositi na daljše tunike ali oblekice. Debelejše pajkice se ponavadi nosijo pozimi, posebne pajkice od debelejšega materiala se nosijo za športne dejavnosti, fitnes ali tek. Pajkice imajo lahko metalik izgled, imajo po sebi lahko bleščice, perlice ali cirkone, dodatke od materiala kot je čipka ali šifon, lahko so pokrite z različnimi vezalkami, trakci ali metuljčki, imajo lahko prozirne dele ali celo efekt usnja. Pajkice, oziroma leggins, so zelo udobne za nošenje in dajejo popolno svobodo gibanja. Zato so odlična izbira za dejavnosti v naravi, za ukvarjanje s športom, plesom in za potovanja, tako kot tudi za vsakodnevne obveznosti, za v službo, šolo ali na fakulteto, za različna druženja in zabave, celo za večerne žure. Posebna vrsta pajkic so tako imenovane treggings pajkice, svojevrstna kombinacija hlačev in pajkic. Narejene so od močnejšega materiala, pogosto imajo žepe kot klasične hlače, tako kot tudi dodatke za pas. Pajkice so zares zelo hvaležen model, ki se lahko kombinira z različnimi oblačili. Klasične pajkice debelejšega ali tanjšega materiala se nosijo na tunike in oblekice. Če so pajkice narejene iz debelejšega materiala, pa so zato neprozirne, ali če gre za treggings pajkice, lahko se nosijo tudi s krajšimi majicami in srajcami. Čez to kombinacijo lahko nataknete dolgi kardigan za jesen ali kimono poleti.